selection in copytree

From: Hans Wenzel (lokal) (
Date: Wed Mar 01 2000 - 17:41:03 MET


would be nice if one could pass a logical function as an argument in
CopyTree. E.g. in the example below i don't like the fact that i have to
hardwire the cut values where i would like to use variables. In addition
the selection might become more complicated. 

newtree =t->fTree->CopyTree("Chiprob>0.01&&Mass>5.129&&Mass<5.429");


Hans Wenzel                         | Phone:(721) 608 3418
Inst. für Experimentelle Kernphysik |       (721) 96453 45
Universität Karlsruhe               | Fax:  (721) 607 262              
.~.   L
Engesserstr. 7                      | email:           
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D-76128 Karlsruhe                   |  
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Germany                             |                                
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