ROOT logo
// @(#)root/roostats:$Id$

 * Project: RooStats                                                     *
 * Package: RooFit/RooStats                                              *
 * Authors:                                                              *
 *   Kyle Cranmer, Lorenzo Moneta, Gregory Schott, Wouter Verkerke       *
 * Copyright (C) 1995-2008, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

#ifndef RooStats_HLFactory
#define RooStats_HLFactory

#include "TString.h"
#include "RooAbsPdf.h"
#include "RooCategory.h"
#include "RooDataSet.h"
#include "RooWorkspace.h"

// class TString;
// class RooDataSet;

namespace RooStats {

  class HLFactory : public TNamed {


    /// Constructor 
    HLFactory(const char *name,
              const char *fileName=0,
              bool isVerbose = false);

    /// Constructor with external RooWorkspace
    HLFactory(const char* name,
              RooWorkspace* externalWs,
              bool isVerbose = false);

    /// Default Constructor

    /// Default Destructor

    /// Add channel for the combination
    int AddChannel(const char* label, 
                   const char* SigBkgPdfName,
                   const char* BkgPdfName=0,
                   const char* datasetName=0);

    /// Dump the Workspace content as configuration file
    /* It needs some workspace object list or something..*/
     void DumpCfg(const char* /*cardname*/ ){ /* t.b.i. */ }; // Dump the factory content as configuration file

    /// Get the combined signal plus background pdf
    RooAbsPdf* GetTotSigBkgPdf(); // Get the Signal and Background combined model

    /// Get the combined background pdf
    RooAbsPdf* GetTotBkgPdf(); // Get the Background combined model

    /// Get the combined dataset
    RooDataSet* GetTotDataSet(); // Get the combined dataset

    /// Get the combined dataset
    RooCategory* GetTotCategory(); // Get the category

    /// Get the RooWorkspace containing the models and variables
    RooWorkspace* GetWs(){return fWs;}; // Expose the internal Workspace

    /// Process a configuration file
    int ProcessCard(const char* filename);


    /// The category of the combination
    RooCategory* fComboCat;

    /// The background model combination
    RooAbsPdf* fComboBkgPdf;

    /// The signal plus background model combination
    RooAbsPdf* fComboSigBkgPdf;

    /// The datasets combination
    RooDataSet* fComboDataset;

    /// Flag to keep trace of the status of the combination
    bool fCombinationDone;

    /// Create the category for the combinations
    void fCreateCategory();

    /// Check the length of the lists
    bool fNamesListsConsistent();

    /// List of channels names to combine for the signal plus background pdfs
    TList fSigBkgPdfNames;

    /// List of channels names to combine for the background pdfs
    TList fBkgPdfNames;

    /// List of channels names to combine for the datasets
    TList fDatasetsNames;

    /// List of channels names to combine for the datasets
    TList fLabelsNames;

    /// The verbosity flag
    bool fVerbose;

    /// Keep trace of the inclusion deepness
    int fInclusionLevel;

    /// The RooWorkspace containing the models and variables
    RooWorkspace* fWs;

    /// Owns workspace
    bool fOwnWs;

    /// Read the actual cfg file
    int fReadFile(const char*fileName, bool is_included = false);

    /// Parse a single line an puts the content in the RooWorkSpace
    int fParseLine(TString& line);

  ClassDef(HLFactory,1)  // The high Level Model Factory to create models from datacards

