Hello rooters of the world. I'm working on a macro to analyze several data files all being in the same directory. Btw. I'm using v2.23/12 on RH6.1. Now, I want to go through the files one by one. Therefore I wonder if there is a way in ROOT to be able to get hold of the names of files in a directory in succesive order. I tried both with both TSystem's (i.e. gSystem) and TUnixSystem's GetDirEntry(void *dirp), but now luck. What kind of pointers are allowed for 'dirp' in this function call? The description of TUnixSystem::GetDirEntry(..) is the best interpretation of what I want to do: --- const char* GetDirEntry(void *dirp) Get next Unix file system directory entry. Returns 0 if no more entries. --- So, any help from around the world? -------------------------------------------------------------- Jens Ivar Jřrdre, masterstud. in Experimental Nuclear Physics Addr.: Dep. of Phys., UiB, Allégt. 55, N-5007 BERGEN, NORWAY E-mail: JensIvar.Jordre@fi.uib.no, Phone office: (+47)55582734 Web: http://www.fi.uib.no/~jens "Time's fun when you're having flies." -- Kermit the Frog
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