Hi Mike, In the following macro, I show two examples. Rene Brun { gROOT->Reset(); //method1. compute ymax to get a commensurate range // 1 pixel must correspond to the same range in x and y TCanvas c1("c1","c1",10,10,800,600); Float_t xmin = 0; Float_t xmax = 20; Float_t ymin = -2; Int_t npx = gPad->GetWw(); Int_t npy = gPad->GetWh(); Float_t ymax = ymin + (xmax-xmin)*npy/npx; TH2F h("h","",20,xmin,xmax,20,ymin,ymax); h.Draw(); TArc a1(6,4,6); a1.Draw(); //method2. set a square virtual canvas size in a non-square canvas TCanvas c2("c2","c2",200,50,800,600); c2.SetCanvasSize(700,700); c2.DrawFrame(0,0,20,20); TArc a2(10,10,10); a2.Draw(); } On 14 Jan 2000, Mike Miller wrote: > >>>>> "Rene" == Rene Brun <Rene.Brun@cern.ch> writes: > > > Hi Mike, Could you clarify what you want ? In TH1 and > > derived classes, you can specify an array of bin positions > > if you like (default being equidistant bins). > > > Mike Miller wrote: > >> Is there an option that can be set so that 2d histograms > >> are drawn with commensurate axes? > > This is not a question of defining the histogram, but of how it > is displayed on a canvas. I'd like to automate things so that > h.Draw() gives me a plot on a canvas such that the horizontal and > vertical scales are commensurate. For example, if my histogram > is defined like as TH2F("hist","",10,0,10,20,0.0,20.0) when it is > plotted on the canvas, the horizontal size will be half that of > the vertical size. So I guess my question is really about how to > specify the size of a histogram when it is drawn on a canvas? > > Mike >
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