// RooStudyManager is a utility class to manage studies that consist of
// repeated applications of generate-and-fit operations on a workspace
#include "RooFit.h"
#include "Riostream.h"
#include "RooStudyManager.h"
#include "RooWorkspace.h"
#include "RooAbsStudy.h"
#include "RooDataSet.h"
#include "RooMsgService.h"
#include "RooStudyPackage.h"
#include "TTree.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TRegexp.h"
#include "TKey.h"
#include <string>
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TSystem.h"
using namespace std ;
RooStudyManager::RooStudyManager(RooWorkspace& w)
_pkg = new RooStudyPackage(w) ;
RooStudyManager::RooStudyManager(RooWorkspace& w, RooAbsStudy& study)
_pkg = new RooStudyPackage(w) ;
_pkg->addStudy(study) ;
RooStudyManager::RooStudyManager(const char* studyPackFileName)
string pwd = gDirectory->GetName() ;
TFile *f = new TFile(studyPackFileName) ;
_pkg = dynamic_cast<RooStudyPackage*>(f->Get("studypack")) ;
gDirectory->cd(Form("%s:",pwd.c_str())) ;
void RooStudyManager::addStudy(RooAbsStudy& study)
_pkg->addStudy(study) ;
void RooStudyManager::run(Int_t nExperiments)
_pkg->driver(nExperiments) ;
void RooStudyManager::runProof(Int_t nExperiments, const char* proofHost, Bool_t showGui)
coutP(Generation) << "RooStudyManager::runProof(" << GetName() << ") opening PROOF session" << endl ;
void* p = (void*) gROOT->ProcessLineFast(Form("TProof::Open(\"%s\")",proofHost)) ;
if (p==0) {
coutE(Generation) << "RooStudyManager::runProof(" << GetName() << ") ERROR initializing proof, aborting" << endl ;
return ;
if (!showGui) {
gROOT->ProcessLineFast(Form("((TProof*)%p)->SetProgressDialog(0) ;",p)) ;
coutP(Generation) << "RooStudyManager::runProof(" << GetName() << ") sending work package to PROOF servers" << endl ;
gROOT->ProcessLineFast(Form("((TProof*)%p)->AddInput((TObject*)%p) ;",p,(void*)_pkg) ) ;
coutP(Generation) << "RooStudyManager::runProof(" << GetName() << ") starting PROOF processing of " << nExperiments << " experiments" << endl ;
gROOT->ProcessLineFast(Form("((TProof*)%p)->Process(\"RooProofDriverSelector\",%d) ;",p,nExperiments)) ;
coutP(Generation) << "RooStudyManager::runProof(" << GetName() << ") aggregating results data" << endl ;
TList* olist = (TList*) gROOT->ProcessLineFast(Form("((TProof*)%p)->GetOutputList()",p)) ;
aggregateData(olist) ;
coutP(Generation) << "RooStudyManager::runProof(" << GetName() << ") cleaning up input list" << endl ;
gROOT->ProcessLineFast(Form("((TProof*)%p)->GetInputList()->Remove((TObject*)%p) ;",p,(void*)_pkg) ) ;
void RooStudyManager::closeProof(Option_t *option)
if (gROOT->GetListOfProofs()->LastIndex() != -1 && gROOT->ProcessLineFast("gProof;"))
gROOT->ProcessLineFast(Form("gProof->Close(\"%s\") ;",option)) ;
gROOT->ProcessLineFast("gProof->CloseProgressDialog() ;") ;
if (gROOT->GetListOfProofs()->LastIndex() != -1 && gROOT->ProcessLineFast("gProof;")) {
gROOT->ProcessLineFast("delete gProof ;") ;
} else {
ooccoutI((TObject*)NULL,Generation) << "RooStudyManager: No global Proof objects. No connections closed." << endl ;
void RooStudyManager::prepareBatchInput(const char* studyName, Int_t nExpPerJob, Bool_t unifiedInput=kFALSE)
TFile f(Form("study_data_%s.root",studyName),"RECREATE") ;
_pkg->Write("studypack") ;
f.Close() ;
if (unifiedInput) {
ofstream bdr(Form("study_driver_%s.sh",studyName)) ;
bdr << "#!/bin/sh" << endl
<< Form("if [ ! -f study_data_%s.root ] ; then",studyName) << endl
<< "uudecode <<EOR" << endl ;
bdr.close() ;
gSystem->Exec(Form("cat study_data_%s.root | uuencode -m study_data_%s.root >> study_driver_%s.sh",studyName,studyName,studyName)) ;
ofstream bdr2 (Form("study_driver_%s.sh",studyName),ios::app) ;
bdr2 << "EOR" << endl
<< "fi" << endl
<< "root -l -b <<EOR" << endl
<< Form("RooStudyPackage::processFile(\"%s\",%d) ;",studyName,nExpPerJob) << endl
<< ".q" << endl
<< "EOR" << endl ;
gSystem->Unlink(Form("study_data_%s.root",studyName)) ;
coutI(DataHandling) << "RooStudyManager::prepareBatchInput batch driver file is '" << Form("study_driver_%s.sh",studyName) << "," << endl
<< " input data files is embedded in driver script" << endl ;
} else {
ofstream bdr(Form("study_driver_%s.sh",studyName)) ;
bdr << "#!/bin/sh" << endl
<< "root -l -b <<EOR" << endl
<< Form("RooStudyPackage::processFile(\"%s\",%d) ;",studyName,nExpPerJob) << endl
<< ".q" << endl
<< "EOR" << endl ;
coutI(DataHandling) << "RooStudyManager::prepareBatchInput batch driver file is '" << Form("study_driver_%s.sh",studyName) << "," << endl
<< " input data file is " << Form("study_data_%s.root",studyName) << endl ;
void RooStudyManager::processBatchOutput(const char* filePat)
list<string> flist ;
expandWildCardSpec(filePat,flist) ;
TList olist ;
for (list<string>::iterator iter = flist.begin() ; iter!=flist.end() ; ++iter) {
coutP(DataHandling) << "RooStudyManager::processBatchOutput() now reading file " << *iter << endl ;
TFile f(iter->c_str()) ;
TList* list = f.GetListOfKeys() ;
TIterator* kiter = list->MakeIterator();
TObject* obj ;
TKey* key ;
while((key=(TKey*)kiter->Next())) {
obj = f.Get(key->GetName()) ;
TObject* clone = obj->Clone(obj->GetName()) ;
olist.Add(clone) ;
delete kiter ;
aggregateData(&olist) ;
olist.Delete() ;
void RooStudyManager::aggregateData(TList* olist)
for (list<RooAbsStudy*>::iterator iter=_pkg->studies().begin() ; iter!=_pkg->studies().end() ; iter++) {
(*iter)->aggregateSummaryOutput(olist) ;
void RooStudyManager::expandWildCardSpec(const char* name, list<string>& result)
if (!TString(name).MaybeWildcard()) {
result.push_back(name) ;
return ;
TString basename(name);
Int_t dotslashpos = -1;
Int_t next_dot = basename.Index(".root");
while(next_dot>=0) {
dotslashpos = next_dot;
next_dot = basename.Index(".root",dotslashpos+1);
if (basename[dotslashpos+5]!='/') {
dotslashpos = -1;
TString behind_dot_root;
if (dotslashpos>=0) {
behind_dot_root = basename(dotslashpos+6,basename.Length()-dotslashpos+6);
Int_t slashpos = basename.Last('/');
TString directory;
if (slashpos>=0) {
directory = basename(0,slashpos);
} else {
directory = gSystem->UnixPathName(gSystem->WorkingDirectory());
const char *file;
void *dir = gSystem->OpenDirectory(gSystem->ExpandPathName(directory.Data()));
if (dir) {
TList l;
TRegexp re(basename,kTRUE);
while ((file = gSystem->GetDirEntry(dir))) {
if (!strcmp(file,".") || !strcmp(file,"..")) continue;
TString s = file;
if ( (basename!=file) && s.Index(re) == kNPOS) continue;
l.Add(new TObjString(file));
TIter next(&l);
TObjString *obj;
while ((obj = (TObjString*)next())) {
file = obj->GetName();
if (behind_dot_root.Length() != 0)
result.push_back(Form("%s/%s/%s",directory.Data(),file,behind_dot_root.Data())) ;
result.push_back(Form("%s/%s",directory.Data(),file)) ;