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// @(#)root/tmva $Id$
// Author: Tancredi Carli, Dominik Dannheim, Alexander Voigt

 * Project: TMVA - a Root-integrated toolkit for multivariate data analysis       *
 * Package: TMVA                                                                  *
 * Classes: PDEFoamTarget                                                         *
 * Web    :                                           *
 *                                                                                *
 * Description:                                                                   *
 *      Implementation.                                                           *
 *                                                                                *
 * Authors (alphabetical):                                                        *
 *      Tancredi Carli   - CERN, Switzerland                                      *
 *      Dominik Dannheim - CERN, Switzerland                                      *
 *      S. Jadach        - Institute of Nuclear Physics, Cracow, Poland           *
 *      Alexander Voigt  - TU Dresden, Germany                                    *
 *      Peter Speckmayer - CERN, Switzerland                                      *
 *                                                                                *
 * Copyright (c) 2008, 2010:                                                      *
 *      CERN, Switzerland                                                         *
 *      MPI-K Heidelberg, Germany                                                 *
 *                                                                                *
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without             *
 * modification, are permitted according to the terms listed in LICENSE           *
 * (                                          *

// PDEFoamTarget
// This PDEFoam variant stores in every cell the average target
// fTarget (see the Constructor) as well as the statistical error on
// the target fTarget.  It therefore acts as a target estimator.  It
// should be booked together with the PDEFoamTargetDensity density
// estimator, which returns the target fTarget density at a given
// phase space point during the foam build-up.

#ifndef ROOT_TMath
#include "TMath.h"

#ifndef ROOT_TMVA_PDEFoamTarget
#include "TMVA/PDEFoamTarget.h"


: PDEFoam()
   , fTarget(0)
   // Default constructor for streamer, user should not use it.

TMVA::PDEFoamTarget::PDEFoamTarget(const TString& name, UInt_t target)
   : PDEFoam(name)
   , fTarget(target)
   // User constructor
   // Parameters:
   // - name - name of PDEFoam object
   // - target - target number to range-search for

TMVA::PDEFoamTarget::PDEFoamTarget(const PDEFoamTarget &from)
   : PDEFoam(from)
   , fTarget(from.fTarget)
   // Copy Constructor  NOT IMPLEMENTED (NEVER USED)

void TMVA::PDEFoamTarget::FillFoamCells(const Event* ev, Float_t wt)
   // This function fills an event into the discriminant PDEFoam.  The
   // weight 'wt' is filled into cell element 0 if the event is of
   // class 'fTarget', and filled into cell element 1 otherwise.

   // find corresponding foam cell
   std::vector<Float_t> values  = ev->GetValues();
   std::vector<Float_t> tvalues = VarTransform(values);
   std::vector<Float_t> targets = ev->GetTargets();
   PDEFoamCell *cell = FindCell(tvalues);

   // 0. Element: Number of events
   // 1. Element: Target 0
   SetCellElement(cell, 0, GetCellElement(cell, 0) + wt);
   SetCellElement(cell, 1, GetCellElement(cell, 1) + wt *;

void TMVA::PDEFoamTarget::Finalize()
   // Calculate average cell target in every cell and save them to the
   // cell.  Cell element 0 will contain the average target and cell
   // element 1 will contain the error on the target.

   // loop over cells
   for (Long_t iCell = 0; iCell <= fLastCe; iCell++) {
      if (!(fCells[iCell]->GetStat()))

      Double_t n_ev  = GetCellElement(fCells[iCell], 0); // get number of events
      Double_t tar   = GetCellElement(fCells[iCell], 1); // get sum of targets

      if (n_ev > 0) {
         SetCellElement(fCells[iCell], 0, tar / n_ev); // set average target
         SetCellElement(fCells[iCell], 1, tar / TMath::Sqrt(n_ev)); // set error on average target
      } else {
         SetCellElement(fCells[iCell], 0, 0.0);  // set mean target
         SetCellElement(fCells[iCell], 1, -1);   // set mean target error

Bool_t TMVA::PDEFoamTarget::CellValueIsUndefined(PDEFoamCell* cell)
   // Returns true, if the target error equals -1, as set in
   // Finalize() in case of no events in the cell
   return GetCellValue(cell, kValueError) == -1;

Float_t TMVA::PDEFoamTarget::GetCellValue(const std::vector<Float_t> &xvec, ECellValue cv, PDEFoamKernelBase *kernel)
   // This function finds the cell, which corresponds to the given
   // untransformed event vector 'xvec' and return its value, which is
   // given by the parameter 'cv'.
   // If cv == kValue, it is checked wether the cell value is
   // undefined.  If this is the case, then the mean of the neighbor's
   // target values is returned, using GetAverageNeighborsValue().

   std::vector<Float_t> txvec(VarTransform(xvec));
   PDEFoamCell *cell = FindCell(txvec);

   if (!CellValueIsUndefined(cell)) {
      // cell is not empty
      if (kernel == NULL)
         return GetCellValue(cell, cv);
         return kernel->Estimate(this, txvec, cv);
   } else
      // cell is empty -> calc average target of neighbor cells
      return GetAverageNeighborsValue(txvec, kValue);

Float_t TMVA::PDEFoamTarget::GetAverageNeighborsValue(std::vector<Float_t> &txvec,
                                                      ECellValue cv)
   // This function returns the average value 'cv' of only nearest
   // neighbor cells.  It is used in cases, where empty cells shall
   // not be evaluated.
   // Parameters:
   // - txvec - event vector, transformed into foam coordinates [0, 1]
   // - cv - cell value, see definition of ECellValue

   const Float_t xoffset = 1.e-6;
   Float_t norm   = 0; // normalisation
   Float_t result = 0; // return value

   PDEFoamCell *cell = FindCell(txvec); // find cooresponding cell
   PDEFoamVect cellSize(GetTotDim());
   PDEFoamVect cellPosi(GetTotDim());
   cell->GetHcub(cellPosi, cellSize); // get cell coordinates

   // loop over all dimensions and find neighbor cells
   for (Int_t dim = 0; dim < GetTotDim(); dim++) {
      std::vector<Float_t> ntxvec(txvec);
      PDEFoamCell* left_cell  = 0; // left cell
      PDEFoamCell* right_cell = 0; // right cell

      // get left cell
      ntxvec[dim] = cellPosi[dim] - xoffset;
      left_cell = FindCell(ntxvec);
      if (!CellValueIsUndefined(left_cell)) {
         // if left cell is not empty, take its value
         result += GetCellValue(left_cell, cv);
      // get right cell
      ntxvec[dim] = cellPosi[dim] + cellSize[dim] + xoffset;
      right_cell = FindCell(ntxvec);
      if (!CellValueIsUndefined(right_cell)) {
         // if right cell is not empty, take its value
         result += GetCellValue(right_cell, cv);
   if (norm > 0)  result /= norm; // calc average target
   else         result = 0;     // return null if all neighbors are empty

   return result;