Re: an error of CustomReAlloc2

From: Christoph Plettner (
Date: Fri Mar 03 2000 - 14:23:40 MET


I have had the same experience or problem on AIX4.3 with xlC  moving from
root v2.20 to v2.23. The error occured as soon as I linked my root program
together with classes not being in the ROOT I/O. Especially those
classes with pointers to arrays of doubles or ints as private members
created problems as soon as I tried to touch a TTree later. I have
rewritten these classes being now in the  ROOT I/O with rootcint producing
shared libraries and since then everything works fine.

So long


Christoph Plettner
Institut fuer Kern- und Teilchenphysik      Tel.: 0351/463-3905
Technische Universitaet Dresden             ASB, Raum E9            
Zellescher Weg 19 
D-01069 Dresden

On Fri, 3 Mar 2000, Yongzhao Zhou wrote:

> Hi, Rooters,
> I have a pregram to try to read a file as
>   // --- Open temporary file
>     f = new TFile(kSystem->GetPidFile(),"RECREATE");
>   // --- Creating Tree
>     GAStree    = new TTree("GAS Tree",    DrawTitle);
>   // --- Creating Branch
>     GAStree->Branch("Ntuple", &event, 
>     "t:p1:p2:p3:p4:p5:p6:p7:p8:p9:p10:p11:p12:p13:p14:p15:p16:p17:p18"); 
>   // --- the open and read a file GAS 
> It works on ROOT v2.20 but does not work on ROOT v2.23/12 on AIX 4.3 even
> it has been passed by compiling and linking. The system always gave the
> messages when the program touchs the statement of creating Branch as
> above:
>    <CustomReAlloc2>: passed oldsize 64, should be 0
>    Fatal in <CustomReAlloc2>: storage area overwritten
>    aborting
> What is wrong here? Thanks for someone give me a hand.
> Best,
> ------
> Yongzhao Zhou, KLOE, LNF, INFN, Italy
> Tel:39-06-94032696 Fax:39-06-94032427

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