Hi Alexey, a way around it may be to have in every directory where you run root a copy of .rootrc. In each local copy you can now set the location of the history file by changing the resource: Rint.History: $(HOME)/.root_hist Another more dynamic solution could be to have in your rootlogon.C something like: { gEnv->SetValue("Rint.History", "/tmp/aap.hist"); } Of course the string "/tmp/aap.hist" could be created depending on the name of the current directory, etc. Cheers, Fons. > In root, every time you enter a command it is put into some sort of log, > and then can be seen (and used again) by pressing the up arrow. > > However, if you run more than one instance of root, all of the commands > are stuffed in the same log. For example, when I run an interactive root > session in one window, and a script in another, the text of the script > gets inserted in between the commands of the interactive session. > This use of a single log prevents the user from taking full advantage of > the log in more than one session at a time. > > I think that it woud make root much more convenient if a modification that > either uses separate logs for each session, or somehow suppresses the > isertion of script code into the single log was made. > Thank You > Alexey > -- Org: CERN, European Laboratory for Particle Physics. Mail: 1211 Geneve 23, Switzerland E-Mail: Fons.Rademakers@cern.ch Phone: +41 22 7679248 WWW: http://root.cern.ch/~rdm/ Fax: +41 22 7677910
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