#include "RooStats/HistFactory/Channel.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TTimeStamp.h"
#include "RooStats/HistFactory/HistFactoryException.h"
using namespace std;
RooStats::HistFactory::Channel::Channel() :
fName( "" )
RooStats::HistFactory::Channel::Channel(const Channel& other) :
fName( other.fName ),
fInputFile( other.fInputFile ),
fHistoPath( other.fHistoPath ),
fData( other.fData ),
fAdditionalData( other.fAdditionalData ),
fStatErrorConfig( other.fStatErrorConfig ),
fSamples( other.fSamples )
{ ; }
RooStats::HistFactory::Channel::Channel(std::string ChanName, std::string ChanInputFile) :
fName( ChanName ), fInputFile( ChanInputFile )
namespace RooStats{
namespace HistFactory{
Channel BadChannel;
void RooStats::HistFactory::Channel::AddSample( RooStats::HistFactory::Sample sample )
sample.SetChannelName( GetName() );
fSamples.push_back( sample );
void RooStats::HistFactory::Channel::Print( std::ostream& stream ) {
stream << "\t Channel Name: " << fName
<< "\t InputFile: " << fInputFile
<< std::endl;
stream << "\t Data:" << std::endl;
fData.Print( stream );
stream << "\t statErrorConfig:" << std::endl;
fStatErrorConfig.Print( stream );
if( fSamples.size() != 0 ) {
stream << "\t Samples: " << std::endl;
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < fSamples.size(); ++i ) {
fSamples.at(i).Print( stream );
stream << "\t End of Channel " << fName << std::endl;
void RooStats::HistFactory::Channel::PrintXML( std::string directory, std::string prefix ) {
std::cout << "Printing XML Files for channel: " << GetName() << std::endl;
std::string XMLName = prefix + fName + ".xml";
if( directory != "" ) XMLName = directory + "/" + XMLName;
ofstream xml( XMLName.c_str() );
xml << "<!--" << std::endl;
xml << "This xml file created automatically on: " << std::endl;
TTimeStamp t;
UInt_t year = 0;
UInt_t month = 0;
UInt_t day = 0;
t.GetDate(true, 0, &year, &month, &day);
xml << year << '-'
<< month << '-'
<< day
<< std::endl;
xml << "-->" << std::endl;
xml << "<!DOCTYPE Channel SYSTEM 'HistFactorySchema.dtd'> " << std::endl << std::endl;
xml << " <Channel Name=\"" << fName << "\" InputFile=\"" << fInputFile << "\" >" << std::endl << std::endl;
fData.PrintXML( xml );
fStatErrorConfig.PrintXML( xml );
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < fSamples.size(); ++i ) {
fSamples.at(i).PrintXML( xml );
xml << std::endl << std::endl;
xml << std::endl;
xml << " </Channel> " << std::endl;
std::cout << "Finished printing XML files" << std::endl;
void RooStats::HistFactory::Channel::SetData( std::string DataHistoName, std::string DataInputFile, std::string DataHistoPath ) {
fData.SetHistoName( DataHistoName );
fData.SetInputFile( DataInputFile );
fData.SetHistoPath( DataHistoPath );
void RooStats::HistFactory::Channel::SetData( TH1* hData ) {
fData.SetHisto( hData );
void RooStats::HistFactory::Channel::SetData( double val ) {
std::string DataHistName = fName + "_data";
TH1F* hData = new TH1F( DataHistName.c_str(), DataHistName.c_str(), 1, 0, 1 );
hData->SetBinContent( 1, val );
SetData( hData );
void RooStats::HistFactory::Channel::SetStatErrorConfig( double StatRelErrorThreshold, Constraint::Type StatConstraintType ) {
fStatErrorConfig.SetRelErrorThreshold( StatRelErrorThreshold );
fStatErrorConfig.SetConstraintType( StatConstraintType );
void RooStats::HistFactory::Channel::SetStatErrorConfig( double StatRelErrorThreshold, std::string StatConstraintType ) {
fStatErrorConfig.SetRelErrorThreshold( StatRelErrorThreshold );
fStatErrorConfig.SetConstraintType( Constraint::GetType(StatConstraintType) );
void RooStats::HistFactory::Channel::CollectHistograms() {
if( fData.GetInputFile() != "" ) {
fData.SetHisto( GetHistogram(fData.GetInputFile(),
fData.GetHistoName()) );
for( unsigned int i=0; i < fAdditionalData.size(); ++i) {
RooStats::HistFactory::Data& data = fAdditionalData.at(i);
if( data.GetInputFile() != "" ) {
data.SetHisto( GetHistogram(data.GetInputFile(), data.GetHistoPath(),data.GetHistoName()) );
for( unsigned int sampItr = 0; sampItr < fSamples.size(); ++sampItr ) {
RooStats::HistFactory::Sample& sample = fSamples.at( sampItr );
std::cout << "Collecting Nominal Histogram" << std::endl;
TH1* Nominal = GetHistogram(sample.GetInputFile(),
sample.SetHisto( Nominal );
if( sample.GetStatError().GetUseHisto() ) {
sample.GetStatError().SetErrorHist( GetHistogram(sample.GetStatError().GetInputFile(),
sample.GetStatError().GetHistoName()) );
for( unsigned int histoSysItr = 0; histoSysItr < sample.GetHistoSysList().size(); ++histoSysItr ) {
RooStats::HistFactory::HistoSys& histoSys = sample.GetHistoSysList().at( histoSysItr );
histoSys.SetHistoLow( GetHistogram(histoSys.GetInputFileLow(),
histoSys.GetHistoNameLow()) );
histoSys.SetHistoHigh( GetHistogram(histoSys.GetInputFileHigh(),
histoSys.GetHistoNameHigh()) );
for( unsigned int histoFactorItr = 0; histoFactorItr < sample.GetHistoFactorList().size(); ++histoFactorItr ) {
RooStats::HistFactory::HistoFactor& histoFactor = sample.GetHistoFactorList().at( histoFactorItr );
histoFactor.SetHistoLow( GetHistogram(histoFactor.GetInputFileLow(),
histoFactor.GetHistoNameLow()) );
histoFactor.SetHistoHigh( GetHistogram(histoFactor.GetInputFileHigh(),
histoFactor.GetHistoNameHigh()) );
for( unsigned int shapeSysItr = 0; shapeSysItr < sample.GetShapeSysList().size(); ++shapeSysItr ) {
RooStats::HistFactory::ShapeSys& shapeSys = sample.GetShapeSysList().at( shapeSysItr );
shapeSys.SetErrorHist( GetHistogram(shapeSys.GetInputFile(),
shapeSys.GetHistoName()) );
for( unsigned int shapeFactorItr = 0; shapeFactorItr < sample.GetShapeFactorList().size(); ++shapeFactorItr ) {
RooStats::HistFactory::ShapeFactor& shapeFactor = sample.GetShapeFactorList().at( shapeFactorItr );
if( shapeFactor.HasInitialShape() ) {
TH1* hist = GetHistogram( shapeFactor.GetInputFile(), shapeFactor.GetHistoPath(),
shapeFactor.GetHistoName() );
shapeFactor.SetInitialShape( hist );
bool RooStats::HistFactory::Channel::CheckHistograms() {
try {
if( fData.GetHisto() == NULL && fData.GetInputFile() != "" ) {
std::cout << "Error: Data Histogram for channel " << GetName() << " is NULL." << std::endl;
throw hf_exc();
for( unsigned int sampItr = 0; sampItr < fSamples.size(); ++sampItr ) {
RooStats::HistFactory::Sample& sample = fSamples.at( sampItr );
if( sample.GetHisto() == NULL ) {
std::cout << "Error: Nominal Histogram for sample " << sample.GetName() << " is NULL." << std::endl;
throw hf_exc();
else {
std::vector<int> NegativeBinNumber;
std::vector<double> NegativeBinContent;
TH1* histNominal = sample.GetHisto();
for(int ibin=1; ibin<=histNominal->GetNbinsX(); ++ibin) {
if(histNominal->GetBinContent(ibin) < 0) {
if(NegativeBinNumber.size()>0) {
std::cout << "WARNING: Nominal Histogram " << histNominal->GetName() << " for Sample = " << sample.GetName()
<< " in Channel = " << GetName() << " has negative entries in bin numbers = ";
for(unsigned int ibin=0; ibin<NegativeBinNumber.size(); ++ibin) {
if(ibin>0) std::cout << " , " ;
std::cout << NegativeBinNumber[ibin] << " : " << NegativeBinContent[ibin] ;
std::cout << std::endl;
if( sample.GetStatError().GetUseHisto() ) {
if( sample.GetStatError().GetErrorHist() == NULL ) {
std::cout << "Error: Statistical Error Histogram for sample " << sample.GetName() << " is NULL." << std::endl;
throw hf_exc();
for( unsigned int histoSysItr = 0; histoSysItr < sample.GetHistoSysList().size(); ++histoSysItr ) {
RooStats::HistFactory::HistoSys& histoSys = sample.GetHistoSysList().at( histoSysItr );
if( histoSys.GetHistoLow() == NULL ) {
std::cout << "Error: HistoSyst Low for Systematic " << histoSys.GetName()
<< " in sample " << sample.GetName() << " is NULL." << std::endl;
throw hf_exc();
if( histoSys.GetHistoHigh() == NULL ) {
std::cout << "Error: HistoSyst High for Systematic " << histoSys.GetName()
<< " in sample " << sample.GetName() << " is NULL." << std::endl;
throw hf_exc();
for( unsigned int histoFactorItr = 0; histoFactorItr < sample.GetHistoFactorList().size(); ++histoFactorItr ) {
RooStats::HistFactory::HistoFactor& histoFactor = sample.GetHistoFactorList().at( histoFactorItr );
if( histoFactor.GetHistoLow() == NULL ) {
std::cout << "Error: HistoSyst Low for Systematic " << histoFactor.GetName()
<< " in sample " << sample.GetName() << " is NULL." << std::endl;
throw hf_exc();
if( histoFactor.GetHistoHigh() == NULL ) {
std::cout << "Error: HistoSyst High for Systematic " << histoFactor.GetName()
<< " in sample " << sample.GetName() << " is NULL." << std::endl;
throw hf_exc();
for( unsigned int shapeSysItr = 0; shapeSysItr < sample.GetShapeSysList().size(); ++shapeSysItr ) {
RooStats::HistFactory::ShapeSys& shapeSys = sample.GetShapeSysList().at( shapeSysItr );
if( shapeSys.GetErrorHist() == NULL ) {
std::cout << "Error: HistoSyst High for Systematic " << shapeSys.GetName()
<< " in sample " << sample.GetName() << " is NULL." << std::endl;
throw hf_exc();
catch(std::exception& e)
std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
return false;
return true;
TH1* RooStats::HistFactory::Channel::GetHistogram(std::string InputFile, std::string HistoPath, std::string HistoName) {
std::cout << "Getting histogram. "
<< " InputFile " << InputFile
<< " HistoPath " << HistoPath
<< " HistoName " << HistoName
<< std::endl;
TFile* inFile = TFile::Open( InputFile.c_str() );
if( !inFile ) {
std::cout << "Error: Unable to open input file: " << InputFile << std::endl;
throw hf_exc();
std::cout << "Opened input file: " << InputFile << ": " << inFile << std::endl;
std::string HistNameFull = HistoPath + HistoName;
if( HistoPath != std::string("") ) {
if( HistoPath[ HistoPath.length()-1 ] != std::string("/") ) {
std::cout << "WARNING: Histogram path is set to: " << HistoPath
<< " but it should end with a '/' " << std::endl;
std::cout << "Total histogram path is now: " << HistNameFull << std::endl;
TH1* hist = NULL;
hist = dynamic_cast<TH1*>( inFile->Get( HistNameFull.c_str() ) );
catch(std::exception& e)
std::cout << "Failed to cast object to TH1*" << std::endl;
std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
throw hf_exc();
if( !hist ) {
std::cout << "Failed to get histogram: " << HistNameFull
<< " in file: " << InputFile << std::endl;
throw hf_exc();
TH1 * ptr = (TH1 *) hist->Clone();
std::cerr << "Not all necessary info are set to access the input file. Check your config" << std::endl;
std::cerr << "filename: " << InputFile
<< "path: " << HistoPath
<< "obj: " << HistoName << std::endl;
throw hf_exc();
else {
#ifdef DEBUG
std::cout << "Found Histogram: " << HistoName " at address: " << ptr
<< " with integral " << ptr->Integral() << " and mean " << ptr->GetMean()
<< std::endl;
return ptr;