// @(#)root/gviz3d:$Id$ // Author: Tomasz Sosnicki 18/09/09 /************************************************************************ * Copyright (C) 1995-2009, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #include "TStructNode.h" #include <TList.h> #include <TGeoManager.h> ClassImp(TStructNode); //________________________________________________________________________ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // TStructNode - class which represent a node. Node has all information // about some pointer. It keeps information such as name of object, type, // size of pointers class, size of node and daughter nodes, number of child // nodes. It is also used to store information needed to draw TGeoVolume. // It is for example x, y and z coordinates. // Condition fVisible tells us that node is visible and should be drawn. // fCollapsed tells us that we can see daughter nodes. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EScalingType TStructNode::fgScalBy = kMembers; //________________________________________________________________________ TStructNode::TStructNode(TString name, TString typeName, void* pointer, TStructNode* parent, ULong_t size, ENodeType type) { // Constructs node with name "name" of class "typeName" and given parent "parent" which represents pointer "pointer". // Size of node is set to "size" and type is set to "type" fName = name; fTypeName = typeName; fTotalSize = fSize = size; fMembers = new TList(); fMembersCount = fAllMembersCount = 1; fLevel = 1; fX = fY = fWidth = fHeight = 0; fParent = parent; if (parent) { fLevel = parent->GetLevel()+1; parent->fMembers->Add(this); } fNodeType = type; fPointer = pointer; fCollapsed = false; fVisible = false; fMaxLevel = 3; fMaxObjects = 100; } //________________________________________________________________________ TStructNode::~TStructNode() { // Destructs list of nodes delete fMembers; } //________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TStructNode::Compare(const TObject* obj) const { // Overrided method. Compare to objects of TStructNode class. TStructNode* node = (TStructNode*)obj; if (GetVolume() < node->GetVolume()) { return -1; } if(GetVolume() > node->GetVolume()) { return 1; } if (this > node) { return 1; } if (this < node) { return -1; } return 0; } //________________________________________________________________________ ULong_t TStructNode::GetAllMembersCount() const { // Returns number of all members in node return fAllMembersCount; } //________________________________________________________________________ Float_t TStructNode::GetCenter() const { // Returns center of outlining box on x-axis return (fX + fWidth /2); } //________________________________________________________________________ Float_t TStructNode::GetHeight() const { // Returns height of outlining box return fHeight; } //________________________________________________________________________ UInt_t TStructNode::GetLevel() const { // Returns actual level of node return fLevel; } //________________________________________________________________________ const char* TStructNode::GetName() const { // Returns name of object return fName.Data(); } //________________________________________________________________________ ENodeType TStructNode::GetNodeType() const { // Returns type of node return fNodeType; } //________________________________________________________________________ UInt_t TStructNode::GetMaxLevel() const { // Returns maximum number of leves displayed when the node is top node on scene return fMaxLevel; } //________________________________________________________________________ UInt_t TStructNode::GetMaxObjects() const { // Returns maximum number of objects displayed when the node is top node on scene return fMaxObjects; } //________________________________________________________________________ TList* TStructNode::GetMembers() const { // Returns list with pointers to daughter nodes. return fMembers; } //________________________________________________________________________ ULong_t TStructNode::GetMembersCount() const { // Returns numbers of members of node return fMembersCount; } //________________________________________________________________________ Float_t TStructNode::GetMiddle() const { // Returns center of outlining box on y-axis return (fY + fHeight/2); } //________________________________________________________________________ TStructNode* TStructNode::GetParent() const { // Returns pointer to parent node return fParent; } //________________________________________________________________________ void* TStructNode::GetPointer() const { // Returns main pointer return fPointer; } //________________________________________________________________________ ULong_t TStructNode::GetRelativeMembersCount() const { // Returns relative numbers of members. If node is collapsed, then method returns number of all members, // it's node and its daughters, otherwise it returns number of members of node if (fCollapsed) { return fAllMembersCount; } return fMembersCount; } //________________________________________________________________________ ULong_t TStructNode::GetRelativeSize() const { // Returns relative size of node. If node is collapsed, then function returns size of node and dauthers, // otherwise returns size of node only. if (fCollapsed) { return fTotalSize; } return fSize; } //________________________________________________________________________ ULong_t TStructNode::GetRelativeVolume() const { // Returns size or number of members. If ScaleBy is set to kMembers and node is collapsed, then it // returns all number of members. If node isn't collapsed it returns number of members. // If Scaleby is set to kSize and node is collapsed, then it returns total size of node and daughters, // else it returns size of node, otherwise it returns 0. if (fgScalBy == kMembers) { if (fCollapsed) { return GetAllMembersCount(); } else { return GetMembersCount(); } } else if (fgScalBy == kSize) { if (fCollapsed) { return GetTotalSize(); } else { return GetSize(); } } else { return 0; } } //________________________________________________________________________ Float_t TStructNode::GetRelativeVolumeRatio() { // Returns ratio - relative volume to area taken by utlining box. return ((Float_t)(GetRelativeVolume())/(fWidth*fHeight)); } //________________________________________________________________________ ULong_t TStructNode::GetSize() const { // Returns size of node return fSize; } //________________________________________________________________________ ULong_t TStructNode::GetTotalSize() const { // Returns total size of allocated memory in bytes return fTotalSize; } //________________________________________________________________________ TString TStructNode::GetTypeName() const { // Returns name of class return fTypeName; } //________________________________________________________________________ ULong_t TStructNode::GetVolume() const { // Returns size or number of members. If ScaleBy is set to kMembers it returns all number of members. // If Scaleby is set to kSize then it returns total size of node and daughters, otherwise it returns 0. if (fgScalBy == kMembers) { return GetAllMembersCount(); } else if (fgScalBy == kSize) { return GetTotalSize(); } else { return 0; } } //________________________________________________________________________ Float_t TStructNode::GetVolumeRatio() { // Returns ratio - volme of node to area taken by outlining box return ((Float_t)(GetVolume())/(fWidth*fHeight)); } //________________________________________________________________________ Float_t TStructNode::GetWidth() const { // Returns width of outlining box return fWidth; } //________________________________________________________________________ Float_t TStructNode::GetX() const { // Returns X coordinate return fX; } //________________________________________________________________________ Float_t TStructNode::GetY() const { // Returns Y coordinate return fY; } //________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TStructNode::IsCollapsed() const { // Returns true if node is colllapsed return fCollapsed; } //________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TStructNode::IsSortable() const { // Returns true, because we have overrided method Compare return kTRUE; } //________________________________________________________________________ bool TStructNode::IsVisible() const { // Returns true if node is visible return fVisible; } //________________________________________________________________________ void TStructNode::SetAllMembersCount(ULong_t number) { // Sets numbers of all members to "number" fAllMembersCount = number; } //________________________________________________________________________ void TStructNode::SetCollapsed(Bool_t collapse) { // Sets collapsing of node to "collapse" fCollapsed = collapse; } //________________________________________________________________________ void TStructNode::SetHeight(Float_t val) { // Sets width of outlining box to "w" fHeight = val; } //________________________________________________________________________ void TStructNode::SetMaxLevel(UInt_t level) { // Sets maximum number of leves displayed when the node is top node on scene fMaxLevel = level; } //________________________________________________________________________ void TStructNode::SetMaxObjects(UInt_t max) { // Sets maximum number of objects displayed when the node is top node on scene fMaxObjects = max; } //________________________________________________________________________ void TStructNode::SetMembers(TList* list) { // Sets list of dauther nodes to "list" fMembers = list; } //________________________________________________________________________ void TStructNode::SetMembersCount(ULong_t number) { // Sets number of members to "number" fMembersCount = number; } //________________________________________________________________________ void TStructNode::SetNodeType(ENodeType type) { // Sets type of node to "type" fNodeType = type; } //________________________________________________________________________ void TStructNode::SetPointer(void* pointer) { // Sets main pointer to "pointer" fPointer = pointer; } //________________________________________________________________________ void TStructNode::SetScaleBy(EScalingType type) { // Sets scaling by to "type" fgScalBy = type; } //________________________________________________________________________ void TStructNode::SetSize(ULong_t size) { // Sets size of node to "size" fSize = size; } //________________________________________________________________________ void TStructNode::SetTotalSize(ULong_t size) { // Sets total size of allocated memory in bytes to value "size" fTotalSize = size; } //________________________________________________________________________ void TStructNode::SetVisible(bool visible) { // Sets visibility of node to "visible" fVisible = visible; } //________________________________________________________________________ void TStructNode::SetWidth(Float_t w) { // Sets width of outlining box to "w" fWidth = w; } //________________________________________________________________________ void TStructNode::SetX(Float_t x) { // Sets X coordinate to "x" fX = x; } //________________________________________________________________________ void TStructNode::SetY(Float_t y) { // Sets Y coordinate to "y" fY = y; }