ROOT Tutorials
graphics: Basic Graphics
ROOT Tutorials: Histograms
1. ContourList.C
Getting Contours From TH2D
2. DynamicSlice.C
Show the slice of a TH2 following the mouse position
3. FirstContour.C
make a contour plot and get the first contour in a TPolyMarker
4. draw2dopt.C
display the various 2-d drawing options
5. exec2.C
echo object at mouse position and show a graphics line
6. fillrandom.C
Fill a 1-D histogram from a parametric function
7. greyscale.C
Create grey scale of nxn boxes.
8. h1draw.C
1-D histogram drawing options
9. hbars.C
Example of bar charts with 1-d histograms
10. hksimple.C
Illustrates the advantages of a TH1K histogram
11. hlabels1.C
1-D histograms with alphanumeric labels
12. hlabels2.C
2-D histograms with alphanumeric labels
13. hstack.C
Example of stacked histograms: class THStack
14. hsum.C
histograms filled and drawn in a loop
15. hsumTimer.C
demo of Timers
16. logscales.C
Draw parametric functions with log scales
17. multicolor.C
Use a THStack to show a 2-D hist with cells with different colors
18. ratioplot.C
Example displaying two histograms and their ratio.
19. rebin.C
this tutorial illustrates how to:
20. reverseaxis.C
Example showing an histogram with reverse axis.
21. sparsehist.C
Evaluate the performance of THnSparse vs TH1/2/3/nF
22. th2polyBoxes.C
This tutorial illustrates how to create an histogram with polygonal
23. th2polyEurope.C
This tutorial illustrates how to create an histogram with polygonal
24. th2polyHoneycomb.C
This tutorial illustrates how to create an histogram with hexagonal
25. th2polyUSA.C
This tutorial illustrates how to create an histogram with polygonal
26. transpad.C
Example of a canvas showing two histograms with different scales.
27. twoscales.C
example of macro illustrating how to superimpose two histograms