compile.C: This macro produces the flowchart of TFormula::Compile | Basic Graphics | ellipse.C: Draw ellipses |
{ //this tutorial illustrate the special contour options // "AITOFF" : Draw a contour via an AITOFF projection // "MERCATOR" : Draw a contour via an Mercator projection // "SINUSOIDAL" : Draw a contour via an Sinusoidal projection // "PARABOLIC" : Draw a contour via an Parabolic projection // //Author: Olivier Couet (from an original macro sent by Ernst-Jan Buis) gStyle->SetPalette(1); gStyle->SetOptTitle(1); gStyle->SetOptStat(0); TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","earth_projections",700,700); c1->Divide(2,2); TH2F *ha = new TH2F("ha","Aitoff", 180, -180, 180, 179, -89.5, 89.5); TH2F *hm = new TH2F("hm","Mercator", 180, -180, 180, 161, -80.5, 80.5); TH2F *hs = new TH2F("hs","Sinusoidal",180, -180, 180, 181, -90.5, 90.5); TH2F *hp = new TH2F("hp","Parabolic", 180, -180, 180, 181, -90.5, 90.5); TString dat = gSystem->UnixPathName(gInterpreter->GetCurrentMacroName()); dat.ReplaceAll("C","dat"); dat.ReplaceAll("/./","/"); ifstream in;; Float_t x,y; while (1) { in >> x >> y; if (!in.good()) break; ha->Fill(x,y, 1); hm->Fill(x,y, 1); hs->Fill(x,y, 1); hp->Fill(x,y, 1); } in.close(); c1->cd(1); ha->Draw("aitoff"); c1->cd(2); hm->Draw("mercator"); c1->cd(3); hs->Draw("sinusoidal"); c1->cd(4); hp->Draw("parabolic"); return c1; } earth.C:1 earth.C:2 earth.C:3 earth.C:4 earth.C:5 earth.C:6 earth.C:7 earth.C:8 earth.C:9 earth.C:10 earth.C:11 earth.C:12 earth.C:13 earth.C:14 earth.C:15 earth.C:16 earth.C:17 earth.C:18 earth.C:19 earth.C:20 earth.C:21 earth.C:22 earth.C:23 earth.C:24 earth.C:25 earth.C:26 earth.C:27 earth.C:28 earth.C:29 earth.C:30 earth.C:31 earth.C:32 earth.C:33 earth.C:34 earth.C:35 earth.C:36 earth.C:37 earth.C:38 earth.C:39 earth.C:40 earth.C:41 earth.C:42 earth.C:43 earth.C:44 earth.C:45 earth.C:46 |