----- Original Message ----- From: Philip M Borawski <bphilip@utdallas.edu> To: <roottalk@pcroot.cern.ch> Sent: 18 февраля 2000 г. 16:21 Subject: Chaining a large number of files > Could somebody please post an example of chaining over a large number of > files without having to list each file manually with > > TChain chain("h1"); > chain.Add("rootfile1.root"); > chain.Add("rootfile2.root"); > > I am a fairly new C++ and ROOT user and am having difficulty understanding > how to do this efficently...is it easier to write the filenames to a file > and just use C++ to read the strings in or can you use ROOT to read > straight from the directory? Perhaps with GetListOfFiles? Any working > example would help me immensely... > Have a look http://www.star.bnl.gov/STAR/html/comp_l/root/html/src/St_FileSet.cxx.html#St_FileSet:St_FileSet You can use a pattern. Valery
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