ROOT logo
// @(#)root/foam:$Id$
// Author: S. Jadach <>, P.Sawicki <>

// FOAM  Version 1.02M
// ===================
// Authors:
//   S. Jadach and P.Sawicki
//   Institute of Nuclear Physics, Cracow, Poland
//   Stanislaw.,
// What is FOAM for?
// =================
// * Suppose you want to generate randomly points (vectors) according to
//   an arbitrary probability distribution  in n dimensions,
//   for which you supply your own subprogram. FOAM can do it for you!
//   Even if your distributions has quite strong peaks and is discontinuous!
// * FOAM generates random points with weight one or with variable weight.
// * FOAM is capable to integrate using efficient "adaptive" MC method.
//   (The distribution does not need to be normalized to one.)
// How does it work?
// =================
// FOAM is the simplified version of the multi-dimensional general purpose
// Monte Carlo event generator (integrator) FOAM.
// It creates hyper-rectangular "foam of cells", which is more dense around its peaks.
// See the following 2-dim. example of the map of 1000 cells for doubly peaked distribution:
/* -->
<img src="gif/foam_MapCamel1000.gif">
// -->END_HTML
// FOAM is now fully integrated with the ROOT package.
// The important bonus of the ROOT use is persistency of the FOAM objects!
// For more sophisticated problems full version of FOAM may be more appropriate:
/* -->
  See <A HREF=""> full version of FOAM</A>
// -->END_HTML
// Simple example of the use of FOAM:
// ==================================
// Int_t kanwa(){
//   gSystem->Load("libFoam");
//   TH2D  *hst_xy = new TH2D("hst_xy" ,  "x-y plot", 50,0,1.0, 50,0,1.0);
//   Double_t *MCvect =new Double_t[2]; // 2-dim vector generated in the MC run
//   TRandom3  *PseRan   = new TRandom3();  // Create random number generator
//   PseRan->SetSeed(4357);                // Set seed
//   TFoam   *FoamX    = new TFoam("FoamX");   // Create Simulator
//   FoamX->SetkDim(2);          // No. of dimensions, obligatory!
//   FoamX->SetnCells(500);      // No. of cells, can be omitted, default=2000
//   FoamX->SetRhoInt(Camel2);   // Set 2-dim distribution, included below
//   FoamX->SetPseRan(PseRan);   // Set random number generator
//   FoamX->Initialize();        // Initialize simulator, takes a few seconds...
//   // From now on FoamX is ready to generate events according to Camel2(x,y)
//   for(Long_t loop=0; loop<100000; loop++){
//     FoamX->MakeEvent();          // generate MC event
//     FoamX->GetMCvect( MCvect);   // get generated vector (x,y)
//     Double_t x=MCvect[0];
//     Double_t y=MCvect[1];
//     if(loop<10) cout<<"(x,y) =  ( "<< x <<", "<< y <<" )"<<endl;
//     hst_xy->Fill(x,y);           // fill scattergram
//   }// loop
//   Double_t mcResult, mcError;
//   FoamX->GetIntegMC( mcResult, mcError);  // get MC integral, should be one
//   cout << " mcResult= " << mcResult << " +- " << mcError <<endl;
//   // now hst_xy will be plotted visualizing generated distribution
//   TCanvas *cKanwa = new TCanvas("cKanwa","Canvas for plotting",600,600);
//   cKanwa->cd();
//   hst_xy->Draw("lego2");
// }//kanwa
// Double_t sqr(Double_t x){return x*x;};
// Double_t Camel2(Int_t nDim, Double_t *Xarg){
// // 2-dimensional distribution for FOAM, normalized to one (within 1e-5)
//   Double_t x=Xarg[0];
//   Double_t y=Xarg[1];
//   Double_t GamSq= sqr(0.100e0);
//   Double_t Dist=exp(-(sqr(x-1./3) +sqr(y-1./3))/GamSq)/GamSq/TMath::Pi();
//   Dist        +=exp(-(sqr(x-2./3) +sqr(y-2./3))/GamSq)/GamSq/TMath::Pi();
//   return 0.5*Dist;
// }// Camel2
// Two-dim. histogram of the MC points generated with the above program looks as follows:
/* -->
<img src="gif/foam_cKanwa.gif">
// -->END_HTML
// Canonical nine steering parameters of FOAM
// ===========================================
//  Name     | default  | Description
//  kDim     | 0        | Dimension of the integration space. Must be redefined!
//  nCells   | 1000     | No of allocated number of cells,
//  nSampl   | 200      | No. of MC events in the cell MC exploration
//  nBin     | 8        | No. of bins in edge-histogram in cell exploration
//  OptRej   | 1        | OptRej = 0, weighted; OptRej=1, wt=1 MC events
//  OptDrive | 2        | Maximum weight reduction, =1 for variance reduction
//  EvPerBin | 25       | Maximum number of the effective wt=1 events/bin,
//           |          | EvPerBin=0 deactivates this option
//  Chat     | 1        | =0,1,2 is the ``chat level'' in the standard output
//  MaxWtRej | 1.1      | Maximum weight used to get w=1 MC events
// The above can be redefined before calling 'Initialize()' method,
// for instance FoamObject->SetkDim(15) sets dimension of the distribution to 15.
// Only kDim HAS TO BE redefined, the other parameters may be left at their defaults.
// nCell may be increased up to about million cells for wildly peaked distributions.
// Increasing nSampl sometimes helps, but it may cost CPU time.
// MaxWtRej may need to be increased for wild a distribution, while using OptRej=0.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Past versions of FOAM: August 2003, v.1.00; September 2003 v.1.01
// Adopted starting from FOAM-2.06 by P. Sawicki
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Users of FOAM are kindly requested to cite the following work:
// S. Jadach, Computer Physics Communications 152 (2003) 55.

#include "TFoam.h"
#include "TFoamIntegrand.h"
#include "TFoamMaxwt.h"
#include "TFoamVect.h"
#include "TFoamCell.h"
#include "Riostream.h"
#include "TH1.h"
#include "TRefArray.h"
#include "TMethodCall.h"
#include "TRandom.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include "TInterpreter.h"


//FFFFFF  BoX-FORMATs for nice and flexible outputs
#define BXOPE cout<<\
"F                                                                              F"<<endl
#define BXTXT(text) cout<<\
"F                   "<<setw(40)<<         text           <<"                   F"<<endl
#define BX1I(name,numb,text) cout<<\
"F "<<setw(10)<<name<<" = "<<setw(10)<<numb<<" = "          <<setw(50)<<text<<" F"<<endl
#define BX1F(name,numb,text)     cout<<"F "<<setw(10)<<name<<\
          " = "<<setw(15)<<setprecision(8)<<numb<<"   =    "<<setw(40)<<text<<" F"<<endl
#define BX2F(name,numb,err,text) cout<<"F "<<setw(10)<<name<<\
" = "<<setw(15)<<setprecision(8)<<numb<<" +- "<<setw(15)<<setprecision(8)<<err<<\
                                                      "  = "<<setw(25)<<text<<" F"<<endl
#define BXCLO cout<<\
"F                                                                              F"<<endl<<\
  //FFFFFF  BoX-FORMATs ends here

static const Double_t gHigh= 1.0e150;
static const Double_t gVlow=-1.0e150;

#define SW2 setprecision(7) << setw(12)

// class to wrap a global function in a TFoamIntegrand function
class FoamIntegrandFunction : public TFoamIntegrand { 


   typedef Double_t (*FunctionPtr)(Int_t, Double_t*); 

   FoamIntegrandFunction(FunctionPtr func) : fFunc(func) {}

   virtual ~FoamIntegrandFunction() {}

   // evaluate the density using the provided function pointer
   Double_t Density (Int_t nDim, Double_t * x) { 
      return fFunc(nDim,x); 


   FunctionPtr fFunc; 

TFoam::TFoam() : 
   fDim(0), fNCells(0), fRNmax(0), 
   fOptDrive(0), fChat(0), fOptRej(0), 
   fNBin(0), fNSampl(0), fEvPerBin(0), 
   fMaskDiv(0), fInhiDiv(0), fOptPRD(0), fXdivPRD(0), 
   fNoAct(0), fLastCe(0), fCells(0), 
   fMCMonit(0), fMaxWtRej(0), fCellsAct(0), fPrimAcu(0), 
   fHistEdg(0), fHistDbg(0), fHistWt(0), 
   fMCvect(0), fMCwt(0), fRvec(0), 
   fRho(0), fMethodCall(0), fPseRan(0), 
   fNCalls(0), fNEffev(0), 
   fSumWt(0), fSumWt2(0), 
   fSumOve(0), fNevGen(0), 
   fWtMax(0), fWtMin(0), 
   fPrime(0), fMCresult(0), fMCerror(0), 
  // Default constructor for streamer, user should not use it.
TFoam::TFoam(const Char_t* Name) :
   fDim(0), fNCells(0), fRNmax(0), 
   fOptDrive(0), fChat(0), fOptRej(0), 
   fNBin(0), fNSampl(0), fEvPerBin(0), 
   fMaskDiv(0), fInhiDiv(0), fOptPRD(0), fXdivPRD(0), 
   fNoAct(0), fLastCe(0), fCells(0), 
   fMCMonit(0), fMaxWtRej(0), fCellsAct(0), fPrimAcu(0), 
   fHistEdg(0), fHistDbg(0), fHistWt(0), 
   fMCvect(0), fMCwt(0), fRvec(0), 
   fRho(0), fMethodCall(0), fPseRan(0), 
   fNCalls(0), fNEffev(0), 
   fSumWt(0), fSumWt2(0), 
   fSumOve(0), fNevGen(0), 
   fWtMax(0), fWtMin(0), 
   fPrime(0), fMCresult(0), fMCerror(0), 
// User constructor, to be employed by the user

   if(strlen(Name)  >129) {
      Error("TFoam","Name too long %s \n",Name);
   fName=Name;                                            // Class name
   fDate="  Release date:  2005.04.10";                   // Release date
   fVersion= "1.02M";                                     // Release version
   fMaskDiv  = 0;             // Dynamic Mask for  cell division, h-cubic
   fInhiDiv  = 0;             // Flag allowing to inhibit cell division in certain projection/edge
   fXdivPRD  = 0;             // Lists of division values encoded in one vector per direction
   fCells    = 0;
   fAlpha    = 0;
   fCellsAct = 0;
   fPrimAcu  = 0;
   fHistEdg  = 0;
   fHistWt   = 0;
   fHistDbg  = 0;
   fDim     = 0;                // dimension of hyp-cubical space
   fNCells   = 1000;             // Maximum number of Cells,    is usually re-set
   fNSampl   = 200;              // No of sampling when dividing cell
   fOptPRD   = 0;                // General Option switch for PRedefined Division, for quick check
   fOptDrive = 2;                // type of Drive =1,2 for TrueVol,Sigma,WtMax
   fChat     = 1;                // Chat=0,1,2 chat level in output, Chat=1 normal level
   fOptRej   = 1;                // OptRej=0, wted events; OptRej=1, wt=1 events
   fNBin     = 8;                // binning of edge-histogram in cell exploration
   fEvPerBin =25;                // maximum no. of EFFECTIVE event per bin, =0 option is inactive
   fNCalls = 0;                  // No of function calls
   fNEffev = 0;                  // Total no of eff. wt=1 events in build=up
   fLastCe =-1;                  // Index of the last cell
   fNoAct  = 0;                  // No of active cells (used in MC generation)
   fWtMin = gHigh;               // Minimal weight
   fWtMax = gVlow;               // Maximal weight
   fMaxWtRej =1.10;              // Maximum weight in rejection for getting wt=1 events
   fPseRan   = 0;                // Initialize private copy of random number generator
   fMCMonit  = 0;                // MC efficiency monitoring
   fRho = 0;                     // pointer to abstract class providing function to integrate
   fMCvect   = 0;
   fRvec     = 0;
   fPseRan   = 0;                // generator of pseudorandom numbers
   fMethodCall=0;                // ROOT's pointer to global distribution function

// Default destructor
//  cout<<" DESTRUCTOR entered "<<endl;
   Int_t i;

   if(fCells!= 0) {
      for(i=0; i<fNCells; i++) delete fCells[i]; // TFoamCell*[]
      delete [] fCells;
   if (fCellsAct) delete fCellsAct ; // WVE FIX LEAK
   if (fRvec)    delete [] fRvec;    //double[]
   if (fAlpha)   delete [] fAlpha;   //double[]
   if (fMCvect)  delete [] fMCvect;  //double[]
   if (fPrimAcu) delete [] fPrimAcu; //double[]
   if (fMaskDiv) delete [] fMaskDiv; //int[]
   if (fInhiDiv) delete [] fInhiDiv; //int[]
   if( fXdivPRD!= 0) {
      for(i=0; i<fDim; i++) delete fXdivPRD[i]; // TFoamVect*[]
      delete [] fXdivPRD;
   if (fMCMonit) delete fMCMonit;
   if (fHistWt)  delete fHistWt;

   // delete histogram arrays
   if (fHistEdg) { 
      delete fHistEdg; 
   if (fHistDbg) { 
      delete fHistDbg; 
   // delete function object if it has been created here in SetRhoInt
   if (fRho && dynamic_cast<FoamIntegrandFunction*>(fRho) ) delete fRho; 

TFoam::TFoam(const TFoam &From): TObject(From)

void TFoam::Initialize(TRandom *PseRan, TFoamIntegrand *fun )
// Basic initialization of FOAM invoked by the user. Mandatory!
// ============================================================
// This method starts the process of the cell build-up.
// User must invoke Initialize with two arguments or Initialize without arguments.
// This is done BEFORE generating first MC event and AFTER allocating FOAM object
// and reseting (optionally) its internal parameters/switches.
// The overall operational scheme of the FOAM is the following:
/* -->
<img src="gif/foam_schema2.gif">
// -->END_HTML
// This method invokes several other methods:
// ==========================================
// InitCells initializes memory storage for cells and begins exploration process
// from the root cell. The empty cells are allocated/filled using  CellFill.
// The procedure Grow which loops over cells, picks up the cell with the biggest
// ``driver integral'', see Comp. Phys. Commun. 152 152 (2003) 55 for explanations,
// with the help of PeekMax procedure. The chosen cell is split using Divide.
// Subsequently, the procedure Explore called by the Divide
// (and by InitCells for the root cell) does the most important
// job in the FOAM object build-up: it performs a small MC run for each
// newly allocated daughter cell.
// Explore calculates how profitable the future split of the cell will be
// and defines the optimal cell division geometry with the help of Carver or Varedu
// procedures, for maximum weight or variance optimization respectively.
// All essential results of the exploration are written into
// the explored cell object. At the very end of the foam build-up,
// Finally, MakeActiveList is invoked to create a list of pointers to
// all active cells, for the purpose of the quick access during the MC generation.
// The procedure Explore employs MakeAlpha to generate random coordinates
// inside a given cell with the uniform distribution.
// The above sequence of the procedure calls is depicted in the following figure:
/* -->
<img src="gif/foam_Initialize_schema.gif">
// -->END_HTML


void TFoam::Initialize()
// Basic initialization of FOAM invoked by the user.
// IMPORTANT: Random number generator and the distribution object has to be
// provided using SetPseRan and SetRho prior to invoking this initializator!

   Bool_t addStatus = TH1::AddDirectoryStatus();
   Int_t i;

      BXTXT("******      TFoam::Initialize    ******");
      BX1F("  Version",fVersion,  fDate);
      BX1I("     kDim",fDim,     " Dimension of the hyper-cubical space             ");
      BX1I("   nCells",fNCells,   " Requested number of Cells (half of them active)  ");
      BX1I("   nSampl",fNSampl,   " No of MC events in exploration of a cell         ");
      BX1I("     nBin",fNBin,     " No of bins in histograms, MC exploration of cell ");
      BX1I(" EvPerBin",fEvPerBin, " Maximum No effective_events/bin, MC exploration  ");
      BX1I(" OptDrive",fOptDrive, " Type of Driver   =1,2 for Sigma,WtMax            ");
      BX1I("   OptRej",fOptRej,   " MC rejection on/off for OptRej=0,1               ");
      BX1F(" MaxWtRej",fMaxWtRej, " Maximum wt in rejection for wt=1 evts");

   if(fPseRan==0) Error("Initialize", "Random number generator not set \n");
   if(fRho==0 && fMethodCall==0 ) Error("Initialize", "Distribution function not set \n");
   if(fDim==0) Error("Initialize", "Zero dimension not allowed \n");

   //                   ALLOCATE SMALL LISTS                              //
   //  it is done globally, not for each cell, to save on allocation time //
   fRNmax= fDim+1;
   fRvec = new Double_t[fRNmax];   // Vector of random numbers
   if(fRvec==0)  Error("Initialize", "Cannot initialize buffer fRvec \n");

      fAlpha = new Double_t[fDim];    // sum<1 for internal parametrization of the simplex
      if(fAlpha==0)  Error("Initialize", "Cannot initialize buffer fAlpha \n" );
   fMCvect = new Double_t[fDim]; // vector generated in the MC run
   if(fMCvect==0)  Error("Initialize", "Cannot initialize buffer fMCvect  \n" );

   //====== List of directions inhibited for division
   if(fInhiDiv == 0){
      fInhiDiv = new Int_t[fDim];
      for(i=0; i<fDim; i++) fInhiDiv[i]=0;
   //====== Dynamic mask used in Explore for edge determination
   if(fMaskDiv == 0){
      fMaskDiv = new Int_t[fDim];
      for(i=0; i<fDim; i++) fMaskDiv[i]=1;
   //====== List of predefined division values in all directions (initialized as empty)
   if(fXdivPRD == 0){
      fXdivPRD = new TFoamVect*[fDim];
      for(i=0; i<fDim; i++)  fXdivPRD[i]=0; // Artificially extended beyond fDim
   //====== Initialize list of histograms
   fHistWt  = new TH1D("HistWt","Histogram of MC weight",100,0.0, 1.5*fMaxWtRej); // MC weight
   fHistEdg = new TObjArray(fDim);           // Initialize list of histograms
   TString hname;
   TString htitle;
      htitle=TString("Edge Histogram No. ");
      //cout<<"i= "<<i<<"  hname= "<<hname<<"  htitle= "<<htitle<<endl;
      (*fHistEdg)[i] = new TH1D(hname.Data(),htitle.Data(),fNBin,0.0, 1.0); // Initialize histogram for each edge
   //======  extra histograms for debug purposes
   fHistDbg = new TObjArray(fDim);         // Initialize list of histograms
      htitle=TString("Debug Histogram ");
      (*fHistDbg)[i] = new TH1D(hname.Data(),htitle.Data(),fNBin,0.0, 1.0); // Initialize histogram for each edge

   // ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| //
   //                     BUILD-UP of the FOAM                            //
   // ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| //
   //        Define and explore root cell(s)
   //        PrintCells(); cout<<" ===== after InitCells ====="<<endl;
   //        PrintCells(); cout<<" ===== after Grow      ====="<<endl;

   MakeActiveList(); // Final Preperations for the M.C. generation

   // Preperations for the M.C. generation
   fSumWt  = 0.0;               // M.C. generation sum of Wt
   fSumWt2 = 0.0;               // M.C. generation sum of Wt**2
   fSumOve = 0.0;               // M.C. generation sum of overweighted
   fNevGen = 0.0;               // M.C. generation sum of 1d0
   fWtMax  = gVlow;               // M.C. generation maximum wt
   fWtMin  = gHigh;               // M.C. generation minimum wt
   fMCresult=fCells[0]->GetIntg(); // M.C. Value of INTEGRAL,temporary assignment
   fMCresult=fCells[0]->GetIntg(); // M.C. Value of INTEGRAL,temporary assignment
   fMCerror =fCells[0]->GetIntg(); // M.C. Value of ERROR   ,temporary assignment
   fMCMonit = new TFoamMaxwt(5.0,1000);  // monitoring M.C. efficiency
      Double_t driver = fCells[0]->GetDriv();
      BXTXT("***  TFoam::Initialize FINISHED!!!  ***");
      BX1I("    nCalls",fNCalls,  "Total number of function calls         ");
      BX1F("    XPrime",fPrime,   "Primary total integral                 ");
      BX1F("    XDiver",driver,    "Driver  total integral                 ");
      BX1F("  mcResult",fMCresult,"Estimate of the true MC Integral       ");
   if(fChat==2) PrintCells();
} // Initialize

void TFoam::InitCells()
// Internal subprogram used by Initialize.
// It initializes "root part" of the FOAM of the tree of cells.

   Int_t i;

   fLastCe =-1;                             // Index of the last cell
   if(fCells!= 0) {
      for(i=0; i<fNCells; i++) delete fCells[i];
      delete [] fCells;
   fCells = new TFoamCell*[fNCells];
      fCells[i]= new TFoamCell(fDim); // Allocate BIG list of cells
   if(fCells==0) Error("InitCells", "Cannot initialize CELLS \n"  );

   //              Single Root Hypercube                                      //
   CellFill(1,   0);  //  0-th cell ACTIVE

   // Exploration of the root cell(s)
   for(Long_t iCell=0; iCell<=fLastCe; iCell++){
      Explore( fCells[iCell] );               // Exploration of root cell(s)

Int_t TFoam::CellFill(Int_t Status, TFoamCell *parent)
// Internal subprogram used by Initialize.
// It initializes content of the newly allocated active cell.

   TFoamCell *cell;
   if (fLastCe==fNCells){
      Error( "CellFill", "Too many cells\n");
   fLastCe++;   // 0-th cell is the first
   if (Status==1) fNoAct++;

   cell = fCells[fLastCe];

   cell->Fill(Status, parent, 0, 0);

   cell->SetBest( -1);         // pointer for planning division of the cell
   cell->SetXdiv(0.5);         // factor for division
   Double_t xInt2,xDri2;
      xInt2  = 0.5*parent->GetIntg();
      xDri2  = 0.5*parent->GetDriv();
   return fLastCe;

void TFoam::Explore(TFoamCell *cell)
// Internal subprogram used by Initialize.
// It explores newly defined cell with help of special short MC sampling.
// As a result, estimates of true and drive volume is defined/determined
// Average and dispersion of the weight distribution will is found along
// each edge and the best edge (minimum dispersion, best maximum weight)
// is memorized for future use.
// The optimal division point for eventual future cell division is
// determined/recorded. Recorded are also minimum and maximum weight etc.
// The volume estimate in all (inactive) parent cells is updated.
// Note that links to parents and initial volume = 1/2 parent has to be
// already defined prior to calling this routine.

   Double_t wt, dx, xBest=0, yBest=0;
   Double_t intOld, driOld;

   Long_t iev;
   Double_t nevMC;
   Int_t i, j, k;
   Int_t nProj, kBest;
   Double_t ceSum[5], xproj;

   TFoamVect  cellSize(fDim);
   TFoamVect  cellPosi(fDim);


   TFoamCell  *parent;

   Double_t *xRand = new Double_t[fDim];

   Double_t *volPart=0;

   dx = cell->GetVolume();
   intOld = cell->GetIntg(); //memorize old values,
   driOld = cell->GetDriv(); //will be needed for correcting parent cells

   //    Special Short MC sampling to probe cell      //
   ceSum[3]=gHigh;  //wtmin
   ceSum[4]=gVlow;  //wtmax
   for(i=0;i<fDim;i++) ((TH1D *)(*fHistEdg)[i])->Reset(); // Reset histograms
   // ||||||||||||||||||||||||||BEGIN MC LOOP|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
   Double_t nevEff=0.;
      MakeAlpha();               // generate uniformly vector inside hypercube

      for(j=0; j<fDim; j++)
         xRand[j]= cellPosi[j] +fAlpha[j]*(cellSize[j]);


      nProj = 0;
      if(fDim>0) {
         for(k=0; k<fDim; k++) {
            xproj =fAlpha[k];
            ((TH1D *)(*fHistEdg)[nProj])->Fill(xproj,wt);
      ceSum[0] += wt;    // sum of weights
      ceSum[1] += wt*wt; // sum of weights squared
      ceSum[2]++;        // sum of 1
      if (ceSum[3]>wt) ceSum[3]=wt;  // minimum weight;
      if (ceSum[4]<wt) ceSum[4]=wt;  // maximum weight
      // test MC loop exit condition
      nevEff = ceSum[0]*ceSum[0]/ceSum[1];
      if( nevEff >= fNBin*fEvPerBin) break;
   }   // ||||||||||||||||||||||||||END MC LOOP|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
   //---  predefine logics of searching for the best division edge ---
   for(k=0; k<fDim;k++){
      fMaskDiv[k] =1;                       // default is all
      if( fInhiDiv[k]==1) fMaskDiv[k] =0; // inhibit some...
   // Note that predefined division below overrule inhibition above
   Double_t rmin,rmax,rdiv;
   if(fOptPRD) {          // quick check
      for(k=0; k<fDim; k++) {
         rmin= cellPosi[k];
         rmax= cellPosi[k] +cellSize[k];
         if( fXdivPRD[k] != 0) {
            Int_t n= (fXdivPRD[k])->GetDim();
            for(j=0; j<n; j++) {
               // check predefined divisions is available in this cell
               if( (rmin +1e-99 <rdiv) && (rdiv< rmax -1e-99)) {
                  xBest= (rdiv-cellPosi[k])/cellSize[k] ;
                  goto ee05;
   fNEffev += (Long_t)nevEff;
   nevMC          = ceSum[2];
   Double_t intTrue = ceSum[0]/(nevMC+0.000001);
   Double_t intDriv=0.;
   Double_t intPrim=0.;

   case 1:                       // VARIANCE REDUCTION
      if(kBest == -1) Varedu(ceSum,kBest,xBest,yBest); // determine the best edge,
      //intDriv =sqrt( ceSum[1]/nevMC -intTrue*intTrue ); // Older ansatz, numerically not bad
      intDriv =sqrt(ceSum[1]/nevMC) -intTrue; // Foam build-up, sqrt(<w**2>) -<w>
      intPrim =sqrt(ceSum[1]/nevMC);          // MC gen. sqrt(<w**2>) =sqrt(<w>**2 +sigma**2)
   case 2:                       // WTMAX  REDUCTION
      if(kBest == -1) Carver(kBest,xBest,yBest);  // determine the best edge
      intDriv =ceSum[4] -intTrue; // Foam build-up, wtmax-<w>
      intPrim =ceSum[4];          // MC generation, wtmax!
      Error("Explore", "Wrong fOptDrive = \n" );
   //hist_Neff_distrib.Fill( fLastCe/2.0+0.01, nevEff+0.01);  //
   //hist_kBest_distrib.Fill( kBest+0.50, 1.0 ); //  debug
   //hist_xBest_distrib.Fill( xBest+0.01, 1.0 ); //  debug
   // correct/update integrals in all parent cells to the top of the tree
   Double_t  parIntg, parDriv;
   for(parent = cell->GetPare(); parent!=0; parent = parent->GetPare()){
      parIntg = parent->GetIntg();
      parDriv = parent->GetDriv();
      parent->SetIntg( parIntg   +intTrue -intOld );
      parent->SetDriv( parDriv   +intDriv -driOld );
   delete [] volPart;
   delete [] xRand;
} // TFoam::Explore

void TFoam::Varedu(Double_t ceSum[5], Int_t &kBest, Double_t &xBest, Double_t &yBest)
// Internal subrogram used by Initialize.
// In determines the best edge candidate and the position of the cell division plane
// in case of the variance reduction for future cell division,
// using results of the MC exploration run stored in fHistEdg

   Double_t nent   = ceSum[2];
   Double_t swAll  = ceSum[0];
   Double_t sswAll = ceSum[1];
   Double_t ssw    = sqrt(sswAll)/sqrt(nent);
   Double_t swIn,swOut,sswIn,sswOut,xLo,xUp;
   kBest =-1;
   xBest =0.5;
   yBest =1.0;
   Double_t maxGain=0.0;
   // Now go over all projections kProj
   for(Int_t kProj=0; kProj<fDim; kProj++) {
      if( fMaskDiv[kProj]) {
         // initialize search over bins
         Double_t sigmIn =0.0; Double_t sigmOut =0.0;
         Double_t sswtBest = gHigh;
         Double_t gain =0.0;
         Double_t xMin=0.0; Double_t xMax=0.0;
         // Double loop over all pairs jLo<jUp
         for(Int_t jLo=1; jLo<=fNBin; jLo++) {
            Double_t aswIn=0;  Double_t asswIn=0;
            for(Int_t jUp=jLo; jUp<=fNBin;jUp++) {
               aswIn  +=     ((TH1D *)(*fHistEdg)[kProj])->GetBinContent(jUp);
               asswIn += Sqr(((TH1D *)(*fHistEdg)[kProj])->GetBinError(  jUp));
               swIn  =        aswIn/nent;
               swOut = (swAll-aswIn)/nent;
               sswIn = sqrt(asswIn)       /sqrt(nent*(xUp-xLo))     *(xUp-xLo);
               sswOut= sqrt(sswAll-asswIn)/sqrt(nent*(1.0-xUp+xLo)) *(1.0-xUp+xLo);
               if( (sswIn+sswOut) < sswtBest) {
                  sswtBest = sswIn+sswOut;
                  gain     = ssw-sswtBest;
                  sigmIn   = sswIn -swIn;  // Debug
                  sigmOut  = sswOut-swOut; // Debug
                  xMin    = xLo;
                  xMax    = xUp;
         Int_t iLo = (Int_t) (fNBin*xMin);
         Int_t iUp = (Int_t) (fNBin*xMax);
         //----------DEBUG printout
         //cout<<"@@@@@  xMin xMax = "<<xMin   <<" "<<xMax<<"  iLo= "<<iLo<<"  iUp= "<<iUp;
         //cout<<"  sswtBest/ssw= "<<sswtBest/ssw<<"  Gain/ssw= "<< Gain/ssw<<endl;
         //----------DEBUG auxilary Plot
         for(Int_t iBin=1;iBin<=fNBin;iBin++) {
            if( ((iBin-0.5)/fNBin > xMin) && ((iBin-0.5)/fNBin < xMax) ){
               ((TH1D *)(*fHistDbg)[kProj])->SetBinContent(iBin,sigmIn/(xMax-xMin));
            } else {
               ((TH1D *)(*fHistDbg)[kProj])->SetBinContent(iBin,sigmOut/(1-xMax+xMin));
         if(gain>=maxGain) {
            kBest=kProj; // <--- !!!!! The best edge
            if(iLo == 0)     xBest=yBest; // The best division point
            if(iUp == fNBin) yBest=xBest; // this is not really used
   } //kProj
   //----------DEBUG printout
   //cout<<"@@@@@@@>>>>> kBest= "<<kBest<<"  maxGain/ssw= "<< maxGain/ssw<<endl;
   if( (kBest >= fDim) || (kBest<0) ) Error("Varedu", "Something wrong with kBest \n" );
}          //TFoam::Varedu

void TFoam::Carver(Int_t &kBest, Double_t &xBest, Double_t &yBest)
   // Internal subrogram used by Initialize.
   // Determines the best edge-candidate and the position of the division plane
   // for the future cell division, in the case of the optimization of the maximum weight.
   // It exploits results of the cell MC exploration run stored in fHistEdg.
   Int_t    kProj,iBin;
   Double_t carve,carvTot,carvMax,carvOne,binMax,binTot;
   Int_t    jLow,jUp,iLow,iUp;
   Double_t theBin;
   // Int_t    jDivi; // TEST
   Int_t j;

   Double_t *bins  = new Double_t[fNBin];      // bins of histogram for single  PROJECTION
   if(bins==0)    Error("Carver", "Cannot initialize buffer Bins \n" );

   kBest =-1;
   xBest =0.5;
   yBest =1.0;
   carvMax = gVlow;
   // primMax = gVlow;
   for(kProj=0; kProj<fDim; kProj++)
      if( fMaskDiv[kProj] ) {
         //if( kProj==1 ){
         //cout<<"==================== Carver histogram: kProj ="<<kProj<<"==================="<<endl;
         //((TH1D *)(*fHistEdg)[kProj])->Print("all");
         binMax = gVlow;
         for(iBin=0; iBin<fNBin;iBin++){
            bins[iBin]= ((TH1D *)(*fHistEdg)[kProj])->GetBinContent(iBin+1);
            binMax = TMath::Max( binMax, bins[iBin]);       // Maximum content/bin
         if(binMax < 0 ) {       //case of empty cell
            delete [] bins;
         carvTot = 0.0;
         binTot  = 0.0;
            carvTot = carvTot + (binMax-bins[iBin]);     // Total Carve (more stable)
            binTot  +=bins[iBin];
         // primTot = binMax*fNBin;
         //cout <<"Carver:  CarvTot "<<CarvTot<< "    primTot "<<primTot<<endl;
         jLow =0;
         jUp  =fNBin-1;
         carvOne = gVlow;
         Double_t yLevel = gVlow;
         for(iBin=0; iBin<fNBin;iBin++) {
            theBin = bins[iBin];
            //-----  walk to the left and find first bin > theBin
            iLow = iBin;
            for(j=iBin; j>-1; j-- ) {
               if(theBin< bins[j]) break;
               iLow = j;
            //iLow = iBin;
            //if(iLow>0)     while( (theBin >= bins[iLow-1])&&(iLow >0) ){iLow--;} // horror!!!
            //------ walk to the right and find first bin > theBin
            iUp  = iBin;
            for(j=iBin; j<fNBin; j++) {
               if(theBin< bins[j]) break;
               iUp = j;
            //iUp  = iBin;
            //if(iUp<fNBin-1) while( (theBin >= bins[iUp+1])&&( iUp<fNBin-1 ) ){iUp++;} // horror!!!
            carve = (iUp-iLow+1)*(binMax-theBin);
            if( carve > carvOne) {
               carvOne = carve;
               jLow = iLow;
               jUp  = iUp;
               yLevel = theBin;
         if( carvTot > carvMax) {
            carvMax   = carvTot;
            //primMax   = primTot;
            //cout <<"Carver:   primMax "<<primMax<<endl;
            kBest = kProj;    // Best edge
            xBest = ((Double_t)(jLow))/fNBin;
            yBest = ((Double_t)(jUp+1))/fNBin;
            if(jLow == 0 )       xBest = yBest;
            if(jUp  == fNBin-1) yBest = xBest;
            // division ratio in units of 1/fNBin, testing
            // jDivi = jLow;
            // if(jLow == 0 )     jDivi=jUp+1;
         //======  extra histograms for debug purposes
         //cout<<"kProj= "<<kProj<<" jLow= "<<jLow<<" jUp= "<<jUp<<endl;
         for(iBin=0;    iBin<fNBin;  iBin++)
            ((TH1D *)(*fHistDbg)[kProj])->SetBinContent(iBin+1,binMax);
         for(iBin=jLow; iBin<jUp+1;   iBin++)
            ((TH1D *)(*fHistDbg)[kProj])->SetBinContent(iBin+1,yLevel);
   if( (kBest >= fDim) || (kBest<0) ) Error("Carver", "Something wrong with kBest \n" );
   delete [] bins;
}          //TFoam::Carver

void TFoam::MakeAlpha()
// Internal subrogram used by Initialize.
// Provides random vector Alpha  0< Alpha(i) < 1
   Int_t k;
   if(fDim<1) return;

   // simply generate and load kDim uniform random numbers
   fPseRan->RndmArray(fDim,fRvec);   // kDim random numbers needed
   for(k=0; k<fDim; k++) fAlpha[k] = fRvec[k];
} //MakeAlpha

void TFoam::Grow()
// Internal subrogram used by Initialize.
// It grow new cells by the binary division process.

   Long_t iCell;
   TFoamCell* newCell;

   while ( (fLastCe+2) < fNCells ) {  // this condition also checked inside Divide
      iCell   = PeekMax();            // peek up cell with maximum driver integral
      if( (iCell<0) || (iCell>fLastCe) ) Error("Grow", "Wrong iCell \n");
      newCell = fCells[iCell];

      if(fLastCe !=0) {
         Int_t kEcho=10;
         if(fLastCe>=10000) kEcho=100;
         if( (fLastCe%kEcho)==0) {
            if (fChat>0) {
               if( (fLastCe%(100*kEcho))==0)  cout<<"|"<<fLastCe<<endl<<flush;
      if( Divide( newCell )==0) break;  // and divide it into two
   if (fChat>0) {
   CheckAll(0);   // set arg=1 for more info
}// Grow

Long_t  TFoam::PeekMax()
// Internal subprogram used by Initialize.
// It finds cell with maximal driver integral for the purpose of the division.

   Long_t  i;
   Long_t iCell = -1;
   Double_t  drivMax, driv;

   drivMax = gVlow;
   for(i=0; i<=fLastCe; i++) {//without root
      if( fCells[i]->GetStat() == 1 ) {
         driv =  TMath::Abs( fCells[i]->GetDriv());
         //cout<<"PeekMax: Driv = "<<driv<<endl;
         if(driv > drivMax) {
            drivMax = driv;
            iCell = i;
   //  cout << 'TFoam_PeekMax: iCell=' << iCell << endl;
   if (iCell == -1)
      cout << "STOP in TFoam::PeekMax: not found iCell=" <<  iCell << endl;
}                 // TFoam_PeekMax

Int_t TFoam::Divide(TFoamCell *cell)
// Internal subrogram used by Initialize.
// It divides cell iCell into two daughter cells.
// The iCell is retained and tagged as inactive, daughter cells are appended
// at the end of the buffer.
// New vertex is added to list of vertices.
// List of active cells is updated, iCell removed, two daughters added
// and their properties set with help of MC sampling (TFoam_Explore)
// Returns Code RC=-1 of buffer limit is reached,  fLastCe=fnBuf.

   Int_t   kBest;

   if(fLastCe+1 >= fNCells) Error("Divide", "Buffer limit is reached, fLastCe=fnBuf \n");

   cell->SetStat(0); // reset cell as inactive

   kBest = cell->GetBest();
   if( kBest<0 || kBest>=fDim ) Error("Divide", "Wrong kBest \n");

   //           define two daughter cells (active)                 //

   Int_t d1 = CellFill(1,   cell);
   Int_t d2 = CellFill(1,   cell);
   Explore( (fCells[d1]) );
   Explore( (fCells[d2]) );
   return 1;
} // TFoam_Divide

void TFoam::MakeActiveList()
// Internal subrogram used by Initialize.
// It finds out number of active cells fNoAct,
// creates list of active cell fCellsAct and primary cumulative fPrimAcu.
// They are used during the MC generation to choose randomly an active cell.

   Long_t n, iCell;
   Double_t sum;
   // flush previous result
   if(fPrimAcu  != 0) delete [] fPrimAcu;
   if(fCellsAct != 0) delete fCellsAct;

   // Allocate tables of active cells
   fCellsAct = new TRefArray();

   // Count Active cells and find total Primary
   // Fill-in tables of active cells

   fPrime = 0.0; n = 0;
   for(iCell=0; iCell<=fLastCe; iCell++) { 
      if (fCells[iCell]->GetStat()==1) {
         fPrime += fCells[iCell]->GetPrim();

   if(fNoAct != n)  Error("MakeActiveList", "Wrong fNoAct               \n"  );
   if(fPrime == 0.) Error("MakeActiveList", "Integrand function is zero  \n"  );

   fPrimAcu  = new  Double_t[fNoAct]; // cumulative primary for MC generation
   if( fCellsAct==0 || fPrimAcu==0 ) Error("MakeActiveList", "Cant allocate fCellsAct or fPrimAcu \n");

   sum =0.0;
   for(iCell=0; iCell<fNoAct; iCell++) {
      sum = sum + ( (TFoamCell *) (fCellsAct->At(iCell)) )->GetPrim()/fPrime;

} //MakeActiveList

void TFoam::ResetPseRan(TRandom *PseRan)
// User may optionally reset random number generator using this method
// Usually it is done when FOAM object is restored from the disk.
// IMPORTANT: this method deletes existing  random number generator registered in the FOAM object.
// In particular such an object is created by the streamer during the disk-read operation.

   if(fPseRan) {
      Info("ResetPseRan", "Resetting random number generator  \n");
      delete fPseRan;

void TFoam::SetRho(TFoamIntegrand *fun)
// User may use this method to set the distribution object

   if (fun)
      Error("SetRho", "Bad function \n" );
void TFoam::SetRhoInt(Double_t (*fun)(Int_t, Double_t *) )
// User may use this method to set the distribution object as a global function pointer
// (and not as an interpreted function). 

   // This is needed for both AClic and Cling
   if (fun) {
      // delete function object if it has been created here in SetRho
      if (fRho && dynamic_cast<FoamIntegrandFunction*>(fRho) ) delete fRho; 
      fRho= new FoamIntegrandFunction(fun);
   } else
      Error("SetRho", "Bad function \n" );

void TFoam::ResetRho(TFoamIntegrand *fun)
// User may optionally reset the distribution using this method
// Usually it is done when FOAM object is restored from the disk.
// IMPORTANT: this method deletes existing  distribution object registered in the FOAM object.
// In particular such an object is created by the streamer diring the disk-read operation.
// This method is used only in very special cases, because the distribution in most cases
// should be "owned" by the FOAM object and should not be replaced by another one after initialization.

   if(fRho) {
      Info("ResetRho", "!!! Resetting distribution function  !!!\n");
      delete fRho;

void TFoam::SetRhoInt( void * f)
// User may use this to set pointer to the global function (not descending
// from TFoamIntegrand) serving as a distribution for FOAM.
// It is useful for simple interactive applications.
// Note that persistency for FOAM object will not work in the case of such
// a distribution.

   const char *namefcn = gCint->Getp2f2funcname(f); //name of integrand function
   if(namefcn) {
      fMethodCall=new TMethodCall();
      fMethodCall->InitWithPrototype(namefcn, "Int_t, Double_t *");

Double_t TFoam::Eval(Double_t *xRand)
// Internal subprogram.
// Evaluates distribution to be generated.

   Double_t result;

   if(!fRho) {   //interactive mode
      Long_t paramArr[3];
   } else {       //compiled mode

   return result;

void TFoam::GenerCel2(TFoamCell *&pCell)
// Internal subprogram.
// Return randomly chosen active cell with probability equal to its
// contribution into total driver integral using interpolation search.

   Long_t  lo, hi, hit;
   Double_t fhit, flo, fhi;
   Double_t random;

   lo  = 0;              hi =fNoAct-1;
   flo = fPrimAcu[lo];  fhi=fPrimAcu[hi];
   while(lo+1<hi) {
      hit = lo + (Int_t)( (hi-lo)*(random-flo)/(fhi-flo)+0.5);
      if (hit<=lo)
         hit = lo+1;
      else if(hit>=hi)
         hit = hi-1;
      if (fhit>random) {
         hi = hit;
         fhi = fhit;
      } else {
         lo = hit;
         flo = fhit;
   if (fPrimAcu[lo]>random)
      pCell = (TFoamCell *) fCellsAct->At(lo);
      pCell = (TFoamCell *) fCellsAct->At(hi);
}       // TFoam::GenerCel2

void TFoam::MakeEvent(void)
// User subprogram.
// It generates randomly point/vector according to user-defined distribution.
// Prior initialization with help of Initialize() is mandatory.
// Generated MC point/vector is available using GetMCvect and the MC weight with GetMCwt.
// MC point is generated with wt=1 or with variable weight, see OptRej switch.

   Int_t      j;
   Double_t   wt,dx,mcwt;
   TFoamCell *rCell;
   //********************** MC LOOP STARS HERE **********************
   GenerCel2(rCell);   // choose randomly one cell


   TFoamVect  cellPosi(fDim); TFoamVect  cellSize(fDim);
   for(j=0; j<fDim; j++)
      fMCvect[j]= cellPosi[j] +fAlpha[j]*cellSize[j];
   dx = rCell->GetVolume();      // Cartesian volume of the Cell
   //  weight average normalized to PRIMARY integral over the cell


   mcwt = wt / rCell->GetPrim();  // PRIMARY controls normalization
   fMCwt   =  mcwt;
   // accumulation of statistics for the main MC weight
   fSumWt  += mcwt;           // sum of Wt
   fSumWt2 += mcwt*mcwt;      // sum of Wt**2
   fNevGen++;                 // sum of 1d0
   fWtMax  =  TMath::Max(fWtMax, mcwt);   // maximum wt
   fWtMin  =  TMath::Min(fWtMin, mcwt);   // minimum wt
   fHistWt->Fill(mcwt,1.0);          // histogram
   //*******  Optional rejection ******
   if(fOptRej == 1) {
      Double_t random;
      if( fMaxWtRej*random > fMCwt) goto ee0;  // Wt=1 events, internal rejection
      if( fMCwt<fMaxWtRej ) {
         fMCwt = 1.0;                  // normal Wt=1 event
      } else {
         fMCwt = fMCwt/fMaxWtRej;    // weight for overweighted events! kept for debug
         fSumOve += fMCwt-fMaxWtRej; // contribution of overweighted
   //********************** MC LOOP ENDS HERE **********************
} // MakeEvent

void TFoam::GetMCvect(Double_t *MCvect)
// User may get generated MC point/vector with help of this method

   for ( Int_t k=0 ; k<fDim ; k++) *(MCvect +k) = fMCvect[k];

Double_t TFoam::GetMCwt(void)
// User may get weight MC weight using this method

void TFoam::GetMCwt(Double_t &mcwt)
// User may get weight MC weight using this method


Double_t TFoam::MCgenerate(Double_t *MCvect)
// User subprogram which generates MC event and returns MC weight


void TFoam::GetIntegMC(Double_t &mcResult, Double_t &mcError)
// User subprogram.
// It provides the value of the integral calculated from the averages of the MC run
// May be called after (or during) the MC run.

   Double_t mCerelat;
   mcResult = 0.0;
   mCerelat = 1.0;
   if (fNevGen>0) {
      mcResult = fPrime*fSumWt/fNevGen;
      mCerelat = sqrt( fSumWt2/(fSumWt*fSumWt) - 1/fNevGen);
   mcError = mcResult *mCerelat;

void  TFoam::GetIntNorm(Double_t& IntNorm, Double_t& Errel )
// User subprogram.
// It returns NORMALIZATION integral to be combined with the average weights
// and content of the histograms in order to get proper absolute normalization
// of the integrand and distributions.
// It can be called after initialization, before or during the MC run.

   if(fOptRej == 1) {    // Wt=1 events, internal rejection
      Double_t intMC,errMC;
      IntNorm = intMC;
      Errel   = errMC;
   } else {                // Wted events, NO internal rejection
      IntNorm = fPrime;
      Errel   = 0;

void  TFoam::GetWtParams(Double_t eps, Double_t &aveWt, Double_t &wtMax, Double_t &sigma)
// May be called optionally after the MC run.
// Returns various parameters of the MC weight for efficiency evaluation

   Double_t mCeff, wtLim;
   fMCMonit->GetMCeff(eps, mCeff, wtLim);
   wtMax = wtLim;
   aveWt = fSumWt/fNevGen;
   sigma = sqrt( fSumWt2/fNevGen -aveWt*aveWt );

void TFoam::Finalize(Double_t& IntNorm, Double_t& Errel)
// May be called optionally by the user after the MC run.
// It provides normalization and also prints some information/statistics on the MC run.

   Double_t mcResult,mcError;
   Double_t mCerelat= mcError/mcResult;
   if(fChat>0) {
      Double_t eps = 0.0005;
      Double_t mCeff, mcEf2, wtMax, aveWt, sigma;
      GetWtParams(eps, aveWt, wtMax, sigma);
      if(wtMax>0.0) mCeff=aveWt/wtMax;
      mcEf2 = sigma/aveWt;
      Double_t driver = fCells[0]->GetDriv();
      BXTXT("******     TFoam::Finalize       ******");
      BX1I("    NevGen",fNevGen, "Number of generated events in the MC generation   ");
      BX1I("    nCalls",fNCalls, "Total number of function calls                    ");
      BX1F("     AveWt",aveWt,    "Average MC weight                      ");
      BX1F("     WtMin",fWtMin,  "Minimum MC weight (absolute)           ");
      BX1F("     WtMax",fWtMax,  "Maximum MC weight (absolute)           ");
      BX1F("    XPrime",fPrime,  "Primary total integral, R_prime        ");
      BX1F("    XDiver",driver,   "Driver  total integral, R_loss         ");
      BX2F("    IntMC", mcResult,  mcError,      "Result of the MC Integral");
      BX1F(" mCerelat", mCerelat,  "Relative error of the MC integral      ");
      BX1F(" <w>/WtMax",mCeff,     "MC efficiency, acceptance rate");
      BX1F(" Sigma/<w>",mcEf2,     "MC efficiency, variance/ave_wt");
      BX1F("     WtMax",wtMax,     "WtMax(esp= 0.0005)            ");
      BX1F("     Sigma",sigma,     "variance of MC weight         ");
      if(fOptRej==1) {
         Double_t avOve=fSumOve/fSumWt;
         BX1F("<OveW>/<W>",avOve,     "Contrib. of events wt>MaxWtRej");
}  // Finalize

void  TFoam::SetInhiDiv(Int_t iDim, Int_t InhiDiv)
// This can be called before Initialize, after setting kDim
// It defines which variables are excluded in the process of the cell division.
// For example 'FoamX->SetInhiDiv(1, 1);' inhibits division of y-variable.
// The resulting map of cells in 2-dim. case will look as follows:
/* -->
<img src="gif/foam_Map2.gif">
// -->END_HTML

   if(fDim==0) Error("TFoam","SetInhiDiv: fDim=0 \n");
   if(fInhiDiv == 0) {
      fInhiDiv = new Int_t[ fDim ];
      for(Int_t i=0; i<fDim; i++) fInhiDiv[i]=0;
   if( ( 0<=iDim) && (iDim<fDim)) {
      fInhiDiv[iDim] = InhiDiv;
   } else
      Error("SetInhiDiv:","Wrong iDim \n");

void  TFoam::SetXdivPRD(Int_t iDim, Int_t len, Double_t xDiv[])
// This should be called before Initialize, after setting  kDim
// It predefines values of the cell division for certain variable iDim.
// For example setting 3 predefined division lines using:
//     xDiv[0]=0.30; xDiv[1]=0.40; xDiv[2]=0.65;
//     FoamX->SetXdivPRD(0,3,xDiv);
// results in the following 2-dim. pattern of the cells:
/* -->
<img src="gif/foam_Map3.gif">
// -->END_HTML

   Int_t i;

   if(fDim<=0)  Error("SetXdivPRD", "fDim=0 \n");
   if(   len<1 )  Error("SetXdivPRD", "len<1 \n");
   // allocate list of pointers, if it was not done before
   if(fXdivPRD == 0) {
      fXdivPRD = new TFoamVect*[fDim];
      for(i=0; i<fDim; i++)  fXdivPRD[i]=0;
  // set division list for direction iDim in H-cubic space!!!
   if( ( 0<=iDim) && (iDim<fDim)) {
      fOptPRD =1;      // !!!!
      if( fXdivPRD[iDim] != 0)
         Error("SetXdivPRD", "Second allocation of XdivPRD not allowed \n");
      fXdivPRD[iDim] = new TFoamVect(len); // allocate list of division points
      for(i=0; i<len; i++) {
         (*fXdivPRD[iDim])[i]=xDiv[i]; // set list of division points
   } else {
      Error("SetXdivPRD", "Wrong iDim  \n");
   // Priting predefined division points
   cout<<" SetXdivPRD, idim= "<<iDim<<"  len= "<<len<<"   "<<endl;
   for(i=0; i<len; i++) {
      if (iDim < fDim) cout<< (*fXdivPRD[iDim])[i] <<"  ";
   for(i=0; i<len; i++)  cout<< xDiv[i] <<"   ";

void TFoam::CheckAll(Int_t level)
//  User utility, miscellaneous and debug.
//  Checks all pointers in the tree of cells. This is useful autodiagnostic.
//  level=0, no printout, failures causes STOP
//  level=1, printout, failures lead to WARNINGS only

   Int_t errors, warnings;
   TFoamCell *cell;
   Long_t iCell;

   errors = 0; warnings = 0;
   if (level==1) cout << "///////////////////////////// FOAM_Checks /////////////////////////////////" << endl;
   for(iCell=1; iCell<=fLastCe; iCell++) {
      cell = fCells[iCell];
      //  checking general rules
      if( ((cell->GetDau0()==0) && (cell->GetDau1()!=0) ) ||
         ((cell->GetDau1()==0) && (cell->GetDau0()!=0) ) ) {
         if (level==1) Error("CheckAll","ERROR: Cell's no %ld has only one daughter \n",iCell);
      if( (cell->GetDau0()==0) && (cell->GetDau1()==0) && (cell->GetStat()==0) ) {
         if (level==1) Error("CheckAll","ERROR: Cell's no %ld  has no daughter and is inactive \n",iCell);
      if( (cell->GetDau0()!=0) && (cell->GetDau1()!=0) && (cell->GetStat()==1) ) {
         if (level==1) Error("CheckAll","ERROR: Cell's no %ld has two daughters and is active \n",iCell);

      // checking parents
      if( (cell->GetPare())!=fCells[0] ) { // not child of the root
         if ( (cell != cell->GetPare()->GetDau0()) && (cell != cell->GetPare()->GetDau1()) ) {
            if (level==1) Error("CheckAll","ERROR: Cell's no %ld parent not pointing to this cell\n ",iCell);

      // checking daughters
      if(cell->GetDau0()!=0) {
         if(cell != (cell->GetDau0())->GetPare()) {
            if (level==1)  Error("CheckAll","ERROR: Cell's no %ld daughter 0 not pointing to this cell \n",iCell);
      if(cell->GetDau1()!=0) {
         if(cell != (cell->GetDau1())->GetPare()) {
            if (level==1) Error("CheckAll","ERROR: Cell's no %ld daughter 1 not pointing to this cell \n",iCell);
   }// loop after cells;

   // Check for empty cells
   for(iCell=0; iCell<=fLastCe; iCell++) {
      cell = fCells[iCell];
      if( (cell->GetStat()==1) && (cell->GetDriv()==0) ) {
         if(level==1) Warning("CheckAll", "Warning: Cell no. %ld is active but empty \n", iCell);
   // summary
      Info("CheckAll","Check has found %d errors and %d warnings \n",errors, warnings);
      Info("CheckAll","Check - found total %d  errors \n",errors);
} // Check

void TFoam::PrintCells(void)
// Prints geometry of ALL cells of the FOAM

   Long_t iCell;

   for(iCell=0; iCell<=fLastCe; iCell++) {
      cout<<"Cell["<<iCell<<"]={ ";
      //cout<<"  "<< fCells[iCell]<<"  ";  // extra DEBUG

void TFoam::RootPlot2dim(Char_t *filename)
// Debugging tool which plots 2-dimensional cells as rectangles
// in C++ format readable for root

   ofstream outfile(filename, ios::out);
   Double_t   x1,y1,x2,y2,x,y;
   Long_t    iCell;
   Double_t offs =0.1;
   Double_t lpag   =1-2*offs;
   outfile<<"{" << endl;
   outfile<<"cMap = new TCanvas(\"Map1\",\" Cell Map \",600,600);"<<endl;
   outfile<<"TBox*a=new TBox();"<<endl;
   outfile<<"a->SetFillStyle(0);"<<endl;  // big frame
   outfile<<"TText*t=new TText();"<<endl;  // text for numbering
      outfile<<"t->SetTextSize(0.025);"<<endl;  // text for numbering
   else if(fLastCe<251)
   outfile<<"TBox*b=new TBox();"<<endl;  // single cell
   outfile <<"b->SetFillStyle(0);"<<endl;
   if(fDim==2 && fLastCe<=2000) {
      TFoamVect  cellPosi(fDim); TFoamVect  cellSize(fDim);
      outfile << "// =========== Rectangular cells  ==========="<< endl;
      for(iCell=1; iCell<=fLastCe; iCell++) {
         if( fCells[iCell]->GetStat() == 1) {
            x1 = offs+lpag*(        cellPosi[0]); y1 = offs+lpag*(        cellPosi[1]);
            x2 = offs+lpag*(cellPosi[0]+cellSize[0]); y2 = offs+lpag*(cellPosi[1]+cellSize[1]);
            //     cell rectangle
            //     cell number
            if(fLastCe<=250) {
               x = offs+lpag*(cellPosi[0]+0.5*cellSize[0]); y = offs+lpag*(cellPosi[1]+0.5*cellSize[1]);
      outfile<<"// ============== End Rectangles ==========="<< endl;
   outfile << "}" << endl;

void TFoam::LinkCells()
// Void function for backward compatibility

   Info("LinkCells", "VOID function for backward compatibility \n");

//       End of Class TFoam                                                   //
