// Implementation of the so-called real spherical harmonics, using the orthonormal normalization,
// which are related to spherical harmonics as:
// Y_{l0} = Y_l^0 (m=0)
// Y_{lm} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \left( Y_l^m + (-1)^m Y_l^{-m} \right) (m>0)
// Y_{lm} = \frac{1}{i\sqrt{2}} \left( Y_l^{|m|} - (-1)^{|m|} Y_l^{-|m|} \right) (m<0)
// which implies:
// Y_{l0}(\cos\theta,\phi) = N_{l0} P_l^0 (\cos\theta) (m=0)
// Y_{lm}(\cos\theta,\phi) = \sqrt{2} N_{lm} P_l^m (\cos\theta) cos(|m|\phi) (m>0)
// Y_{lm}(\cos\theta,\phi) = \sqrt{2} N_{l|m|} P_l^{|m|}(\cos\theta) sin(|m|\phi) (m<0)
// where
// N_{lm} = \sqrt{ \frac{2l+1}{4\pi} \frac{ (l-m)! }{ (l+m)! } }
// Note that the normalization corresponds to the orthonormal case,
// and thus we have Int d\cos\theta d\phi Y_{lm} Y_{l'm'} = \delta_{ll'} \delta{mm'}
// Note that in addition, this code can also represent the product of two
// (real) spherical harmonics -- it actually uses the fact that Y_{00} = \sqrt{\frac{1}{4\pi}}
// in order to represent a single spherical harmonics by multiplying it
// by \sqrt{4\pi} Y_00, as this makes it trivial to compute the analytical
// integrals, using the orthogonality properties of Y_l^m...
#include "RooFit.h"
#include "Riostream.h"
#include <math.h>
#include "RooSpHarmonic.h"
#include "Math/SpecFunc.h"
#include "TMath.h"
using namespace std;
namespace {
inline double N(int l, int m=0) {
double n = sqrt( double(2*l+1)/(4*TMath::Pi())*TMath::Factorial(l-m)/TMath::Factorial(l+m) );
return m==0 ? n : TMath::Sqrt2() * n;
RooSpHarmonic::RooSpHarmonic() :
RooSpHarmonic::RooSpHarmonic(const char* name, const char* title, RooAbsReal& ctheta, RooAbsReal& phi, int l, int m)
: RooLegendre(name, title,ctheta,l,m<0?-m:m)
, _phi("phi", "phi", this, phi)
, _n( 2*sqrt(TMath::Pi()))
, _sgn1( m==0 ? 0 : m<0 ? -1 : +1 )
, _sgn2( 0 )
RooSpHarmonic::RooSpHarmonic(const char* name, const char* title, RooAbsReal& ctheta, RooAbsReal& phi, int l1, int m1, int l2, int m2)
: RooLegendre(name, title,ctheta,l1, m1<0?-m1:m1,l2,m2<0?-m2:m2)
, _phi("phi", "phi", this, phi)
, _n(1)
, _sgn1( m1==0 ? 0 : m1<0 ? -1 : +1 )
, _sgn2( m2==0 ? 0 : m2<0 ? -1 : +1 )
RooSpHarmonic::RooSpHarmonic(const RooSpHarmonic& other, const char* name)
: RooLegendre(other, name)
, _phi("phi", this,other._phi)
, _n(other._n)
, _sgn1( other._sgn1 )
, _sgn2( other._sgn2 )
Double_t RooSpHarmonic::evaluate() const
double n = _n*N(_l1,_m1)*N(_l2,_m2)*RooLegendre::evaluate();
if (_sgn1!=0) n *= (_sgn1<0 ? sin(_m1*_phi) : cos(_m1*_phi) );
if (_sgn2!=0) n *= (_sgn2<0 ? sin(_m2*_phi) : cos(_m2*_phi) );
return n;
namespace {
bool fullRange(const RooRealProxy& x ,const char* range) {
return ( x.min(range) == x.min() && x.max(range) == x.max() ) ;
Int_t RooSpHarmonic::getAnalyticalIntegral(RooArgSet& allVars, RooArgSet& analVars, const char* rangeName) const
bool noRange = ( rangeName == 0 || strlen(rangeName)==0 );
bool phiOK = ( noRange || fullRange(_phi,rangeName) );
bool cthetaOK = ( noRange || fullRange(_ctheta,rangeName) );
if (cthetaOK && phiOK && matchArgs(allVars, analVars, _ctheta,_phi)) return 3;
if ( phiOK && matchArgs(allVars, analVars, _phi)) return 2;
return RooLegendre::getAnalyticalIntegral(allVars,analVars,rangeName);
Double_t RooSpHarmonic::analyticalIntegral(Int_t code, const char* range) const
if (code==3) {
return (_l1==_l2 && _sgn1*_m1==_sgn2*_m2 ) ? _n : 0 ;
} else if (code == 2) {
if ( _sgn1*_m1 != _sgn2*_m2) return 0;
return ( _m1==0 ? 2 : 1 ) * TMath::Pi()*_n*N(_l1,_m1)*N(_l2,_m2)*RooLegendre::evaluate();
} else {
double n = _n*N(_l1,_m1)*N(_l2,_m2)*RooLegendre::analyticalIntegral(code,range);
if (_sgn1!=0) n *= (_sgn1<0 ? sin(_m1*_phi) : cos(_m1*_phi) );
if (_sgn2!=0) n *= (_sgn2<0 ? sin(_m2*_phi) : cos(_m2*_phi) );
return n;
Int_t RooSpHarmonic::getMaxVal( const RooArgSet& vars) const {
return RooLegendre::getMaxVal(vars);
Double_t RooSpHarmonic::maxVal( Int_t code) const {
double n = _n*N(_l1,_m1)*N(_l2,_m2);
return n*RooLegendre::maxVal(code);