Dear Rooters, I've got the following problem: A colleague of mine created a file for calorimeter calibration with ROOT version 2.22.10. He introduced a TClonesArray containing a class "RootVlqCaloCluster" containing itself a normal standart C-array "Float_t ChannelEnergies[168];" . So far so good. Now we try to open his file and we get different results with different versions of ROOT. See the output from an interactive session with ROOT 2.22.10: Initialising finished. root [0] gSystem.Load(""); root [1] TFile *f1 = new TFile("/h1wgs/naxos/x03/usr/nix/CalibrationSample1/CalibData1.root"); root [2] TTree *mytree = (TTree*)f1->Get("T"); root [3] mytree->SetBranchStatus("CaloCluster",1); root [4] TClonesArray* rootVlqCaloCluster = new TClonesArray("RootVlqCaloCluster", 1); root [5] TBranchClones *calo = (TBranchClones*) mytree->GetBranch("CaloCluster"); root [6] calo ->SetAddress(&rootVlqCaloCluster); root [7] mytree->GetEvent(5); root [8] printf("rootVlqCaloCluster->GetLast() %d\n",rootVlqCaloCluster->GetLast()); rootVlqCaloCluster->GetLast() 0 <-------- AHA, ONE RESULT IN ARRAY! root [9] RootVlqCaloCluster *caloclus = (RootVlqCaloCluster*)rootVlqCaloCluster->At(0); root [10] printf("ChannelEnergies[59] %f\n",caloclus->ChannelEnergies[59]); ChannelEnergies[59] -0.018854 <-------- RIGHT RESULT, ONLY NOISE! Ok, that's what we want so see also with ROOT 2.23.10. New Session, new lib: Initialising finished. root [0] gSystem.Load(""); root [1] TFile *f1 = new TFile("/h1wgs/naxos/x03/usr/nix/CalibrationSample1/CalibData1.root"); root [2] TTree *mytree = (TTree*)f1->Get("T"); root [3] mytree->SetBranchStatus("CaloCluster",1); Error in <TTree::SetBranchStatus>: unknown branch -> CaloCluster <---- OOOPS, WHY NOT ? root [4] TClonesArray* rootVlqCaloCluster = new TClonesArray("RootVlqCaloCluster", 1); root [5] TBranchClones *calo = (TBranchClones*) mytree->GetBranch("CaloCluster"); root [6] calo ->SetAddress(&rootVlqCaloCluster); root [7] mytree->GetEvent(5); root [8] printf("rootVlqCaloCluster->GetLast() %d\n",rootVlqCaloCluster->GetLast()); rootVlqCaloCluster->GetLast() 0 <---- AHA, ONE RESULT AGAIN! root [9] RootVlqCaloCluster *caloclus = (RootVlqCaloCluster*)rootVlqCaloCluster->At(0); root [10] printf("ChannelEnergies[59] %f\n",caloclus->ChannelEnergies[59]); ChannelEnergies[59] 0.000000 <---- WRONG RESULT! I'm pretty shure we've done something wrong, but at the moment, we're too blind to see it. For that reason our macros deliver wrong results. Can anybody help? Has the file format changed? The used code for the example above resides in /afs/ Many thanks for your help!! All the best / Alles Gute Stephan +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | Stephan Hurling | | | | DESY Telephone: **49 40 8998 3228 | | Group FH1, Build. 1c/162 FAX : **49 40 8998 4385 | | Notkestrasse 85 | | | | D-22607 Hamburg (Germany) e-mail: | | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
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