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// Author: Wim Lavrijsen   Aug 2007

#ifndef ROOT_TPyDispatcher
#define ROOT_TPyDispatcher

//                                                                          //
// TPyDispatcher                                                            //
//                                                                          //
// Dispatcher for CINT callbacks into python code.                          //
//                                                                          //

#ifndef ROOT_TObject
#include "TObject.h"

class TDNDData;
class TEveDigitSet;
class TEveElement;
class TEveTrack;
class TEveWindow;
class TGFrame;
class TGListTreeItem;
class TGMdiFrame;
class TGLPhysicalShape;
class TGShutterItem;
class TGLVEntry;
class TGLViewerBase;
class TGVFileSplitter;
class TList;
class TObject;
class TPad;
class TProofProgressInfo;
class TQCommand;
class TSlave;
class TSocket;
class TVirtualPad;

struct Event_t;

// Python
struct _object;
typedef _object PyObject;

class TPyDispatcher : public TObject {
   TPyDispatcher( PyObject* callable );
   TPyDispatcher( const TPyDispatcher& );
   TPyDispatcher& operator=( const TPyDispatcher& );

#ifndef __CINT__
   PyObject* DispatchVA( const char* format = 0, ... );
   PyObject* DispatchVA( const char* format, ... );
   PyObject* DispatchVA1( const char* clname, void* obj, const char* format, ... );

// pre-defined dispatches, same as per TQObject::Emit(); note that
// Emit() maps exclusively to this set, so several builtin types (e.g.
// Int_t, Bool_t, Float_t, etc.) have been omitted here
   PyObject* Dispatch() { return DispatchVA( 0 ); }
   PyObject* Dispatch( const char* param ) { return DispatchVA( "s", param ); }
   PyObject* Dispatch( Double_t param )    { return DispatchVA( "d", param ); }
   PyObject* Dispatch( Long_t param )      { return DispatchVA( "l", param ); }
   PyObject* Dispatch( Long64_t param )    { return DispatchVA( "L", param ); }

// further selection of pre-defined, existing dispatches
   PyObject* Dispatch( Bool_t param )      { return DispatchVA( "i", param ); }
   PyObject* Dispatch( char* param )       { return DispatchVA( "s", param ); }
   PyObject* Dispatch( const char* text, Int_t len ) { return DispatchVA( "si", text, len ); }
   PyObject* Dispatch( Int_t param )       { return DispatchVA( "i", param ); }
   PyObject* Dispatch( Int_t x, Int_t y )  { return DispatchVA( "ii", x, y ); }
   PyObject* Dispatch( ULong_t param )     { return DispatchVA( "k", param ); }
                // ULong_t also for Handle_t (and Window_t, etc. ... )

   PyObject* Dispatch( Event_t* event )    { return DispatchVA1( "Event_t", event, 0 ); }
   PyObject* Dispatch( Event_t* event, ULong_t wid ) { return DispatchVA1( "Event_t", event, "k", wid ); }
   PyObject* Dispatch( TEveDigitSet* qs, Int_t idx ) { return DispatchVA1( "TEveDigitSet", qs, "i", idx ); }
   PyObject* Dispatch( TEveElement* el )   { return DispatchVA1( "TEveElement", el, 0 ); }
   PyObject* Dispatch( TEveTrack* et )     { return DispatchVA1( "TEveTrack", et, 0 ); }
   PyObject* Dispatch( TEveWindow* window ) { return DispatchVA1( "TEveWindow", window, 0 ); }
   PyObject* Dispatch( TGFrame* frame )    { return DispatchVA1( "TGFrame", frame, 0 ); }
   PyObject* Dispatch( TGFrame* frame, Int_t btn ) {
      return DispatchVA1( "TGFrame", frame, "i", btn ); }
   PyObject* Dispatch( TGFrame* frame, Int_t btn, Int_t x, Int_t y ) {
      return DispatchVA1( "TGFrame", frame, "iii", btn, x, y ); }
   PyObject* Dispatch( TGFrame* frame, UInt_t keysym, UInt_t mask ) {
      return DispatchVA1( "TGFrame", frame, "II", keysym, mask ); }
   PyObject* Dispatch( TGListTreeItem* entry ) { return DispatchVA1( "TGListTreeItem", entry, 0 ); }
   PyObject* Dispatch( TGListTreeItem* entry, UInt_t mask ) {
      return DispatchVA1( "TGListTreeItem", entry, "I", mask ); }
   PyObject* Dispatch( TGListTreeItem* entry, UInt_t keysym, UInt_t mask ) {
      return DispatchVA1( "TGListTreeItem", entry, "II", keysym, mask ); }
   PyObject* Dispatch( TGListTreeItem* entry, Int_t btn ) {
      return DispatchVA1( "TGListTreeItem", entry, "i", btn ); }
   PyObject* Dispatch( TGListTreeItem* entry, Int_t btn, Int_t x, Int_t y ) {
      return DispatchVA1( "TGListTreeItem", entry, "iii", btn, x, y ); }
   PyObject* Dispatch( TGLVEntry* entry, Int_t btn ) {
      return DispatchVA1( "TGLVEntry", entry, "i", btn ); }
   PyObject* Dispatch( TGLVEntry* entry, Int_t btn, Int_t x, Int_t y ) {
      return DispatchVA1( "TGLVEntry", entry, "iii", btn, x, y ); }
   PyObject* Dispatch( TGLViewerBase* viewer ) {
      return DispatchVA1( "TGLViewerBase", viewer, 0 ); }
   PyObject* Dispatch( TGLPhysicalShape* shape ) {
      return DispatchVA1( "TGLPhysicalShape", shape, 0 ); }
   PyObject* Dispatch( TGLPhysicalShape* shape, UInt_t u1, UInt_t u2 ) {
      return DispatchVA1( "TGLPhysicalShape", shape, "II", u1, u2 ); }
   PyObject* Dispatch( TGMdiFrame* frame ) { return DispatchVA1( "TGMdiFrame", frame, 0 ); }
   PyObject* Dispatch( TGShutterItem* item ) { return DispatchVA1( "TGShutterItem", item, 0 ); }
   PyObject* Dispatch( TGVFileSplitter* frame ) { return DispatchVA1( "TGVFileSplitter", frame, 0 ); }
   PyObject* Dispatch( TList* objs )       { return DispatchVA1( "TList", objs, 0 ); }
   PyObject* Dispatch( TObject* obj )      { return DispatchVA1( "TObject", obj, 0 ); }
   PyObject* Dispatch( TObject* obj, Bool_t check ) {
      return DispatchVA1( "TObject", obj, "i", check ); }
   PyObject* Dispatch( TObject* obj, UInt_t state ) {
      return DispatchVA1( "TObject", obj, "I", state ); }
   PyObject* Dispatch( TObject* obj, UInt_t button, UInt_t state ) {
      return DispatchVA1( "TObject", obj, "II", button, state ); }
   PyObject* Dispatch( TSocket* sock )     { return DispatchVA1( "TSocket", sock, 0 ); }
   PyObject* Dispatch( TVirtualPad* pad )  { return DispatchVA1( "TVirtualPad", pad, 0 ); }

   PyObject* Dispatch( TPad* selpad, TObject* selected, Int_t event );
   PyObject* Dispatch( Int_t event, Int_t x, Int_t y, TObject* selected );
   PyObject* Dispatch( TVirtualPad* pad, TObject* obj, Int_t event );
   PyObject* Dispatch( TGListTreeItem* item, TDNDData* data );
   PyObject* Dispatch( const char* name, const TList* attr );

// for PROOF
   PyObject* Dispatch( const char* msg, Bool_t all ) { return DispatchVA( "si", msg, all ); }
   PyObject* Dispatch( Long64_t total, Long64_t processed ) {
      return DispatchVA( "LL", total, processed );
   PyObject* Dispatch( Long64_t total, Long64_t processed, Long64_t bytesread,
                       Float_t initTime, Float_t procTime,
                       Float_t evtrti, Float_t mbrti ) {
      return DispatchVA( "LLLffff", total, processed, bytesread, initTime, procTime, evtrti, mbrti );
   PyObject* Dispatch( Long64_t total, Long64_t processed, Long64_t bytesread,
                       Float_t initTime, Float_t procTime,
                       Float_t evtrti, Float_t mbrti,
                       Int_t actw, Int_t tses, Float_t eses ) {
      return DispatchVA( "LLLffffiif",
         total, processed, bytesread, initTime, procTime, evtrti, mbrti, actw, tses, eses );
   PyObject* Dispatch( const char* sel, Int_t sz, Long64_t fst, Long64_t ent ) {
      return DispatchVA( "siLL", sel, sz, fst, ent );
   PyObject* Dispatch( const char* msg, Bool_t status, Int_t done, Int_t total ) {
      return DispatchVA( "siii", msg, status, done, total );

   PyObject* Dispatch( TSlave* slave, Long64_t total, Long64_t processed ) {
      return DispatchVA1( "TSlave", slave, "LL", total, processed );
   PyObject* Dispatch( TProofProgressInfo* pi ) { return DispatchVA1( "TProofProgressInfo", pi, 0 ); }
   PyObject* Dispatch( TSlave* slave ) { return DispatchVA( "TSlave", slave, 0 ); }
   PyObject* Dispatch( TSlave* slave, TProofProgressInfo* pi );
   ClassDef( TPyDispatcher, 1 );   // Python dispatcher class

   PyObject* fCallable;            //! callable object to be dispatched
