Dear all somehow i failed in a very simple thing. On a fitted histogram i wanted to overlay another fitted function with the fit to the signal after background subtraction. I wanted to fill the area under the function (lifeufcn) with a different color. Below you find the fraction of my code. p.s. doing it interactively didn't work either (i was using root 2.23.11 and 2.23.12 in linux egcs) cheers hans sigMinuit->mnparm(0, "ctau" , 0.0450, 0.0001, 0,0,ierflg); sigMinuit->mnparm(1, "scale", 1.0 , 0.01, 0,0,ierflg); sigMinuit->SetMaxIterations( 100); sigMinuit->Migrad(); sigMinuit->Command("MIGRAD 100"); TF1 * sigufcn = new TF1("sigufcn",sigfunc,-.2,.3,2); sigufcn->SetParNames("ctau","scale"); sigMinuit->GetParameter(0,parsig[0],errsig[0]); sigMinuit->GetParameter(1,parsig[1],errsig[1]); sigufcn->SetParameters(parsig); c->cd(2); gPad->SetLogy(); ubctauhis->SetOption("PE1"); ubctauhis->SetMarkerColor(2); ubctauhis->SetMarkerSize(0.7); ubctauhis->SetMarkerStyle(22); ubctauhis->SetFillStyle(1001); ubctauhis->Draw("PE1"); sigufcn->SetLineWidth(1); sigufcn->Draw("LSAME"); TF1 * lifeufcn = new TF1("lifeufcn",lifefunc,-.2,.3,2); lifeufcn->SetParNames("ctau","scale"); lifeufcn->SetParameters(parsig); lifeufcn->SetFillColor(38); lifeufcn->SetFillStyle(1001); lifeufcn->SetLineWidth(1); lifeufcn->Draw("LSAME"); -- ________________________________________________________________________________ Hans Wenzel | Phone:(721) 608 3418 Inst. für Experimentelle Kernphysik | (721) 96453 45 (home) Universität Karlsruhe | Fax: (721) 607 262 .~. L Engesserstr. 7 | email: /V\ I D-76128 Karlsruhe | // \\ N Germany | /( )\ U ______________________________________________________________________ ^`~'^__X_
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