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// @(#)root/fft:$Id$
// Author: Anna Kreshuk   07/4/2006

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2006, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

#ifndef ROOT_TFFTReal
#define ROOT_TFFTReal

// TFFTReal                                                       
// One of the interface classes to the FFTW package, can be used directly
// or via the TVirtualFFT class. Only the basic interface of FFTW is implemented.
// Computes transforms called r2r in FFTW manual: 
// - transforms of real input and output in "halfcomplex" format i.e. 
//   real and imaginary parts for a transform of size n stored as 
//   (r0, r1, r2, ..., rn/2, i(n+1)/2-1, ..., i2, i1)
// - discrete Hartley transform
// - sine and cosine transforms (DCT-I,II,III,IV and DST-I,II,III,IV)
// For the detailed information on the computed
// transforms please refer to the FFTW manual, chapter "What FFTW really computes".
// How to use it:
// 1) Create an instance of TFFTReal - this will allocate input and output
//    arrays (unless an in-place transform is specified)
// 2) Run the Init() function with the desired flags and settings (see function
//    comments for possible kind parameters)
// 3) Set the data (via SetPoints()or SetPoint() functions)
// 4) Run the Transform() function
// 5) Get the output (via GetPoints() or GetPoint() functions)
// 6) Repeat steps 3)-5) as needed
// For a transform of the same size, but of different kind (or with different flags), 
// rerun the Init() function and continue with steps 3)-5)
// NOTE: 1) running Init() function will overwrite the input array! Don't set any data
//          before running the Init() function!
//       2) FFTW computes unnormalized transform, so doing a transform followed by 
//          its inverse will lead to the original array scaled BY:
//          - transform size (N) for R2HC, HC2R, DHT transforms
//          - 2*(N-1) for DCT-I (REDFT00)
//          - 2*(N+1) for DST-I (RODFT00)
//          - 2*N for the remaining transforms
// Transform inverses:
// R2HC<-->HC2R
// DHT<-->DHT
// DCT-I<-->DCT-I
// DST-I<-->DST-I

#ifndef ROOT_TVirtualFFT
#include "TVirtualFFT.h"

class TComplex;

class TFFTReal: public TVirtualFFT{
   void     *fIn;         //input array
   void     *fOut;        //output array
   void     *fPlan;       //fftw plan (the plan how to compute the transform)
   Int_t     fNdim;       //number of dimensions
   Int_t     fTotalSize;  //total size of the transform
   Int_t    *fN;          //transform sizes in each dimension
   void     *fKind;       //transform kinds in each dimension
   Option_t *fFlags;      //transform flags

   Int_t  MapOptions(const Int_t *kind);
   UInt_t MapFlag(Option_t *flag);

   TFFTReal(Int_t n, Bool_t inPlace=kFALSE);
   TFFTReal(Int_t ndim, Int_t *n, Bool_t inPlace=kFALSE);
   virtual ~TFFTReal();

   virtual void      Init( Option_t *flags,Int_t sign, const Int_t *kind);

   virtual Int_t     GetSize() const {return fTotalSize;}
   virtual Int_t    *GetN()    const {return fN;}
   virtual Int_t     GetNdim() const {return fNdim;}
   virtual Option_t *GetType() const;
   virtual Int_t     GetSign() const {return 0;}
   virtual Option_t *GetTransformFlag() const {return fFlags;}
   virtual Bool_t    IsInplace() const {if (fOut) return kTRUE; else return kFALSE;}

   virtual void      GetPoints(Double_t *data, Bool_t fromInput = kFALSE) const;
   virtual Double_t  GetPointReal(Int_t ipoint, Bool_t fromInput = kFALSE) const;
   virtual Double_t  GetPointReal(const Int_t *ipoint, Bool_t fromInput = kFALSE) const;
   virtual void      GetPointComplex(const Int_t *ipoint, Double_t &re, Double_t &im, Bool_t fromInput=kFALSE) const;

   virtual void      GetPointComplex(Int_t ipoint, Double_t &re, Double_t &im, Bool_t fromInput=kFALSE) const;

   virtual Double_t *GetPointsReal(Bool_t fromInput=kFALSE) const;
   virtual void      GetPointsComplex(Double_t* /*re*/, Double_t* /*im*/, Bool_t /*fromInput = kFALSE*/) const{};
   virtual  void     GetPointsComplex(Double_t* /*data*/, Bool_t /*fromInput = kFALSE*/) const {};

   virtual void      SetPoint(Int_t ipoint, Double_t re, Double_t im = 0);
   virtual void      SetPoint(const Int_t *ipoint, Double_t re, Double_t /*im=0*/);
   virtual void      SetPoints(const Double_t *data);
   virtual void      SetPointComplex(Int_t /*ipoint*/, TComplex &/*c*/){};
   virtual void      SetPointsComplex(const Double_t* /*re*/, const Double_t* /*im*/){};
   virtual void      Transform();
