Hi rootters, I have a new user here who is following the FNAL tutorials/courses on the web. In 'Getting started with ROOT' (http://www-pat.fnal.gov/root/GettingStarted/GettingStarted.htm) one uses a TTreeViewer to look at a tree. It seems that TTreeViewer is not working or even present anymore: root [0] tv = new TTreeViewer("h21"); Error: No symbol TTreeViewer in current scope FILE:/tmp/08643baa_cint LINE:1 Error: type TTreeViewer not defined FILE:/tmp/08643baa_cint LINE:1 Warning: Automatic variable tv allocated in global scope FILE:/tmp/08643baa_cint LINE:1 Error: Undeclared variable tv FILE:/tmp/08643baa_cint LINE:1 *** Interpreter error recovered *** root [1] .class TTreeViewer Error: class,struct,union or type TTreeViewer not defined FILE: LINE:0 *** Interpreter error recovered *** I can also not find it on the web page. So I suspect that this class has been renamed. I seem to remember something like this happend. However I am myself not used to using these class to view trees because I prefer to perform the looping myself. Can anybody point out what has changed or what we are doing wrong? We are using: Version 2.23/12 1 February 2000. Thanks, Rutger van der Eijk & Iouri Gouz
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