RE:CINT Problem with 3dim Arrays?

From: Masaharu Goto (
Date: Mon Jan 17 2000 - 13:33:01 MET

Hello Constantin,

This is one of cint limitation. Here are a couple of workarounds.

# WORKAROUND1, using dynamic array allocation feature 
 Cint allows to allocate dynamic array if declared in command line or
 unnamed macro. Using this feature, your macro can be simply written
 as follows.  

   float *x;
   int i,j,k;
   int fnummer=5;
   int kappanr=10;
   int tnr=20;
   // dynamic array can be allocated only within unnamed macro
   float y[fnummer][kappanr][tnr];
   x=new float[tnr];
   for(i=0;i<tnr;i++) x[i]=i;
     for(j=0;j<kappanr;j++) {
         y[i][j][k]= i*10000+j*100+k;
         printf("%f ",y[i][j][k]);
   printf("test finished\n");
     for(j=0;j<kappanr;j++) {
         if(y[i][j][k] != i*10000+j*100+k) printf("error\n");
   printf("test finished\n");

# WORKAROUND2, using temp pointer
  If you want the code to be both compiled and interpreted, you need to
  use temp pointer variable as follows. 

   float *x;
   float ***y,**ppy,*py;
   int i,j,k;
   int fnummer=5;
   int kappanr=10;
   int tnr=20;
   x=new float[tnr];
   for(i=0;i<tnr;i++) x[i]=i;
   y=new float**[fnummer];
     y[i]=new float*[kappanr];
     ppy = y[i];
     for(j=0;j<kappanr;j++) {
       ppy[j] =new float[tnr];
       py = ppy[j];
         py[k] = i*10000+j*100+k;
         printf("%f ",py[k]);
   printf("test finished\n");
     ppy = y[i];
     for(j=0;j<kappanr;j++) {
       py = ppy[j];
         if(py[k] != i*10000+j*100+k) printf("error\n");
   printf("test finished\n");

Thank you
Masaharu Goto

>it seems, that CINT can't handle the following piece of code:
>   float *x;
>   float ***y;
>   int i,j,k;
>   int fnummer=5;
>   int kappanr=10;
>   int tnr=20;
>   x=new float[tnr];
>   for(i=0;i<tnr;i++) x[i]=i;
>   y=new float**[fnummer];
>   for(i=0;i<fnummer;i++){
>    y[i]=new float*[kappanr];
>        for(j=0;j<kappanr;j++)
>        {
>         y[i][j]=new float[tnr];
>     for(k=0;k<tnr;k++){
>          y[i][j][k]=0;
>          printf("%f ",y[i][j][k]);
>         }
>        }
>   }   
>   printf("test finished\n");
>The code works perfectly with gcc 2.91. I am using
>CINT which came with  
>Root Version   2.20/06  18 December 1998.
>Is there anything I can do to make that run?
>C. Loizides
>Institut fuer Theoretische Physik
>Tel: +49-69-798-22552

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