// @(#)root/base:$Id: TPRegexp.cxx 37096 2010-11-30 12:21:36Z rdm $ // Author: Eddy Offermann 24/06/05 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2005, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TPRegexp // // // // C++ Wrapper for the "Perl Compatible Regular Expressions" library // // The PCRE lib can be found at: // // http://www.pcre.org/ // // // // Extensive documentation about Regular expressions in Perl can be // // found at : // // http://perldoc.perl.org/perlre.html // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "Riostream.h" #include "TPRegexp.h" #include "TObjArray.h" #include "TObjString.h" #include "TError.h" #include <pcre.h> #include <vector> struct PCREPriv_t { pcre *fPCRE; pcre_extra *fPCREExtra; PCREPriv_t() { fPCRE = 0; fPCREExtra = 0; } }; ClassImp(TPRegexp) //______________________________________________________________________________ TPRegexp::TPRegexp() { // Default ctor. fPriv = new PCREPriv_t; fPCREOpts = 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TPRegexp::TPRegexp(const TString &pat) { // Create and initialize with pat. fPattern = pat; fPriv = new PCREPriv_t; fPCREOpts = 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TPRegexp::TPRegexp(const TPRegexp &p) { // Copy ctor. fPattern = p.fPattern; fPriv = new PCREPriv_t; fPCREOpts = p.fPCREOpts; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TPRegexp::~TPRegexp() { // Cleanup. if (fPriv->fPCRE) pcre_free(fPriv->fPCRE); if (fPriv->fPCREExtra) pcre_free(fPriv->fPCREExtra); delete fPriv; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TPRegexp &TPRegexp::operator=(const TPRegexp &p) { // Assignement operator. if (this != &p) { fPattern = p.fPattern; if (fPriv->fPCRE) pcre_free(fPriv->fPCRE); fPriv->fPCRE = 0; if (fPriv->fPCREExtra) pcre_free(fPriv->fPCREExtra); fPriv->fPCREExtra = 0; fPCREOpts = p.fPCREOpts; } return *this; } //______________________________________________________________________________ UInt_t TPRegexp::ParseMods(const TString &modStr) const { // Translate Perl modifier flags into pcre flags. // The supported modStr characters are: g, i, m, o, s, x, and the // special d for debug. The meaning of the letters is: // - m // Treat string as multiple lines. That is, change "^" and "$" from // matching the start or end of the string to matching the start or // end of any line anywhere within the string. // - s // Treat string as single line. That is, change "." to match any // character whatsoever, even a newline, which normally it would not match. // Used together, as /ms, they let the "." match any character whatsoever, // while still allowing "^" and "$" to match, respectively, just after and // just before newlines within the string. // - i // Do case-insensitive pattern matching. // - x // Extend your pattern's legibility by permitting whitespace and comments. // - p // Preserve the string matched such that ${^PREMATCH}, ${^MATCH}, // and ${^POSTMATCH} are available for use after matching. // - g and c // Global matching, and keep the Current position after failed matching. // Unlike i, m, s and x, these two flags affect the way the regex is used // rather than the regex itself. See Using regular expressions in Perl in // perlretut for further explanation of the g and c modifiers. // For more detail see: http://perldoc.perl.org/perlre.html#Modifiers. UInt_t opts = 0; if (modStr.Length() <= 0) return fPCREOpts; //translate perl flags into pcre flags const char *m = modStr; while (*m) { switch (*m) { case 'g': opts |= kPCRE_GLOBAL; break; case 'i': opts |= PCRE_CASELESS; break; case 'm': opts |= PCRE_MULTILINE; break; case 'o': opts |= kPCRE_OPTIMIZE; break; case 's': opts |= PCRE_DOTALL; break; case 'x': opts |= PCRE_EXTENDED; break; case 'd': // special flag to enable debug printing (not Perl compat.) opts |= kPCRE_DEBUG_MSGS; break; default: Error("ParseMods", "illegal pattern modifier: %c", *m); opts = 0; } ++m; } return opts; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TString TPRegexp::GetModifiers() const { // Return PCRE modifier options as string. // For meaning of mods see ParseMods(). TString ret; if (fPCREOpts & kPCRE_GLOBAL) ret += 'g'; if (fPCREOpts & PCRE_CASELESS) ret += 'i'; if (fPCREOpts & PCRE_MULTILINE) ret += 'm'; if (fPCREOpts & PCRE_DOTALL) ret += 's'; if (fPCREOpts & PCRE_EXTENDED) ret += 'x'; if (fPCREOpts & kPCRE_OPTIMIZE) ret += 'o'; if (fPCREOpts & kPCRE_DEBUG_MSGS) ret += 'd'; return ret; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TPRegexp::Compile() { // Compile the fPattern. if (fPriv->fPCRE) pcre_free(fPriv->fPCRE); if (fPCREOpts & kPCRE_DEBUG_MSGS) Info("Compile", "PREGEX compiling %s", fPattern.Data()); const char *errstr; Int_t patIndex; fPriv->fPCRE = pcre_compile(fPattern.Data(), fPCREOpts & kPCRE_INTMASK, &errstr, &patIndex, 0); if (!fPriv->fPCRE) { Error("Compile", "compilation of TPRegexp(%s) failed at: %d because %s", fPattern.Data(), patIndex, errstr); } if (fPriv->fPCREExtra || (fPCREOpts & kPCRE_OPTIMIZE)) Optimize(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TPRegexp::Optimize() { // Send the pattern through the optimizer. if (fPriv->fPCREExtra) pcre_free(fPriv->fPCREExtra); if (fPCREOpts & kPCRE_DEBUG_MSGS) Info("Optimize", "PREGEX studying %s", fPattern.Data()); const char *errstr; // pcre_study allows less options - see pcre_internal.h PUBLIC_STUDY_OPTIONS. fPriv->fPCREExtra = pcre_study(fPriv->fPCRE, 0, &errstr); if (!fPriv->fPCREExtra && errstr) { Error("Optimize", "Optimization of TPRegexp(%s) failed: %s", fPattern.Data(), errstr); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TPRegexp::ReplaceSubs(const TString &s, TString &final, const TString &replacePattern, Int_t *offVec, Int_t nrMatch) const { // Returns the number of expanded '$' constructs. Int_t nrSubs = 0; const char *p = replacePattern; Int_t state = 0; Int_t subnum = 0; while (state != -1) { switch (state) { case 0: if (!*p) { state = -1; break; } if (*p == '$') { state = 1; subnum = 0; if (p[1] == '&') { p++; if (isdigit(p[1])) p++; } else if (!isdigit(p[1])) { Error("ReplaceSubs", "badly formed replacement pattern: %s", replacePattern.Data()); } } else final += *p; break; case 1: if (isdigit(*p)) { subnum *= 10; subnum += (*p)-'0'; } else { if (fPCREOpts & kPCRE_DEBUG_MSGS) Info("ReplaceSubs", "PREGEX appending substr #%d", subnum); if (subnum < 0 || subnum > nrMatch-1) { Error("ReplaceSubs","bad string number: %d",subnum); } else { const TString subStr = s(offVec[2*subnum],offVec[2*subnum+1]-offVec[2*subnum]); final += subStr; nrSubs++; } state = 0; continue; // send char to start state } } p++; } return nrSubs; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TPRegexp::MatchInternal(const TString &s, Int_t start, Int_t nMaxMatch, TArrayI *pos) { // Perform the actual matching - protected method. Int_t *offVec = new Int_t[3*nMaxMatch]; // pcre_exec allows less options - see pcre_internal.h PUBLIC_EXEC_OPTIONS. Int_t nrMatch = pcre_exec(fPriv->fPCRE, fPriv->fPCREExtra, s.Data(), s.Length(), start, 0, offVec, 3*nMaxMatch); if (nrMatch == PCRE_ERROR_NOMATCH) nrMatch = 0; else if (nrMatch <= 0) { Error("Match","pcre_exec error = %d", nrMatch); delete [] offVec; return 0; } if (pos) pos->Set(2*nrMatch, offVec); delete [] offVec; return nrMatch; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TPRegexp::Match(const TString &s, const TString &mods, Int_t start, Int_t nMaxMatch, TArrayI *pos) { // The number of matches is returned, this equals the full match + // sub-pattern matches. // nMaxMatch is the maximum allowed number of matches. // pos contains the string indices of the matches. Its usage is // shown in the routine MatchS. // For meaning of mods see ParseMods(). UInt_t opts = ParseMods(mods); if (!fPriv->fPCRE || opts != fPCREOpts) { fPCREOpts = opts; Compile(); } return MatchInternal(s, start, nMaxMatch, pos); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TObjArray *TPRegexp::MatchS(const TString &s, const TString &mods, Int_t start, Int_t nMaxMatch) { // Returns a TObjArray of matched substrings as TObjString's. // The TObjArray is owner of the objects. The first entry is the full // matched pattern, followed by the subpatterns. // If a pattern was not matched, it will return an empty substring: // // TObjArray *subStrL = TPRegexp("(a|(z))(bc)").MatchS("abc"); // for (Int_t i = 0; i < subStrL->GetLast()+1; i++) { // const TString subStr = ((TObjString *)subStrL->At(i))->GetString(); // cout << "\"" << subStr << "\" "; // } // cout << subStr << endl; // // produces: "abc" "a" "" "bc" // For meaning of mods see ParseMods(). TArrayI pos; Int_t nrMatch = Match(s, mods, start, nMaxMatch, &pos); TObjArray *subStrL = new TObjArray(); subStrL->SetOwner(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < nrMatch; i++) { Int_t startp = pos[2*i]; Int_t stopp = pos[2*i+1]; if (startp >= 0 && stopp >= 0) { const TString subStr = s(pos[2*i], pos[2*i+1]-pos[2*i]); subStrL->Add(new TObjString(subStr)); } else subStrL->Add(new TObjString()); } return subStrL; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TPRegexp::SubstituteInternal(TString &s, const TString &replacePattern, Int_t start, Int_t nMaxMatch, Bool_t doDollarSubst) { // Perform pattern substitution with optional back-ref replacement // - protected method. Int_t *offVec = new Int_t[3*nMaxMatch]; TString final; Int_t nrSubs = 0; Int_t offset = start; Int_t last = 0; while (kTRUE) { // find next matching subs // pcre_exec allows less options - see pcre_internal.h PUBLIC_EXEC_OPTIONS. Int_t nrMatch = pcre_exec(fPriv->fPCRE, fPriv->fPCREExtra, s.Data(), s.Length(), offset, 0, offVec, 3*nMaxMatch); if (nrMatch == PCRE_ERROR_NOMATCH) { nrMatch = 0; break; } else if (nrMatch <= 0) { Error("Substitute", "pcre_exec error = %d", nrMatch); break; } // append anything previously unmatched, but not substituted if (last <= offVec[0]) { final += s(last,offVec[0]-last); last = offVec[1]; } // replace stuff in s if (doDollarSubst) { ReplaceSubs(s, final, replacePattern, offVec, nrMatch); } else { final += replacePattern; } ++nrSubs; // if global gotta check match at every pos if (!(fPCREOpts & kPCRE_GLOBAL)) break; if (offVec[0] != offVec[1]) offset = offVec[1]; else { // matched empty string if (offVec[1] == s.Length()) break; offset = offVec[1]+1; } } delete [] offVec; final += s(last,s.Length()-last); s = final; return nrSubs; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TPRegexp::Substitute(TString &s, const TString &replacePattern, const TString &mods, Int_t start, Int_t nMaxMatch) { // Substitute replaces the string s by a new string in which matching // patterns are replaced by the replacePattern string. The number of // substitutions are returned. // // TString s("aap noot mies"); // const Int_t nrSub = TPRegexp("(\\w*) noot (\\w*)").Substitute(s,"$2 noot $1"); // cout << nrSub << " \"" << s << "\"" <<endl; // // produces: 2 "mies noot aap" // For meaning of mods see ParseMods(). UInt_t opts = ParseMods(mods); if (!fPriv->fPCRE || opts != fPCREOpts) { fPCREOpts = opts; Compile(); } return SubstituteInternal(s, replacePattern, start, nMaxMatch, kTRUE); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TString member functions, put here so the linker will include // // them only if regular expressions are used. // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //______________________________________________________________________________ Ssiz_t TString::Index(TPRegexp& r, Ssiz_t start) const { // Find the first occurance of the regexp in string and return the position. // Start is the offset at which the search should start. TArrayI pos; Int_t nrMatch = r.Match(*this,"",start,10,&pos); if (nrMatch > 0) return pos[0]; else return -1; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Ssiz_t TString::Index(TPRegexp& r, Ssiz_t* extent, Ssiz_t start) const { // Find the first occurance of the regexp in string and return the position. // Extent is length of the matched string and start is the offset at which // the matching should start. TArrayI pos; const Int_t nrMatch = r.Match(*this,"",start,10,&pos); if (nrMatch > 0) { *extent = pos[1]-pos[0]; return pos[0]; } else { *extent = 0; return -1; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ TSubString TString::operator()(TPRegexp& r, Ssiz_t start) const { // Return the substring found by applying the regexp starting at start. Ssiz_t len; Ssiz_t begin = Index(r, &len, start); return TSubString(*this, begin, len); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TSubString TString::operator()(TPRegexp& r) const { // Return the substring found by applying the regexp. return (*this)(r, 0); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TPMERegexp ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //______________________________________________________________________________ // // Wrapper for PCRE library (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions). // Based on PME - PCRE Made Easy by Zachary Hansen. // // Supports main Perl operations using regular expressions (Match, // Substitute and Split). To retrieve the results one can simply use // operator[] returning a TString. // // See $ROOTSYS/tutorials/regexp_pme.C for examples. ClassImp(TPMERegexp); //______________________________________________________________________________ TPMERegexp::TPMERegexp() : TPRegexp(), fNMaxMatches(10), fNMatches(0), fAddressOfLastString(0), fLastGlobalPosition(0) { // Default constructor. This regexp will match an empty string. Compile(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TPMERegexp::TPMERegexp(const TString& s, const TString& opts, Int_t nMatchMax) : TPRegexp(s), fNMaxMatches(nMatchMax), fNMatches(0), fAddressOfLastString(0), fLastGlobalPosition(0) { // Constructor: // s - string to compile into regular expression // opts - perl-style character flags to be set on TPME object fPCREOpts = ParseMods(opts); Compile(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TPMERegexp::TPMERegexp(const TString& s, UInt_t opts, Int_t nMatchMax) : TPRegexp(s), fNMaxMatches(nMatchMax), fNMatches(0), fAddressOfLastString(0), fLastGlobalPosition(0) { // Constructor: // s - string to copmile into regular expression // opts - PCRE-style option flags to be set on TPME object fPCREOpts = opts; Compile(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TPMERegexp::TPMERegexp(const TPMERegexp& r) : TPRegexp(r), fNMaxMatches(r.fNMaxMatches), fNMatches(0), fAddressOfLastString(0), fLastGlobalPosition(0) { // Copy constructor. // Only PCRE specifics are copied, not last-match or global-matech // information. Compile(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TPMERegexp::Reset(const TString& s, const TString& opts, Int_t nMatchMax) { // Reset the patteren and options. // If 'nMatchMax' other than -1 (the default) is passed, it is also set. Reset(s, ParseMods(opts), nMatchMax); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TPMERegexp::Reset(const TString& s, UInt_t opts, Int_t nMatchMax) { // Reset the patteren and options. // If 'nMatchMax' other than -1 (the default) is passed, it is also set. fPattern = s; fPCREOpts = opts; Compile(); if (nMatchMax != -1) fNMatches = nMatchMax; fNMatches = 0; fLastGlobalPosition = 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TPMERegexp::AssignGlobalState(const TPMERegexp& re) { // Copy global-match state from 're; so that this regexp can continue // parsing the string from where 're' left off. // // Alternatively, GetGlobalPosition() get be used to retrieve the // last match position so that it can passed to Match(). // // Ideally, as it is done in PERL, the last match position would be // stored in the TString itself. fLastStringMatched = re.fLastStringMatched; fLastGlobalPosition = re.fLastGlobalPosition; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TPMERegexp::ResetGlobalState() { // Reset state of global match. // This happens automatically when a new string is passed for matching. // But be carefull, as the address of last TString object is used // to make this decision. fLastGlobalPosition = 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TPMERegexp::Match(const TString& s, UInt_t start) { // Runs a match on s against the regex 'this' was created with. // // Args: // s - string to match against // start - offset at which to start matching // Returns: - number of matches found // If we got a new string, reset the global position counter. if (fAddressOfLastString != (void*) &s) { fLastGlobalPosition = 0; } if (fPCREOpts & kPCRE_GLOBAL) { start += fLastGlobalPosition; } //fprintf(stderr, "string: '%s' length: %d offset: %d\n", s.Data(), s.length(), offset); fNMatches = MatchInternal(s, start, fNMaxMatches, &fMarkers); //fprintf(stderr, "MatchInternal_exec result = %d\n", fNMatches); fLastStringMatched = s; fAddressOfLastString = (void*) &s; if (fPCREOpts & kPCRE_GLOBAL) { if (fNMatches == PCRE_ERROR_NOMATCH) { // fprintf(stderr, "TPME RESETTING: reset for no match\n"); fLastGlobalPosition = 0; // reset the position for next match (perl does this) } else if (fNMatches > 0) { // fprintf(stderr, "TPME RESETTING: setting to %d\n", marks[0].second); fLastGlobalPosition = fMarkers[1]; // set to the end of the match } else { // fprintf(stderr, "TPME RESETTING: reset for no unknown\n"); fLastGlobalPosition = 0; } } return fNMatches; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TPMERegexp::Split(const TString& s, Int_t maxfields) { // Splits into at most maxfields. If maxfields is unspecified or // 0, trailing empty matches are discarded. If maxfields is // positive, no more than maxfields fields will be returned and // trailing empty matches are preserved. If maxfields is empty, // all fields (including trailing empty ones) are returned. This // *should* be the same as the perl behaviour. // // If pattern produces sub-matches, these are also stored in // the result. // // A pattern matching the null string will split the value of EXPR // into separate characters at each point it matches that way. // // Args: // s - string to split // maxfields - maximum number of fields to be split out. 0 means // split all fields, but discard any trailing empty bits. // Negative means split all fields and keep trailing empty bits. // Positive means keep up to N fields including any empty fields // less than N. Anything remaining is in the last field. // Returns: - number of fields found typedef std::pair<int, int> Marker_t; typedef std::vector<Marker_t> MarkerVec_t; // stores the marks for the split MarkerVec_t oMarks; // this is a list of current trailing empty matches if maxfields is // unspecified or 0. If there is stuff in it and a non-empty match // is found, then everything in here is pushed into oMarks and then // the new match is pushed on. If the end of the string is reached // and there are empty matches in here, they are discarded. MarkerVec_t oCurrentTrailingEmpties; Int_t nOffset = 0; Int_t nMatchesFound = 0; // while we are still finding matches and maxfields is 0 or negative // (meaning we get all matches), or we haven't gotten to the number // of specified matches Int_t matchRes; while ((matchRes = Match(s, nOffset)) && ((maxfields < 1) || nMatchesFound < maxfields)) { ++nMatchesFound; if (fMarkers[1] - fMarkers[0] == 0) { oMarks.push_back(Marker_t(nOffset, nOffset + 1)); ++nOffset; if (nOffset >= s.Length()) break; else continue; } // match can be empty if (nOffset != fMarkers[0]) { if (!oCurrentTrailingEmpties.empty()) { oMarks.insert(oMarks.end(), oCurrentTrailingEmpties.begin(), oCurrentTrailingEmpties.end()); oCurrentTrailingEmpties.clear(); } oMarks.push_back(Marker_t(nOffset, fMarkers[0])); } else { // empty match if (maxfields == 0) { // store for possible later inclusion oCurrentTrailingEmpties.push_back(Marker_t(nOffset, nOffset)); } else { oMarks.push_back(Marker_t(nOffset, nOffset)); } } nOffset = fMarkers[1]; if (matchRes > 1) { for (Int_t i = 1; i < matchRes; ++i) oMarks.push_back(Marker_t(fMarkers[2*i], fMarkers[2*i + 1])); } } // if there were no matches found, push the whole thing on if (nMatchesFound == 0) { oMarks.push_back(Marker_t(0, s.Length())); } // if we ran out of matches, then append the rest of the string // onto the end of the last split field else if (maxfields > 0 && nMatchesFound >= maxfields) { oMarks[oMarks.size() - 1].second = s.Length(); } // else we have to add another entry for the end of the string else { Bool_t last_empty = (nOffset == s.Length()); if (!last_empty || maxfields < 0) { if (!oCurrentTrailingEmpties.empty()) { oMarks.insert(oMarks.end(), oCurrentTrailingEmpties.begin(), oCurrentTrailingEmpties.end()); } oMarks.push_back(Marker_t(nOffset, s.Length())); } } fNMatches = oMarks.size(); fMarkers.Set(2*fNMatches); for (Int_t i = 0; i < fNMatches; ++i) { fMarkers[2*i] = oMarks[i].first; fMarkers[2*i + 1] = oMarks[i].second; } // fprintf(stderr, "match returning %d\n", fNMatches); return fNMatches; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TPMERegexp::Substitute(TString& s, const TString& r, Bool_t doDollarSubst) { // Substitute matching part of s with r, dollar back-ref // substitution is performed if doDollarSubst is true (default). // Returns the number of substitutions made. // // After the substitution, another pass is made over the resulting // string and the following special tokens are interpreted: // \l - lowercase next char, // \u - uppercase next char, // \L - lowercase till \E, // \U - uppercase till \E, and // \E - end case modification. Int_t cnt = SubstituteInternal(s, r, 0, fNMaxMatches, doDollarSubst); TString ret; Int_t state = 0; Ssiz_t pos = 0, len = s.Length(); const Char_t *data = s.Data(); while (pos < len) { Char_t c = data[pos]; if (c == '\\') { c = data[pos+1]; // Rely on string-data being null-terminated. switch (c) { case 0 : ret += '\\'; break; case 'l': state = 1; break; case 'u': state = 2; break; case 'L': state = 3; break; case 'U': state = 4; break; case 'E': state = 0; break; default : ret += '\\'; ret += c; break; } pos += 2; } else { switch (state) { case 0: ret += c; break; case 1: ret += (Char_t) tolower(c); state = 0; break; case 2: ret += (Char_t) toupper(c); state = 0; break; case 3: ret += (Char_t) tolower(c); break; case 4: ret += (Char_t) toupper(c); break; default: Error("TPMERegexp::Substitute", "invalid state."); } ++pos; } } s = ret; return cnt; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TString TPMERegexp::operator[](int index) { // Returns the sub-string from the internal fMarkers vector. // Requires having run match or split first. if (index >= fNMatches) return ""; Int_t begin = fMarkers[2*index]; Int_t end = fMarkers[2*index + 1]; return fLastStringMatched(begin, end-begin); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TPMERegexp::Print(Option_t* option) { // Print the regular expression and modifier options. // If 'option' contains "all", prints also last string match and // match results. TString opt = option; opt.ToLower(); Printf("Regexp='%s', Opts='%s'", fPattern.Data(), GetModifiers().Data()); if (opt.Contains("all")) { Printf(" last string='%s'", fLastStringMatched.Data()); Printf(" number of matches = %d", fNMatches); for (Int_t i=0; i<fNMatches; ++i) Printf(" %d - %s", i, operator[](i).Data()); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TStringToken // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //______________________________________________________________________________ // // Provides iteration through tokens of a given string: // // - fFullStr stores the string to be split. It is never modified. // - fSplitRe is the perl-re that is used to separete the tokens. // - fReturnVoid if true, empty strings will be returned. // // Current token is stored in the TString base-class. // During construction no match is done, use NextToken() to get the first // and all subsequent tokens. // ClassImp(TStringToken) //______________________________________________________________________________ TStringToken::TStringToken(const TString& fullStr, const TString& splitRe, Bool_t retVoid) : fFullStr (fullStr), fSplitRe (splitRe), fReturnVoid (retVoid), fPos (0) { // Constructor. } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TStringToken::NextToken() { // Get the next token, it is stored in this TString. // Returns true if new token is available, false otherwise. TArrayI x; while (fPos < fFullStr.Length()) { if (fSplitRe.Match(fFullStr, "", fPos, 2, &x)) { TString::operator=(fFullStr(fPos, x[0] - fPos)); fPos = x[1]; } else { TString::operator=(fFullStr(fPos, fFullStr.Length() - fPos)); fPos = fFullStr.Length() + 1; } if (Length() || fReturnVoid) return kTRUE; } // Special case: void-strings are requested and the full-string // ends with the separator. Thus we return another empty string. if (fPos == fFullStr.Length() && fReturnVoid) { TString::operator=(""); fPos = fFullStr.Length() + 1; return kTRUE; } return kFALSE; }