#include "TVectorT.h"
#include "TClass.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "Varargs.h"
#ifndef R__ALPHA
template<class Element>
void TVectorT<Element>::Delete_m(Int_t size,Element *&m)
if (m) {
if (size > kSizeMax)
delete [] m;
m = 0;
template<class Element>
Element* TVectorT<Element>::New_m(Int_t size)
if (size == 0) return 0;
else {
if ( size <= kSizeMax )
return fDataStack;
else {
Element *heap = new Element[size];
return heap;
template<class Element>
void TVectorT<Element>::Add(const TVectorT<Element> &v)
if (gMatrixCheck && !AreCompatible(*this,v)) {
Error("Add(TVectorT<Element> &)","vector's not compatible");
const Element *sp = v.GetMatrixArray();
Element *tp = this->GetMatrixArray();
const Element * const tp_last = tp+fNrows;
while (tp < tp_last)
*tp++ += *sp++;
template<class Element>
void TVectorT<Element>::Add(const TVectorT<Element> &v1,const TVectorT<Element> &v2)
if (gMatrixCheck) {
if ( !AreCompatible(*this,v1) && !AreCompatible(*this,v2)) {
Error("Add(TVectorT<Element> &)","vectors not compatible");
const Element *sv1 = v1.GetMatrixArray();
const Element *sv2 = v2.GetMatrixArray();
Element *tp = this->GetMatrixArray();
const Element * const tp_last = tp+fNrows;
while (tp < tp_last)
*tp++ = *sv1++ + *sv2++;
template<class Element>
Int_t TVectorT<Element>::Memcpy_m(Element *newp,const Element *oldp,Int_t copySize,
Int_t newSize,Int_t oldSize)
if (copySize == 0 || oldp == newp) return 0;
else {
if ( newSize <= kSizeMax && oldSize <= kSizeMax ) {
if (newp > oldp) {
for (Int_t i = copySize-1; i >= 0; i--)
newp[i] = oldp[i];
} else {
for (Int_t i = 0; i < copySize; i++)
newp[i] = oldp[i];
else {
return 0;
template<class Element>
void TVectorT<Element>::Allocate(Int_t nrows,Int_t row_lwb,Int_t init)
fIsOwner = kTRUE;
fNrows = 0;
fRowLwb = 0;
fElements = 0;
if (nrows < 0)
fNrows = nrows;
fRowLwb = row_lwb;
fElements = New_m(fNrows);
if (init)
template<class Element>
TVectorT<Element>::TVectorT(Int_t n)
template<class Element>
TVectorT<Element>::TVectorT(Int_t lwb,Int_t upb)
template<class Element>
TVectorT<Element>::TVectorT(Int_t n,const Element *elements)
template<class Element>
TVectorT<Element>::TVectorT(Int_t lwb,Int_t upb,const Element *elements)
template<class Element>
TVectorT<Element>::TVectorT(const TVectorT &another) : TObject(another)
*this = another;
template<class Element>
TVectorT<Element>::TVectorT(const TMatrixTRow_const<Element> &mr) : TObject()
const TMatrixTBase<Element> *mt = mr.GetMatrix();
*this = mr;
template<class Element>
TVectorT<Element>::TVectorT(const TMatrixTColumn_const<Element> &mc) : TObject()
const TMatrixTBase<Element> *mt = mc.GetMatrix();
*this = mc;
template<class Element>
TVectorT<Element>::TVectorT(const TMatrixTDiag_const<Element> &md) : TObject()
const TMatrixTBase<Element> *mt = md.GetMatrix();
*this = md;
template<class Element>
TVectorT<Element>::TVectorT(Int_t lwb,Int_t upb,Element va_(iv1), ...)
if (upb < lwb) {
Error("TVectorT(Int_t, Int_t, ...)","upb(%d) < lwb(%d)",upb,lwb);
va_list args;
(*this)(lwb) = iv1;
for (Int_t i = lwb+1; i <= upb; i++)
(*this)(i) = (Element)va_arg(args,Double_t);
if (strcmp((char *)va_arg(args,char *),"END"))
Error("TVectorT(Int_t, Int_t, ...)","argument list must be terminated by \"END\"");
template<class Element>
TVectorT<Element> &TVectorT<Element>::ResizeTo(Int_t lwb,Int_t upb)
if (!fIsOwner) {
Error("ResizeTo(lwb,upb)","Not owner of data array,cannot resize");
return *this;
const Int_t new_nrows = upb-lwb+1;
if (fNrows > 0) {
if (fNrows == new_nrows && fRowLwb == lwb)
return *this;
else if (new_nrows == 0) {
return *this;
Element *elements_old = GetMatrixArray();
const Int_t nrows_old = fNrows;
const Int_t rowLwb_old = fRowLwb;
if (fNrows > kSizeMax || nrows_old > kSizeMax)
else if (fNrows > nrows_old)
const Int_t rowLwb_copy = TMath::Max(fRowLwb,rowLwb_old);
const Int_t rowUpb_copy = TMath::Min(fRowLwb+fNrows-1,rowLwb_old+nrows_old-1);
const Int_t nrows_copy = rowUpb_copy-rowLwb_copy+1;
const Int_t nelems_new = fNrows;
Element *elements_new = GetMatrixArray();
if (nrows_copy > 0) {
const Int_t rowOldOff = rowLwb_copy-rowLwb_old;
const Int_t rowNewOff = rowLwb_copy-fRowLwb;
} else {
return *this;
template<class Element>
TVectorT<Element> &TVectorT<Element>::Use(Int_t lwb,Int_t upb,Element *data)
if (upb < lwb) {
Error("Use","upb(%d) < lwb(%d)",upb,lwb);
return *this;
fNrows = upb-lwb+1;
fRowLwb = lwb;
fElements = data;
fIsOwner = kFALSE;
return *this;
template<class Element>
TVectorT<Element> &TVectorT<Element>::GetSub(Int_t row_lwb,Int_t row_upb,TVectorT<Element> &target,Option_t *option) const
if (gMatrixCheck) {
if (row_lwb < fRowLwb || row_lwb > fRowLwb+fNrows-1) {
Error("GetSub","row_lwb out of bounds");
return target;
if (row_upb < fRowLwb || row_upb > fRowLwb+fNrows-1) {
Error("GetSub","row_upb out of bounds");
return target;
if (row_upb < row_lwb) {
Error("GetSub","row_upb < row_lwb");
return target;
TString opt(option);
const Int_t shift = (opt.Contains("S")) ? 1 : 0;
Int_t row_lwb_sub;
Int_t row_upb_sub;
if (shift) {
row_lwb_sub = 0;
row_upb_sub = row_upb-row_lwb;
} else {
row_lwb_sub = row_lwb;
row_upb_sub = row_upb;
const Int_t nrows_sub = row_upb_sub-row_lwb_sub+1;
const Element *ap = this->GetMatrixArray()+(row_lwb-fRowLwb);
Element *bp = target.GetMatrixArray();
for (Int_t irow = 0; irow < nrows_sub; irow++)
*bp++ = *ap++;
return target;
template<class Element>
TVectorT<Element> &TVectorT<Element>::SetSub(Int_t row_lwb,const TVectorT<Element> &source)
if (gMatrixCheck) {
if (row_lwb < fRowLwb && row_lwb > fRowLwb+fNrows-1) {
Error("SetSub","row_lwb outof bounds");
return *this;
if (row_lwb+source.GetNrows() > fRowLwb+fNrows) {
Error("SetSub","source vector too large");
return *this;
const Int_t nRows_source = source.GetNrows();
const Element *bp = source.GetMatrixArray();
Element *ap = this->GetMatrixArray()+(row_lwb-fRowLwb);
for (Int_t irow = 0; irow < nRows_source; irow++)
*ap++ = *bp++;
return *this;
template<class Element>
TVectorT<Element> &TVectorT<Element>::Zero()
return *this;
template<class Element>
TVectorT<Element> &TVectorT<Element>::Abs()
Element *ep = this->GetMatrixArray();
const Element * const fp = ep+fNrows;
while (ep < fp) {
*ep = TMath::Abs(*ep);
return *this;
template<class Element>
TVectorT<Element> &TVectorT<Element>::Sqr()
Element *ep = this->GetMatrixArray();
const Element * const fp = ep+fNrows;
while (ep < fp) {
*ep = (*ep) * (*ep);
return *this;
template<class Element>
TVectorT<Element> &TVectorT<Element>::Sqrt()
Element *ep = this->GetMatrixArray();
const Element * const fp = ep+fNrows;
while (ep < fp) {
R__ASSERT(*ep >= 0);
if (*ep >= 0)
*ep = TMath::Sqrt(*ep);
Error("Sqrt()","v(%ld) = %g < 0",Long_t(ep-this->GetMatrixArray()),(float)*ep);
return *this;
template<class Element>
TVectorT<Element> &TVectorT<Element>::Invert()
Element *ep = this->GetMatrixArray();
const Element * const fp = ep+fNrows;
while (ep < fp) {
R__ASSERT(*ep != 0.0);
if (*ep != 0.0)
*ep = 1./ *ep;
Error("Invert()","v(%ld) = %g",Long_t(ep-this->GetMatrixArray()),(float)*ep);
return *this;
template<class Element>
TVectorT<Element> &TVectorT<Element>::SelectNonZeros(const TVectorT<Element> &select)
if (gMatrixCheck && !AreCompatible(*this,select)) {
Error("SelectNonZeros(const TVectorT<Element> &","vector's not compatible");
return *this;
const Element *sp = select.GetMatrixArray();
Element *ep = this->GetMatrixArray();
const Element * const fp = ep+fNrows;
while (ep < fp) {
if (*sp == 0.0)
*ep = 0.0;
sp++; ep++;
return *this;
template<class Element>
Element TVectorT<Element>::Norm1() const
Element norm = 0;
const Element *ep = this->GetMatrixArray();
const Element * const fp = ep+fNrows;
while (ep < fp)
norm += TMath::Abs(*ep++);
return norm;
template<class Element>
Element TVectorT<Element>::Norm2Sqr() const
Element norm = 0;
const Element *ep = this->GetMatrixArray();
const Element * const fp = ep+fNrows;
while (ep < fp) {
norm += (*ep) * (*ep);
return norm;
template<class Element>
Element TVectorT<Element>::NormInf() const
Element norm = 0;
const Element *ep = this->GetMatrixArray();
const Element * const fp = ep+fNrows;
while (ep < fp)
norm = TMath::Max(norm,TMath::Abs(*ep++));
return norm;
template<class Element>
Int_t TVectorT<Element>::NonZeros() const
Int_t nr_nonzeros = 0;
const Element *ep = this->GetMatrixArray();
const Element * const fp = ep+fNrows;
while (ep < fp)
if (*ep++) nr_nonzeros++;
return nr_nonzeros;
template<class Element>
Element TVectorT<Element>::Sum() const
Element sum = 0.0;
const Element *ep = this->GetMatrixArray();
const Element * const fp = ep+fNrows;
while (ep < fp)
sum += *ep++;
return sum;
template<class Element>
Element TVectorT<Element>::Min() const
const Int_t index = TMath::LocMin(fNrows,fElements);
return fElements[index];
template<class Element>
Element TVectorT<Element>::Max() const
const Int_t index = TMath::LocMax(fNrows,fElements);
return fElements[index];
template<class Element>
TVectorT<Element> &TVectorT<Element>::operator=(const TVectorT<Element> &source)
if (gMatrixCheck && !AreCompatible(*this,source)) {
Error("operator=(const TVectorT<Element> &)","vectors not compatible");
return *this;
if (this->GetMatrixArray() != source.GetMatrixArray()) {
return *this;
template<class Element>
TVectorT<Element> &TVectorT<Element>::operator=(const TMatrixTRow_const<Element> &mr)
const TMatrixTBase<Element> *mt = mr.GetMatrix();
if (gMatrixCheck) {
if (mt->GetColLwb() != fRowLwb || mt->GetNcols() != fNrows) {
Error("operator=(const TMatrixTRow_const &)","vector and row not compatible");
return *this;
const Int_t inc = mr.GetInc();
const Element *rp = mr.GetPtr();
Element *ep = this->GetMatrixArray();
const Element * const fp = ep+fNrows;
while (ep < fp) {
*ep++ = *rp;
rp += inc;
R__ASSERT(rp == mr.GetPtr()+mt->GetNcols());
return *this;
template<class Element>
TVectorT<Element> &TVectorT<Element>::operator=(const TMatrixTColumn_const<Element> &mc)
const TMatrixTBase<Element> *mt = mc.GetMatrix();
if (gMatrixCheck) {
if (mt->GetRowLwb() != fRowLwb || mt->GetNrows() != fNrows) {
Error("operator=(const TMatrixTColumn_const &)","vector and column not compatible");
return *this;
const Int_t inc = mc.GetInc();
const Element *cp = mc.GetPtr();
Element *ep = this->GetMatrixArray();
const Element * const fp = ep+fNrows;
while (ep < fp) {
*ep++ = *cp;
cp += inc;
R__ASSERT(cp == mc.GetPtr()+mt->GetNoElements());
return *this;
template<class Element>
TVectorT<Element> &TVectorT<Element>::operator=(const TMatrixTDiag_const<Element> &md)
const TMatrixTBase<Element> *mt = md.GetMatrix();
if (gMatrixCheck) {
if (md.GetNdiags() != fNrows) {
Error("operator=(const TMatrixTDiag_const &)","vector and matrix-diagonal not compatible");
return *this;
const Int_t inc = md.GetInc();
const Element *dp = md.GetPtr();
Element *ep = this->GetMatrixArray();
const Element * const fp = ep+fNrows;
while (ep < fp) {
*ep++ = *dp;
dp += inc;
R__ASSERT(dp < md.GetPtr()+mt->GetNoElements()+inc);
return *this;
template<class Element>
TVectorT<Element> &TVectorT<Element>::operator=(const TMatrixTSparseRow_const<Element> &mr)
const TMatrixTBase<Element> *mt = mr.GetMatrix();
if (gMatrixCheck) {
if (mt->GetColLwb() != fRowLwb || mt->GetNcols() != fNrows) {
Error("operator=(const TMatrixTSparseRow_const &)","vector and row not compatible");
return *this;
const Int_t nIndex = mr.GetNindex();
const Element * const prData = mr.GetDataPtr();
const Int_t * const prCol = mr.GetColPtr();
Element * const pvData = this->GetMatrixArray();
for (Int_t index = 0; index < nIndex; index++) {
const Int_t icol = prCol[index];
pvData[icol] = prData[index];
return *this;
template<class Element>
TVectorT<Element> &TVectorT<Element>::operator=(const TMatrixTSparseDiag_const<Element> &md)
const TMatrixTBase<Element> *mt = md.GetMatrix();
if (gMatrixCheck) {
if (md.GetNdiags() != fNrows) {
Error("operator=(const TMatrixTSparseDiag_const &)","vector and matrix-diagonal not compatible");
return *this;
Element * const pvData = this->GetMatrixArray();
for (Int_t idiag = 0; idiag < fNrows; idiag++)
pvData[idiag] = md(idiag);
return *this;
template<class Element>
TVectorT<Element> &TVectorT<Element>::operator=(Element val)
Element *ep = this->GetMatrixArray();
const Element * const fp = ep+fNrows;
while (ep < fp)
*ep++ = val;
return *this;
template<class Element>
TVectorT<Element> &TVectorT<Element>::operator+=(Element val)
Element *ep = this->GetMatrixArray();
const Element * const fp = ep+fNrows;
while (ep < fp)
*ep++ += val;
return *this;
template<class Element>
TVectorT<Element> &TVectorT<Element>::operator-=(Element val)
Element *ep = this->GetMatrixArray();
const Element * const fp = ep+fNrows;
while (ep < fp)
*ep++ -= val;
return *this;
template<class Element>
TVectorT<Element> &TVectorT<Element>::operator*=(Element val)
Element *ep = this->GetMatrixArray();
const Element * const fp = ep+fNrows;
while (ep < fp)
*ep++ *= val;
return *this;
template<class Element>
TVectorT<Element> &TVectorT<Element>::operator+=(const TVectorT<Element> &source)
if (gMatrixCheck && !AreCompatible(*this,source)) {
Error("operator+=(const TVectorT<Element> &)","vector's not compatible");
return *this;
const Element *sp = source.GetMatrixArray();
Element *tp = this->GetMatrixArray();
const Element * const tp_last = tp+fNrows;
while (tp < tp_last)
*tp++ += *sp++;
return *this;
template<class Element>
TVectorT<Element> &TVectorT<Element>::operator-=(const TVectorT<Element> &source)
if (gMatrixCheck && !AreCompatible(*this,source)) {
Error("operator-=(const TVectorT<Element> &)","vector's not compatible");
return *this;
const Element *sp = source.GetMatrixArray();
Element *tp = this->GetMatrixArray();
const Element * const tp_last = tp+fNrows;
while (tp < tp_last)
*tp++ -= *sp++;
return *this;
template<class Element>
TVectorT<Element> &TVectorT<Element>::operator*=(const TMatrixT<Element> &a)
if (gMatrixCheck) {
if (a.GetNcols() != fNrows || a.GetColLwb() != fRowLwb) {
Error("operator*=(const TMatrixT &)","vector and matrix incompatible");
return *this;
const Bool_t doResize = (fNrows != a.GetNrows() || fRowLwb != a.GetRowLwb());
if (doResize && !fIsOwner) {
Error("operator*=(const TMatrixT &)","vector has to be resized but not owner");
return *this;
Element work[kWorkMax];
Bool_t isAllocated = kFALSE;
Element *elements_old = work;
const Int_t nrows_old = fNrows;
if (nrows_old > kWorkMax) {
isAllocated = kTRUE;
elements_old = new Element[nrows_old];
if (doResize) {
const Int_t rowlwb_new = a.GetRowLwb();
const Int_t nrows_new = a.GetNrows();
const Element *mp = a.GetMatrixArray();
Element *tp = this->GetMatrixArray();
#ifdef CBLAS
if (typeid(Element) == typeid(Double_t))
else if (typeid(Element) != typeid(Float_t))
Error("operator*=","type %s not implemented in BLAS library",typeid(Element));
const Element * const tp_last = tp+fNrows;
while (tp < tp_last) {
Element sum = 0;
for (const Element *sp = elements_old; sp < elements_old+nrows_old; )
sum += *sp++ * *mp++;
*tp++ = sum;
R__ASSERT(mp == a.GetMatrixArray()+a.GetNoElements());
if (isAllocated)
delete [] elements_old;
return *this;
template<class Element>
TVectorT<Element> &TVectorT<Element>::operator*=(const TMatrixTSparse<Element> &a)
if (gMatrixCheck) {
if (a.GetNcols() != fNrows || a.GetColLwb() != fRowLwb) {
Error("operator*=(const TMatrixTSparse &)","vector and matrix incompatible");
return *this;
const Bool_t doResize = (fNrows != a.GetNrows() || fRowLwb != a.GetRowLwb());
if (doResize && !fIsOwner) {
Error("operator*=(const TMatrixTSparse &)","vector has to be resized but not owner");
return *this;
Element work[kWorkMax];
Bool_t isAllocated = kFALSE;
Element *elements_old = work;
const Int_t nrows_old = fNrows;
if (nrows_old > kWorkMax) {
isAllocated = kTRUE;
elements_old = new Element[nrows_old];
if (doResize) {
const Int_t rowlwb_new = a.GetRowLwb();
const Int_t nrows_new = a.GetNrows();
const Int_t * const pRowIndex = a.GetRowIndexArray();
const Int_t * const pColIndex = a.GetColIndexArray();
const Element * const mp = a.GetMatrixArray();
const Element * const sp = elements_old;
Element * tp = this->GetMatrixArray();
for (Int_t irow = 0; irow < fNrows; irow++) {
const Int_t sIndex = pRowIndex[irow];
const Int_t eIndex = pRowIndex[irow+1];
Element sum = 0.0;
for (Int_t index = sIndex; index < eIndex; index++) {
const Int_t icol = pColIndex[index];
sum += mp[index]*sp[icol];
tp[irow] = sum;
if (isAllocated)
delete [] elements_old;
return *this;
template<class Element>
TVectorT<Element> &TVectorT<Element>::operator*=(const TMatrixTSym<Element> &a)
if (gMatrixCheck) {
if (a.GetNcols() != fNrows || a.GetColLwb() != fRowLwb) {
Error("operator*=(const TMatrixTSym &)","vector and matrix incompatible");
return *this;
Element work[kWorkMax];
Bool_t isAllocated = kFALSE;
Element *elements_old = work;
const Int_t nrows_old = fNrows;
if (nrows_old > kWorkMax) {
isAllocated = kTRUE;
elements_old = new Element[nrows_old];
const Element *mp = a.GetMatrixArray();
Element *tp = this->GetMatrixArray();
#ifdef CBLAS
if (typeid(Element) == typeid(Double_t))
else if (typeid(Element) != typeid(Float_t))
Error("operator*=","type %s not implemented in BLAS library",typeid(Element));
const Element * const tp_last = tp+fNrows;
while (tp < tp_last) {
Element sum = 0;
for (const Element *sp = elements_old; sp < elements_old+nrows_old; )
sum += *sp++ * *mp++;
*tp++ = sum;
R__ASSERT(mp == a.GetMatrixArray()+a.GetNoElements());
if (isAllocated)
delete [] elements_old;
return *this;
template<class Element>
Bool_t TVectorT<Element>::operator==(Element val) const
const Element *ep = this->GetMatrixArray();
const Element * const fp = ep+fNrows;
while (ep < fp)
if (!(*ep++ == val))
return kFALSE;
return kTRUE;
template<class Element>
Bool_t TVectorT<Element>::operator!=(Element val) const
const Element *ep = this->GetMatrixArray();
const Element * const fp = ep+fNrows;
while (ep < fp)
if (!(*ep++ != val))
return kFALSE;
return kTRUE;
template<class Element>
Bool_t TVectorT<Element>::operator<(Element val) const
const Element *ep = this->GetMatrixArray();
const Element * const fp = ep+fNrows;
while (ep < fp)
if (!(*ep++ < val))
return kFALSE;
return kTRUE;
template<class Element>
Bool_t TVectorT<Element>::operator<=(Element val) const
const Element *ep = this->GetMatrixArray();
const Element * const fp = ep+fNrows;
while (ep < fp)
if (!(*ep++ <= val))
return kFALSE;
return kTRUE;
template<class Element>
Bool_t TVectorT<Element>::operator>(Element val) const
const Element *ep = this->GetMatrixArray();
const Element * const fp = ep+fNrows;
while (ep < fp)
if (!(*ep++ > val))
return kFALSE;
return kTRUE;
template<class Element>
Bool_t TVectorT<Element>::operator>=(Element val) const
const Element *ep = this->GetMatrixArray();
const Element * const fp = ep+fNrows;
while (ep < fp)
if (!(*ep++ >= val))
return kFALSE;
return kTRUE;
template<class Element>
Bool_t TVectorT<Element>::MatchesNonZeroPattern(const TVectorT<Element> &select)
if (gMatrixCheck && !AreCompatible(*this,select)) {
Error("MatchesNonZeroPattern(const TVectorT&)","vector's not compatible");
return kFALSE;
const Element *sp = select.GetMatrixArray();
const Element *ep = this->GetMatrixArray();
const Element * const fp = ep+fNrows;
while (ep < fp) {
if (*sp == 0.0 && *ep != 0.0)
return kFALSE;
sp++; ep++;
return kTRUE;
template<class Element>
Bool_t TVectorT<Element>::SomePositive(const TVectorT<Element> &select)
if (gMatrixCheck && !AreCompatible(*this,select)) {
Error("SomePositive(const TVectorT&)","vector's not compatible");
return kFALSE;
const Element *sp = select.GetMatrixArray();
const Element *ep = this->GetMatrixArray();
const Element * const fp = ep+fNrows;
while (ep < fp) {
if (*sp != 0.0 && *ep <= 0.0)
return kFALSE;
sp++; ep++;
return kTRUE;
template<class Element>
void TVectorT<Element>::AddSomeConstant(Element val,const TVectorT<Element> &select)
if (gMatrixCheck && !AreCompatible(*this,select))
Error("AddSomeConstant(Element,const TVectorT&)(const TVectorT&)","vector's not compatible");
const Element *sp = select.GetMatrixArray();
Element *ep = this->GetMatrixArray();
const Element * const fp = ep+fNrows;
while (ep < fp) {
if (*sp)
*ep += val;
sp++; ep++;
extern Double_t Drand(Double_t &ix);
template<class Element>
void TVectorT<Element>::Randomize(Element alpha,Element beta,Double_t &seed)
const Element scale = beta-alpha;
const Element shift = alpha/scale;
Element * ep = GetMatrixArray();
const Element * const fp = ep+fNrows;
while (ep < fp)
*ep++ = scale*(Drand(seed)+shift);
template<class Element>
TVectorT<Element> &TVectorT<Element>::Apply(const TElementActionT<Element> &action)
for (Element *ep = fElements; ep < fElements+fNrows; ep++)
return *this;
template<class Element>
TVectorT<Element> &TVectorT<Element>::Apply(const TElementPosActionT<Element> &action)
Element *ep = fElements;
for (action.fI = fRowLwb; action.fI < fRowLwb+fNrows; action.fI++)
R__ASSERT(ep == fElements+fNrows);
return *this;
template<class Element>
void TVectorT<Element>::Draw(Option_t *option)
(ULong_t)this, option));
template<class Element>
void TVectorT<Element>::Print(Option_t *flag) const
if (!IsValid()) {
Error("Print","Vector is invalid");
printf("\nVector (%d) %s is as follows",fNrows,flag);
printf("\n\n | %6d |", 1);
printf("\n%s\n", "------------------");
for (Int_t i = 0; i < fNrows; i++) {
printf("%4d |",i+fRowLwb);
printf("%g \n",(*this)(i+fRowLwb));
template<class Element>
Bool_t operator==(const TVectorT<Element> &v1,const TVectorT<Element> &v2)
if (!AreCompatible(v1,v2)) return kFALSE;
return (memcmp(v1.GetMatrixArray(),v2.GetMatrixArray(),v1.GetNrows()*sizeof(Element)) == 0);
template<class Element>
Element operator*(const TVectorT<Element> &v1,const TVectorT<Element> &v2)
if (gMatrixCheck) {
if (!AreCompatible(v1,v2)) {
Error("operator*(const TVectorT<Element> &,const TVectorT<Element> &)","vector's are incompatible");
return 0.0;
return Dot(v1,v2);
template<class Element>
TVectorT<Element> operator+(const TVectorT<Element> &source1,const TVectorT<Element> &source2)
TVectorT<Element> target = source1;
target += source2;
return target;
template<class Element>
TVectorT<Element> operator-(const TVectorT<Element> &source1,const TVectorT<Element> &source2)
TVectorT<Element> target = source1;
target -= source2;
return target;
template<class Element>
TVectorT<Element> operator*(const TMatrixT<Element> &a,const TVectorT<Element> &source)
TVectorT<Element> target(a.GetRowLwb(),a.GetRowUpb());
return Add(target,Element(1.0),a,source);
template<class Element>
TVectorT<Element> operator*(const TMatrixTSym<Element> &a,const TVectorT<Element> &source)
TVectorT<Element> target(a.GetRowLwb(),a.GetRowUpb());
return Add(target,Element(1.0),a,source);
template<class Element>
TVectorT<Element> operator*(const TMatrixTSparse<Element> &a,const TVectorT<Element> &source)
TVectorT<Element> target(a.GetRowLwb(),a.GetRowUpb());
return Add(target,Element(1.0),a,source);
template<class Element>
TVectorT<Element> operator*(Element val,const TVectorT<Element> &source)
TVectorT<Element> target = source;
target *= val;
return target;
template<class Element>
Element Dot(const TVectorT<Element> &v1,const TVectorT<Element> &v2)
const Element *v1p = v1.GetMatrixArray();
const Element *v2p = v2.GetMatrixArray();
Element sum = 0.0;
const Element * const fv1p = v1p+v1.GetNrows();
while (v1p < fv1p)
sum += *v1p++ * *v2p++;
return sum;
template <class Element1, class Element2>
OuterProduct(const TVectorT<Element1> &v1,const TVectorT<Element2> &v2)
TMatrixT<Element1> target;
return OuterProduct(target,v1,v2);
template <class Element1,class Element2,class Element3>
&OuterProduct(TMatrixT<Element1> &target,const TVectorT<Element2> &v1,const TVectorT<Element3> &v2)
target.ResizeTo(v1.GetLwb(), v1.GetUpb(), v2.GetLwb(), v2.GetUpb());
Element1 * mp = target.GetMatrixArray();
const Element1 * const m_last = mp + target.GetNoElements();
const Element2 * v1p = v1.GetMatrixArray();
const Element2 * const v1_last = v1p + v1.GetNrows();
const Element3 * const v20 = v2.GetMatrixArray();
const Element3 * v2p = v20;
const Element3 * const v2_last = v2p + v2.GetNrows();
while (v1p < v1_last) {
v2p = v20;
while (v2p < v2_last) {
*mp++ = *v1p * *v2p++ ;
R__ASSERT(v1p == v1_last && mp == m_last && v2p == v2_last);
return target;
template <class Element1, class Element2, class Element3>
Element1 Mult(const TVectorT<Element1> &v1,const TMatrixT<Element2> &m,
const TVectorT<Element3> &v2)
if (gMatrixCheck) {
if (!AreCompatible(v1, m)) {
::Error("Mult", "Vector v1 and matrix m incompatible");
return 0;
if (!AreCompatible(m, v2)) {
::Error("Mult", "Matrix m and vector v2 incompatible");
return 0;
const Element1 * v1p = v1.GetMatrixArray();
const Element1 * const v1_last = v1p + v1.GetNrows();
const Element2 * mp = m.GetMatrixArray();
const Element2 * const m_last = mp + m.GetNoElements();
const Element3 * const v20 = v2.GetMatrixArray();
const Element3 * v2p = v20;
const Element3 * const v2_last = v2p + v2.GetNrows();
Element1 sum = 0;
Element3 dot = 0;
while (v1p < v1_last) {
v2p = v20;
while (v2p < v2_last) {
dot += *mp++ * *v2p++;
sum += *v1p++ * dot;
dot = 0;
R__ASSERT(v1p == v1_last && mp == m_last && v2p == v2_last);
return sum;
template<class Element>
TVectorT<Element> &Add(TVectorT<Element> &target,Element scalar,const TVectorT<Element> &source)
if (gMatrixCheck && !AreCompatible(target,source)) {
Error("Add(TVectorT<Element> &,Element,const TVectorT<Element> &)","vector's are incompatible");
return target;
const Element * sp = source.GetMatrixArray();
Element * tp = target.GetMatrixArray();
const Element * const ftp = tp+target.GetNrows();
if (scalar == 1.0 ) {
while ( tp < ftp )
*tp++ += *sp++;
} else if (scalar == -1.0) {
while ( tp < ftp )
*tp++ -= *sp++;
} else {
while ( tp < ftp )
*tp++ += scalar * *sp++;
return target;
template<class Element>
TVectorT<Element> &Add(TVectorT<Element> &target,Element scalar,
const TMatrixT<Element> &a,const TVectorT<Element> &source)
if (gMatrixCheck) {
if (a.GetNrows() != target.GetNrows() || a.GetRowLwb() != target.GetLwb()) {
Error("Add(TVectorT &,const TMatrixT &,const TVectorT &)","target vector and matrix are incompatible");
return target;
if (a.GetNcols() != source.GetNrows() || a.GetColLwb() != source.GetLwb()) {
Error("Add(TVectorT &,const TMatrixT &,const TVectorT &)","source vector and matrix are incompatible");
return target;
const Element * const sp = source.GetMatrixArray();
const Element * mp = a.GetMatrixArray();
Element * tp = target.GetMatrixArray();
#ifdef CBLAS
if (typeid(Element) == typeid(Double_t))
else if (typeid(Element) != typeid(Float_t))
Error("operator*=","type %s not implemented in BLAS library",typeid(Element));
const Element * const sp_last = sp+source.GetNrows();
const Element * const tp_last = tp+target.GetNrows();
if (scalar == 1.0) {
while (tp < tp_last) {
const Element *sp1 = sp;
Element sum = 0;
while (sp1 < sp_last)
sum += *sp1++ * *mp++;
*tp++ += sum;
} else if (scalar == 0.0) {
while (tp < tp_last) {
const Element *sp1 = sp;
Element sum = 0;
while (sp1 < sp_last)
sum += *sp1++ * *mp++;
*tp++ = sum;
} else if (scalar == -1.0) {
while (tp < tp_last) {
const Element *sp1 = sp;
Element sum = 0;
while (sp1 < sp_last)
sum += *sp1++ * *mp++;
*tp++ -= sum;
} else {
while (tp < tp_last) {
const Element *sp1 = sp;
Element sum = 0;
while (sp1 < sp_last)
sum += *sp1++ * *mp++;
*tp++ += scalar * sum;
if (gMatrixCheck) R__ASSERT(mp == a.GetMatrixArray()+a.GetNoElements());
return target;
template<class Element>
TVectorT<Element> &Add(TVectorT<Element> &target,Element scalar,
const TMatrixTSym<Element> &a,const TVectorT<Element> &source)
if (gMatrixCheck) {
if (a.GetNrows() != target.GetNrows() || a.GetRowLwb() != target.GetLwb()) {
Error("Add(TVectorT &,const TMatrixT &,const TVectorT &)","target vector and matrix are incompatible");
return target;
const Element * const sp = source.GetMatrixArray();
const Element * mp = a.GetMatrixArray();
Element * tp = target.GetMatrixArray();
#ifdef CBLAS
if (typeid(Element) == typeid(Double_t))
else if (typeid(Element) != typeid(Float_t))
Error("operator*=","type %s not implemented in BLAS library",typeid(Element));
const Element * const sp_last = sp+source.GetNrows();
const Element * const tp_last = tp+target.GetNrows();
if (scalar == 1.0) {
while (tp < tp_last) {
const Element *sp1 = sp;
Element sum = 0;
while (sp1 < sp_last)
sum += *sp1++ * *mp++;
*tp++ += sum;
} else if (scalar == 0.0) {
while (tp < tp_last) {
const Element *sp1 = sp;
Element sum = 0;
while (sp1 < sp_last)
sum += *sp1++ * *mp++;
*tp++ = sum;
} else if (scalar == -1.0) {
while (tp < tp_last) {
const Element *sp1 = sp;
Element sum = 0;
while (sp1 < sp_last)
sum += *sp1++ * *mp++;
*tp++ -= sum;
} else {
while (tp < tp_last) {
const Element *sp1 = sp;
Element sum = 0;
while (sp1 < sp_last)
sum += *sp1++ * *mp++;
*tp++ += scalar * sum;
R__ASSERT(mp == a.GetMatrixArray()+a.GetNoElements());
return target;
template<class Element>
TVectorT<Element> &Add(TVectorT<Element> &target,Element scalar,
const TMatrixTSparse<Element> &a,const TVectorT<Element> &source)
if (gMatrixCheck) {
if (a.GetNrows() != target.GetNrows() || a.GetRowLwb() != target.GetLwb()) {
Error("Add(TVectorT &,const TMatrixT &,const TVectorT &)","target vector and matrix are incompatible");
return target;
if (a.GetNcols() != source.GetNrows() || a.GetColLwb() != source.GetLwb()) {
Error("Add(TVectorT &,const TMatrixT &,const TVectorT &)","source vector and matrix are incompatible");
return target;
const Int_t * const pRowIndex = a.GetRowIndexArray();
const Int_t * const pColIndex = a.GetColIndexArray();
const Element * const mp = a.GetMatrixArray();
const Element * const sp = source.GetMatrixArray();
Element * tp = target.GetMatrixArray();
if (scalar == 1.0) {
for (Int_t irow = 0; irow < a.GetNrows(); irow++) {
const Int_t sIndex = pRowIndex[irow];
const Int_t eIndex = pRowIndex[irow+1];
Element sum = 0.0;
for (Int_t index = sIndex; index < eIndex; index++) {
const Int_t icol = pColIndex[index];
sum += mp[index]*sp[icol];
tp[irow] += sum;
} else if (scalar == 0.0) {
for (Int_t irow = 0; irow < a.GetNrows(); irow++) {
const Int_t sIndex = pRowIndex[irow];
const Int_t eIndex = pRowIndex[irow+1];
Element sum = 0.0;
for (Int_t index = sIndex; index < eIndex; index++) {
const Int_t icol = pColIndex[index];
sum += mp[index]*sp[icol];
tp[irow] = sum;
} else if (scalar == -1.0) {
for (Int_t irow = 0; irow < a.GetNrows(); irow++) {
const Int_t sIndex = pRowIndex[irow];
const Int_t eIndex = pRowIndex[irow+1];
Element sum = 0.0;
for (Int_t index = sIndex; index < eIndex; index++) {
const Int_t icol = pColIndex[index];
sum += mp[index]*sp[icol];
tp[irow] -= sum;
} else {
for (Int_t irow = 0; irow < a.GetNrows(); irow++) {
const Int_t sIndex = pRowIndex[irow];
const Int_t eIndex = pRowIndex[irow+1];
Element sum = 0.0;
for (Int_t index = sIndex; index < eIndex; index++) {
const Int_t icol = pColIndex[index];
sum += mp[index]*sp[icol];
tp[irow] += scalar * sum;
return target;
template<class Element>
TVectorT<Element> &AddElemMult(TVectorT<Element> &target,Element scalar,
const TVectorT<Element> &source1,const TVectorT<Element> &source2)
if (gMatrixCheck && !(AreCompatible(target,source1) && AreCompatible(target,source1))) {
Error("AddElemMult(TVectorT<Element> &,Element,const TVectorT<Element> &,const TVectorT<Element> &)",
"vector's are incompatible");
return target;
const Element * sp1 = source1.GetMatrixArray();
const Element * sp2 = source2.GetMatrixArray();
Element * tp = target.GetMatrixArray();
const Element * const ftp = tp+target.GetNrows();
if (scalar == 1.0 ) {
while ( tp < ftp )
*tp++ += *sp1++ * *sp2++;
} else if (scalar == -1.0) {
while ( tp < ftp )
*tp++ -= *sp1++ * *sp2++;
} else {
while ( tp < ftp )
*tp++ += scalar * *sp1++ * *sp2++;
return target;
template<class Element>
TVectorT<Element> &AddElemMult(TVectorT<Element> &target,Element scalar,
const TVectorT<Element> &source1,const TVectorT<Element> &source2,const TVectorT<Element> &select)
if (gMatrixCheck && !( AreCompatible(target,source1) && AreCompatible(target,source1) &&
AreCompatible(target,select) )) {
Error("AddElemMult(TVectorT<Element> &,Element,const TVectorT<Element> &,const TVectorT<Element> &,onst TVectorT<Element> &)",
"vector's are incompatible");
return target;
const Element * sp1 = source1.GetMatrixArray();
const Element * sp2 = source2.GetMatrixArray();
const Element * mp = select.GetMatrixArray();
Element * tp = target.GetMatrixArray();
const Element * const ftp = tp+target.GetNrows();
if (scalar == 1.0 ) {
while ( tp < ftp ) {
if (*mp) *tp += *sp1 * *sp2;
mp++; tp++; sp1++; sp2++;
} else if (scalar == -1.0) {
while ( tp < ftp ) {
if (*mp) *tp -= *sp1 * *sp2;
mp++; tp++; sp1++; sp2++;
} else {
while ( tp < ftp ) {
if (*mp) *tp += scalar * *sp1 * *sp2;
mp++; tp++; sp1++; sp2++;
return target;
template<class Element>
TVectorT<Element> &AddElemDiv(TVectorT<Element> &target,Element scalar,
const TVectorT<Element> &source1,const TVectorT<Element> &source2)
if (gMatrixCheck && !(AreCompatible(target,source1) && AreCompatible(target,source1))) {
Error("AddElemDiv(TVectorT<Element> &,Element,const TVectorT<Element> &,const TVectorT<Element> &)",
"vector's are incompatible");
return target;
const Element * sp1 = source1.GetMatrixArray();
const Element * sp2 = source2.GetMatrixArray();
Element * tp = target.GetMatrixArray();
const Element * const ftp = tp+target.GetNrows();
if (scalar == 1.0 ) {
while ( tp < ftp ) {
if (*sp2 != 0.0)
*tp += *sp1 / *sp2;
else {
const Int_t irow = (sp2-source2.GetMatrixArray())/source2.GetNrows();
Error("AddElemDiv","source2 (%d) is zero",irow);
tp++; sp1++; sp2++;
} else if (scalar == -1.0) {
while ( tp < ftp ) {
if (*sp2 != 0.0)
*tp -= *sp1 / *sp2;
else {
const Int_t irow = (sp2-source2.GetMatrixArray())/source2.GetNrows();
Error("AddElemDiv","source2 (%d) is zero",irow);
tp++; sp1++; sp2++;
} else {
while ( tp < ftp ) {
if (*sp2 != 0.0)
*tp += scalar * *sp1 / *sp2;
else {
const Int_t irow = (sp2-source2.GetMatrixArray())/source2.GetNrows();
Error("AddElemDiv","source2 (%d) is zero",irow);
tp++; sp1++; sp2++;
return target;
template<class Element>
TVectorT<Element> &AddElemDiv(TVectorT<Element> &target,Element scalar,
const TVectorT<Element> &source1,const TVectorT<Element> &source2,const TVectorT<Element> &select)
if (gMatrixCheck && !( AreCompatible(target,source1) && AreCompatible(target,source1) &&
AreCompatible(target,select) )) {
Error("AddElemDiv(TVectorT<Element> &,Element,const TVectorT<Element> &,const TVectorT<Element> &,onst TVectorT<Element> &)",
"vector's are incompatible");
return target;
const Element * sp1 = source1.GetMatrixArray();
const Element * sp2 = source2.GetMatrixArray();
const Element * mp = select.GetMatrixArray();
Element * tp = target.GetMatrixArray();
const Element * const ftp = tp+target.GetNrows();
if (scalar == 1.0 ) {
while ( tp < ftp ) {
if (*mp) {
if (*sp2 != 0.0)
*tp += *sp1 / *sp2;
else {
const Int_t irow = (sp2-source2.GetMatrixArray())/source2.GetNrows();
Error("AddElemDiv","source2 (%d) is zero",irow);
mp++; tp++; sp1++; sp2++;
} else if (scalar == -1.0) {
while ( tp < ftp ) {
if (*mp) {
if (*sp2 != 0.0)
*tp -= *sp1 / *sp2;
else {
const Int_t irow = (sp2-source2.GetMatrixArray())/source2.GetNrows();
Error("AddElemDiv","source2 (%d) is zero",irow);
mp++; tp++; sp1++; sp2++;
} else {
while ( tp < ftp ) {
if (*mp) {
if (*sp2 != 0.0)
*tp += scalar * *sp1 / *sp2;
else {
const Int_t irow = (sp2-source2.GetMatrixArray())/source2.GetNrows();
Error("AddElemDiv","source2 (%d) is zero",irow);
mp++; tp++; sp1++; sp2++;
return target;
template<class Element>
TVectorT<Element> &ElementMult(TVectorT<Element> &target,const TVectorT<Element> &source)
if (gMatrixCheck && !AreCompatible(target,source)) {
Error("ElementMult(TVectorT<Element> &,const TVectorT<Element> &)","vector's are incompatible");
return target;
const Element * sp = source.GetMatrixArray();
Element * tp = target.GetMatrixArray();
const Element * const ftp = tp+target.GetNrows();
while ( tp < ftp )
*tp++ *= *sp++;
return target;
template<class Element>
TVectorT<Element> &ElementMult(TVectorT<Element> &target,const TVectorT<Element> &source,const TVectorT<Element> &select)
if (gMatrixCheck && !(AreCompatible(target,source) && AreCompatible(target,select))) {
Error("ElementMult(TVectorT<Element> &,const TVectorT<Element> &,const TVectorT<Element> &)","vector's are incompatible");
return target;
const Element * sp = source.GetMatrixArray();
const Element * mp = select.GetMatrixArray();
Element * tp = target.GetMatrixArray();
const Element * const ftp = tp+target.GetNrows();
while ( tp < ftp ) {
if (*mp) *tp *= *sp;
mp++; tp++; sp++;
return target;
template<class Element>
TVectorT<Element> &ElementDiv(TVectorT<Element> &target,const TVectorT<Element> &source)
if (gMatrixCheck && !AreCompatible(target,source)) {
Error("ElementDiv(TVectorT<Element> &,const TVectorT<Element> &)","vector's are incompatible");
return target;
const Element * sp = source.GetMatrixArray();
Element * tp = target.GetMatrixArray();
const Element * const ftp = tp+target.GetNrows();
while ( tp < ftp ) {
if (*sp != 0.0)
*tp++ /= *sp++;
else {
const Int_t irow = (sp-source.GetMatrixArray())/source.GetNrows();
Error("ElementDiv","source (%d) is zero",irow);
return target;
template<class Element>
TVectorT<Element> &ElementDiv(TVectorT<Element> &target,const TVectorT<Element> &source,const TVectorT<Element> &select)
if (gMatrixCheck && !AreCompatible(target,source)) {
Error("ElementDiv(TVectorT<Element> &,const TVectorT<Element> &,const TVectorT<Element> &)","vector's are incompatible");
return target;
const Element * sp = source.GetMatrixArray();
const Element * mp = select.GetMatrixArray();
Element * tp = target.GetMatrixArray();
const Element * const ftp = tp+target.GetNrows();
while ( tp < ftp ) {
if (*mp) {
if (*sp != 0.0)
*tp /= *sp;
else {
const Int_t irow = (sp-source.GetMatrixArray())/source.GetNrows();
Error("ElementDiv","source (%d) is zero",irow);
mp++; tp++; sp++;
return target;
template<class Element1,class Element2>
Bool_t AreCompatible(const TVectorT<Element1> &v1,const TVectorT<Element2> &v2,Int_t verbose)
if (!v1.IsValid()) {
if (verbose)
::Error("AreCompatible", "vector 1 not valid");
return kFALSE;
if (!v2.IsValid()) {
if (verbose)
::Error("AreCompatible", "vector 2 not valid");
return kFALSE;
if (v1.GetNrows() != v2.GetNrows() || v1.GetLwb() != v2.GetLwb()) {
if (verbose)
::Error("AreCompatible", "matrices 1 and 2 not compatible");
return kFALSE;
return kTRUE;
template<class Element1, class Element2>
Bool_t AreCompatible(const TMatrixT<Element1> &m,const TVectorT<Element2> &v,Int_t verbose)
if (!m.IsValid()) {
if (verbose)
::Error("AreCompatible", "Matrix not valid");
return kFALSE;
if (!v.IsValid()) {
if (verbose)
::Error("AreCompatible", "vector not valid");
return kFALSE;
if (m.GetNcols() != v.GetNrows() ) {
if (verbose)
::Error("AreCompatible", "matrix and vector not compatible");
return kFALSE;
return kTRUE;
template<class Element1, class Element2>
Bool_t AreCompatible(const TVectorT<Element1> &v,const TMatrixT<Element2> &m,Int_t verbose)
if (!m.IsValid()) {
if (verbose)
::Error("AreCompatible", "Matrix not valid");
return kFALSE;
if (!v.IsValid()) {
if (verbose)
::Error("AreCompatible", "vector not valid");
return kFALSE;
if (v.GetNrows() != m.GetNrows() ) {
if (verbose)
::Error("AreCompatible", "vector and matrix not compatible");
return kFALSE;
return kTRUE;
template<class Element>
void Compare(const TVectorT<Element> &v1,const TVectorT<Element> &v2)
if (!AreCompatible(v1,v2)) {
Error("Compare(const TVectorT<Element> &,const TVectorT<Element> &)","vectors are incompatible");
printf("\n\nComparison of two TVectorTs:\n");
Element norm1 = 0;
Element norm2 = 0;
Element ndiff = 0;
Int_t imax = 0;
Element difmax = -1;
const Element *mp1 = v1.GetMatrixArray();
const Element *mp2 = v2.GetMatrixArray();
for (Int_t i = 0; i < v1.GetNrows(); i++) {
const Element mv1 = *mp1++;
const Element mv2 = *mp2++;
const Element diff = TMath::Abs(mv1-mv2);
if (diff > difmax) {
difmax = diff;
imax = i;
norm1 += TMath::Abs(mv1);
norm2 += TMath::Abs(mv2);
ndiff += TMath::Abs(diff);
imax += v1.GetLwb();
printf("\nMaximal discrepancy \t\t%g",difmax);
printf("\n occured at the point\t\t(%d)",imax);
const Element mv1 = v1(imax);
const Element mv2 = v2(imax);
printf("\n Vector 1 element is \t\t%g",mv1);
printf("\n Vector 2 element is \t\t%g",mv2);
printf("\n Absolute error v2[i]-v1[i]\t\t%g",mv2-mv1);
printf("\n Relative error\t\t\t\t%g\n",
printf("\n||Vector 1|| \t\t\t%g",norm1);
printf("\n||Vector 2|| \t\t\t%g",norm2);
printf("\n||Vector1-Vector2||/sqrt(||Vector1|| ||Vector2||)\t%g\n\n",
template<class Element>
Bool_t VerifyVectorValue(const TVectorT<Element> &v,Element val,
Int_t verbose,Element maxDevAllow)
Int_t imax = 0;
Element maxDevObs = 0;
if (TMath::Abs(maxDevAllow) <= 0.0)
maxDevAllow = std::numeric_limits<Element>::epsilon();
for (Int_t i = v.GetLwb(); i <= v.GetUpb(); i++) {
const Element dev = TMath::Abs(v(i)-val);
if (dev > maxDevObs) {
imax = i;
maxDevObs = dev;
if (maxDevObs == 0)
return kTRUE;
if (verbose) {
printf("Largest dev for (%d); dev = |%g - %g| = %g\n",imax,v(imax),val,maxDevObs);
if (maxDevObs > maxDevAllow)
Error("VerifyVectorValue","Deviation > %g\n",maxDevAllow);
if (maxDevObs > maxDevAllow)
return kFALSE;
return kTRUE;
template<class Element>
Bool_t VerifyVectorIdentity(const TVectorT<Element> &v1,const TVectorT<Element> &v2,
Int_t verbose, Element maxDevAllow)
Int_t imax = 0;
Element maxDevObs = 0;
if (!AreCompatible(v1,v2))
return kFALSE;
if (TMath::Abs(maxDevAllow) <= 0.0)
maxDevAllow = std::numeric_limits<Element>::epsilon();
for (Int_t i = v1.GetLwb(); i <= v1.GetUpb(); i++) {
const Element dev = TMath::Abs(v1(i)-v2(i));
if (dev > maxDevObs) {
imax = i;
maxDevObs = dev;
if (maxDevObs == 0)
return kTRUE;
if (verbose) {
printf("Largest dev for (%d); dev = |%g - %g| = %g\n",imax,v1(imax),v2(imax),maxDevObs);
if (maxDevObs > maxDevAllow)
Error("VerifyVectorIdentity","Deviation > %g\n",maxDevAllow);
if (maxDevObs > maxDevAllow) {
return kFALSE;
return kTRUE;
template<class Element>
void TVectorT<Element>::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
if (R__b.IsReading()) {
UInt_t R__s, R__c;
Version_t R__v = R__b.ReadVersion(&R__s,&R__c);
if (R__v > 1) {
} else {
R__b >> fRowLwb;
fNrows = R__b.ReadArray(fElements);
R__b.CheckByteCount(R__s, R__c, TVectorT<Element>::IsA());
if (fNrows > 0 && fNrows <= kSizeMax) {
delete [] fElements;
fElements = fDataStack;
} else if (fNrows < 0)
if (R__v < 3)
} else {
#ifndef ROOT_TMatrixFfwd
#include "TMatrixFfwd.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TMatrixFSymfwd
#include "TMatrixFSymfwd.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TMatrixFSparsefwd
#include "TMatrixFSparsefwd.h"
template class TVectorT<Float_t>;
template Bool_t operator== <Float_t>(const TVectorF &source1,const TVectorF &source2);
template TVectorF operator+ <Float_t>(const TVectorF &source1,const TVectorF &source2);
template TVectorF operator- <Float_t>(const TVectorF &source1,const TVectorF &source2);
template Float_t operator* <Float_t>(const TVectorF &source1,const TVectorF &source2);
template TVectorF operator* <Float_t>(const TMatrixF &a, const TVectorF &source);
template TVectorF operator* <Float_t>(const TMatrixFSym &a, const TVectorF &source);
template TVectorF operator* <Float_t>(const TMatrixFSparse &a, const TVectorF &source);
template TVectorF operator* <Float_t>( Float_t val, const TVectorF &source);
template Float_t Dot <Float_t>(const TVectorF &v1, const TVectorF &v2);
template TMatrixF OuterProduct <Float_t,Float_t>
(const TVectorF &v1, const TVectorF &v2);
template TMatrixF &OuterProduct <Float_t,Float_t,Float_t>
( TMatrixF &target, const TVectorF &v1, const TVectorF &v2);
template Float_t Mult <Float_t,Float_t,Float_t>
(const TVectorF &v1, const TMatrixF &m, const TVectorF &v2);
template TVectorF &Add <Float_t>( TVectorF &target, Float_t scalar, const TVectorF &source);
template TVectorF &Add <Float_t>( TVectorF &target, Float_t scalar, const TMatrixF &a,
const TVectorF &source);
template TVectorF &Add <Float_t>( TVectorF &target, Float_t scalar, const TMatrixFSym &a,
const TVectorF &source);
template TVectorF &Add <Float_t>( TVectorF &target, Float_t scalar, const TMatrixFSparse &a,
const TVectorF &source);
template TVectorF &AddElemMult <Float_t>( TVectorF &target, Float_t scalar, const TVectorF &source1,
const TVectorF &source2);
template TVectorF &AddElemMult <Float_t>( TVectorF &target, Float_t scalar, const TVectorF &source1,
const TVectorF &source2,const TVectorF &select);
template TVectorF &AddElemDiv <Float_t>( TVectorF &target, Float_t scalar, const TVectorF &source1,
const TVectorF &source2);
template TVectorF &AddElemDiv <Float_t>( TVectorF &target, Float_t scalar, const TVectorF &source1,
const TVectorF &source2,const TVectorF &select);
template TVectorF &ElementMult <Float_t>( TVectorF &target, const TVectorF &source);
template TVectorF &ElementMult <Float_t>( TVectorF &target, const TVectorF &source, const TVectorF &select);
template TVectorF &ElementDiv <Float_t>( TVectorF &target, const TVectorF &source);
template TVectorF &ElementDiv <Float_t>( TVectorF &target, const TVectorF &source, const TVectorF &select);
template Bool_t AreCompatible <Float_t,Float_t> (const TVectorF &v1,const TVectorF &v2,Int_t verbose);
template Bool_t AreCompatible <Float_t,Double_t>(const TVectorF &v1,const TVectorD &v2,Int_t verbose);
template Bool_t AreCompatible <Float_t,Float_t> (const TMatrixF &m, const TVectorF &v, Int_t verbose);
template Bool_t AreCompatible <Float_t,Float_t> (const TVectorF &v, const TMatrixF &m, Int_t verbose);
template void Compare <Float_t> (const TVectorF &v1,const TVectorF &v2);
template Bool_t VerifyVectorValue <Float_t> (const TVectorF &m, Float_t val,Int_t verbose,Float_t maxDevAllow);
template Bool_t VerifyVectorIdentity<Float_t> (const TVectorF &m1,const TVectorF &m2, Int_t verbose,Float_t maxDevAllow);
#ifndef ROOT_TMatrixDfwd
#include "TMatrixDfwd.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TMatrixDSymfwd
#include "TMatrixDSymfwd.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TMatrixDSparsefwd
#include "TMatrixDSparsefwd.h"
template class TVectorT<Double_t>;
template Bool_t operator== <Double_t>(const TVectorD &source1,const TVectorD &source2);
template TVectorD operator+ <Double_t>(const TVectorD &source1,const TVectorD &source2);
template TVectorD operator- <Double_t>(const TVectorD &source1,const TVectorD &source2);
template Double_t operator* <Double_t>(const TVectorD &source1,const TVectorD &source2);
template TVectorD operator* <Double_t>(const TMatrixD &a, const TVectorD &source);
template TVectorD operator* <Double_t>(const TMatrixDSym &a, const TVectorD &source);
template TVectorD operator* <Double_t>(const TMatrixDSparse &a, const TVectorD &source);
template TVectorD operator* <Double_t>( Double_t val, const TVectorD &source);
template Double_t Dot <Double_t>(const TVectorD &v1, const TVectorD &v2);
template TMatrixD OuterProduct <Double_t,Double_t>
(const TVectorD &v1, const TVectorD &v2);
template TMatrixD &OuterProduct <Double_t,Double_t,Double_t>
( TMatrixD &target, const TVectorD &v1, const TVectorD &v2);
template Double_t Mult <Double_t,Double_t,Double_t>
(const TVectorD &v1, const TMatrixD &m, const TVectorD &v2);
template TVectorD &Add <Double_t>( TVectorD &target, Double_t scalar, const TVectorD &source);
template TVectorD &Add <Double_t>( TVectorD &target, Double_t scalar, const TMatrixD &a,
const TVectorD &source);
template TVectorD &Add <Double_t>( TVectorD &target, Double_t scalar, const TMatrixDSym &a
, const TVectorD &source);
template TVectorD &Add <Double_t>( TVectorD &target, Double_t scalar, const TMatrixDSparse &a
, const TVectorD &source);
template TVectorD &AddElemMult <Double_t>( TVectorD &target, Double_t scalar, const TVectorD &source1,
const TVectorD &source2);
template TVectorD &AddElemMult <Double_t>( TVectorD &target, Double_t scalar, const TVectorD &source1,
const TVectorD &source2,const TVectorD &select);
template TVectorD &AddElemDiv <Double_t>( TVectorD &target, Double_t scalar, const TVectorD &source1,
const TVectorD &source2);
template TVectorD &AddElemDiv <Double_t>( TVectorD &target, Double_t scalar, const TVectorD &source1,
const TVectorD &source2,const TVectorD &select);
template TVectorD &ElementMult <Double_t>( TVectorD &target, const TVectorD &source);
template TVectorD &ElementMult <Double_t>( TVectorD &target, const TVectorD &source, const TVectorD &select);
template TVectorD &ElementDiv <Double_t>( TVectorD &target, const TVectorD &source);
template TVectorD &ElementDiv <Double_t>( TVectorD &target, const TVectorD &source, const TVectorD &select);
template Bool_t AreCompatible <Double_t,Double_t>(const TVectorD &v1,const TVectorD &v2,Int_t verbose);
template Bool_t AreCompatible <Double_t,Float_t> (const TVectorD &v1,const TVectorF &v2,Int_t verbose);
template Bool_t AreCompatible <Double_t,Double_t>(const TMatrixD &m, const TVectorD &v, Int_t verbose);
template Bool_t AreCompatible <Double_t,Double_t>(const TVectorD &v, const TMatrixD &m, Int_t verbose);
template void Compare <Double_t> (const TVectorD &v1,const TVectorD &v2);
template Bool_t VerifyVectorValue <Double_t> (const TVectorD &m, Double_t val,Int_t verbose,Double_t maxDevAllow);
template Bool_t VerifyVectorIdentity<Double_t> (const TVectorD &m1,const TVectorD &m2, Int_t verbose,Double_t maxDevAllow);