digest version of roottalk available by email?

From: Les Schaffer (godzilla@netmeg.net)
Date: Fri Mar 03 2000 - 02:31:39 MET

is there a digest version of roottalk available via email?

i'd like to keep up with root stuff, but getting emails individually
is just too much. i know there are digests available on the root web
site, but i much prefer an emailed version of a digest.

if one doesnt exist, is there any chance one could be set up? most
lists i sub to have such a digest, and its immensely easier keeping up
with large numbers of (often threaded) posts.


les schaffer
____        Les Schaffer              ___| --->> Engineering R&D <<---
Theoretical & Applied Mechanics          |  Designspring, Inc. 
Center for Radiophysics & Space Research |  http://www.designspring.com/
Cornell Univ.  schaffer@tam.cornell.edu  |  les@designspring.com

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