Dear Rooters, I've got a small problem with the alignment of y-axis labels from a simple TH1-histogram. Aligning the x-axis was easy: Within the canvas I clicked on the x-axis until I got a TAxis::SetLabelFont popup menue and I filled in the number: FontAndJustification = FontID * 10 + Justification number which was 133 in my case, because I wantet Times-New-Roman (FontID 13) and right justification (3). When I started to do the same for the y-axis I failed. Justification 3 rotates the label 90 degrees clockwise and the label isn't parallel to the y-axis anymore (see picture 1). Justification 2, which is "center" leads unfortunatelly to a label, which is not really centered and also not aligned to the top of the y-axis (see picture 2) as long as I use greek symbols and "lower case letters" which I do. Tricks like filling up the line with whitespaces and so on failed. Can somebody help me? All the best / Alles Gute Stephan +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | Stephan Hurling | | | | DESY Telephone: **49 40 8998 3228 | | Group FH1, Build. 1c/162 FAX : **49 40 8998 4385 | | Notkestrasse 85 | | | | D-22607 Hamburg (Germany) e-mail: | | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
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