#include "TDocInfo.h"
#include "TClass.h"
#include "TSystem.h"
const char* TClassDocInfo::GetName() const
return fClass ? fClass->GetName() : "(UNKNOWN)";
ULong_t TClassDocInfo::Hash() const
return fClass ? fClass->Hash() : (ULong_t)-1;
Int_t TClassDocInfo::Compare(const TObject* obj) const
return fClass ? fClass->Compare(obj) : obj < this;
// <p>Represents modules of the documented product. Modules are sub-groups of
// sources of a product, which get separate index pages and user-provided
// documentation. For ROOT, a module is a sub-directory; it often corresponds
// to a library. TModuleDocInfo, for example, is part of the HTML module,
// which is documented <a href="../HTML_index.html">here</a>. The list of
// all modules is shown e.g. in the <a href="ClassIndex.html">class index</a>.</p>
// <p>A module's documentation is searched by combining its source directory
// (see <a href="#TModuleDocInfo:SetInputDir">SetInputDir()</a>) and the
// module documentation search path defined by
// <a href="../THtml.html#THtml:SetModuleDocPath">THtml::SetModuleDocPath()</a>;
// it defaults to "../doc", i.e. for a module's sources in "module/src" its
// documentation is searched in "module/doc".