// Draw the Greek letters as a table and save the result as GIF, PS, PDF
// and SVG files.
// Lowercase Greek letters are obtained by adding a # to the name of the letter.
// For an uppercase Greek letter, just capitalize the first letter of the
// command name. Some letter have two representations. The name of the
// second one (the "variation") starts with "var".
//Author: Rene Brun
void latex4() {
TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("greek","greek",600,700);
TLatex l;
// Draw the columns titles
l.DrawLatex(0.165, 0.95, "Lower case");
l.DrawLatex(0.495, 0.95, "Upper case");
l.DrawLatex(0.825, 0.95, "Variations");
// Draw the lower case letters
float y, x1, x2;
y = 0.90; x1 = 0.07; x2 = x1+0.2;
l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "alpha : ") ; l.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#alpha");
y -= 0.0375 ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "beta : ") ; l.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#beta");
y -= 0.0375 ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "gamma : ") ; l.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#gamma");
y -= 0.0375 ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "delta : ") ; l.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#delta");
y -= 0.0375 ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "epsilon : ") ; l.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#epsilon");
y -= 0.0375 ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "zeta : ") ; l.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#zeta");
y -= 0.0375 ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "eta : ") ; l.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#eta");
y -= 0.0375 ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "theta : ") ; l.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#theta");
y -= 0.0375 ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "iota : ") ; l.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#iota");
y -= 0.0375 ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "kappa : ") ; l.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#kappa");
y -= 0.0375 ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "lambda : ") ; l.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#lambda");
y -= 0.0375 ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "mu : ") ; l.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#mu");
y -= 0.0375 ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "nu : ") ; l.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#nu");
y -= 0.0375 ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "xi : ") ; l.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#xi");
y -= 0.0375 ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "omicron : ") ; l.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#omicron");
y -= 0.0375 ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "pi : ") ; l.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#pi");
y -= 0.0375 ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "rho : ") ; l.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#rho");
y -= 0.0375 ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "sigma : ") ; l.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#sigma");
y -= 0.0375 ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "tau : ") ; l.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#tau");
y -= 0.0375 ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "upsilon : ") ; l.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#upsilon");
y -= 0.0375 ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "phi : ") ; l.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#phi");
y -= 0.0375 ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "chi : ") ; l.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#chi");
y -= 0.0375 ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "psi : ") ; l.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#psi");
y -= 0.0375 ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "omega : ") ; l.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#omega");
// Draw the upper case letters
y = 0.90; x1 = 0.40; x2 = x1+0.2;
l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "Alpha : ") ; l.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#Alpha");
y -= 0.0375 ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "Beta : ") ; l.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#Beta");
y -= 0.0375 ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "Gamma : ") ; l.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#Gamma");
y -= 0.0375 ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "Delta : ") ; l.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#Delta");
y -= 0.0375 ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "Epsilon : ") ; l.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#Epsilon");
y -= 0.0375 ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "Zeta : ") ; l.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#Zeta");
y -= 0.0375 ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "Eta : ") ; l.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#Eta");
y -= 0.0375 ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "Theta : ") ; l.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#Theta");
y -= 0.0375 ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "Iota : ") ; l.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#Iota");
y -= 0.0375 ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "Kappa : ") ; l.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#Kappa");
y -= 0.0375 ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "Lambda : ") ; l.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#Lambda");
y -= 0.0375 ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "Mu : ") ; l.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#Mu");
y -= 0.0375 ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "Nu : ") ; l.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#Nu");
y -= 0.0375 ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "Xi : ") ; l.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#Xi");
y -= 0.0375 ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "Omicron : ") ; l.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#Omicron");
y -= 0.0375 ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "Pi : ") ; l.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#Pi");
y -= 0.0375 ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "Rho : ") ; l.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#Rho");
y -= 0.0375 ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "Sigma : ") ; l.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#Sigma");
y -= 0.0375 ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "Tau : ") ; l.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#Tau");
y -= 0.0375 ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "Upsilon : ") ; l.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#Upsilon");
y -= 0.0375 ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "Phi : ") ; l.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#Phi");
y -= 0.0375 ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "Chi : ") ; l.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#Chi");
y -= 0.0375 ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "Psi : ") ; l.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#Psi");
y -= 0.0375 ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "Omega : ") ; l.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#Omega");
// Draw the variations
x1 = 0.73; x2 = x1+0.2;
y = 0.7500 ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "varepsilon : ") ; l.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#varepsilon");
y = 0.6375 ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "vartheta : ") ; l.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#vartheta");
y = 0.2625 ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "varsigma : ") ; l.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#varsigma");
y = 0.1875 ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "varUpsilon : ") ; l.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#varUpsilon");
y = 0.1500 ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "varphi : ") ; l.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#varphi");
y = 0.0375 ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "varomega : ") ; l.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#varomega");
// Save the picture in various formats