#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "TMath.h"
#include "TF1.h"
#include "TH1F.h"
#include "TVectorD.h"
#include "Riostream.h"
#include "TMVA/Tools.h"
#include "TMVA/PDF.h"
#include "TMVA/TSpline1.h"
#include "TMVA/TSpline2.h"
#include "TMVA/Version.h"
const Int_t TMVA::PDF::fgNbin_PdfHist = 10000;
const Bool_t TMVA::PDF::fgManualIntegration = kTRUE;
const Double_t TMVA::PDF::fgEpsilon = 1.0e-12;
TMVA::PDF* TMVA::PDF::fgThisPDF = 0;
TMVA::PDF::PDF( const TString& name, Bool_t norm )
: Configurable (""),
fUseHistogram ( kFALSE ),
fPDFName ( name ),
fNsmooth ( 0 ),
fMinNsmooth (-1 ),
fMaxNsmooth (-1 ),
fNSmoothHist ( 0 ),
fInterpolMethod( PDF::kSpline2 ),
fSpline ( 0 ),
fPDFHist ( 0 ),
fHist ( 0 ),
fHistOriginal ( 0 ),
fGraph ( 0 ),
fIGetVal ( 0 ),
fHistAvgEvtPerBin ( 0 ),
fHistDefinedNBins ( 0 ),
fKDEtypeString ( 0 ),
fKDEiterString ( 0 ),
fBorderMethodString( 0 ),
fInterpolateString ( 0 ),
fKDEtype ( KDEKernel::kNone ),
fKDEiter ( KDEKernel::kNonadaptiveKDE ),
fKDEborder ( KDEKernel::kNoTreatment ),
fFineFactor ( 0. ),
fReadingVersion( 0 ),
fCheckHist ( kFALSE ),
fNormalize ( norm ),
fSuffix ( "" ),
fLogger ( 0 )
fLogger = new MsgLogger(this);
fgThisPDF = this;
TMVA::PDF::PDF( const TString& name,
const TH1 *hist,
PDF::EInterpolateMethod method,
Int_t minnsmooth,
Int_t maxnsmooth,
Bool_t checkHist,
Bool_t norm) :
Configurable (""),
fUseHistogram ( kFALSE ),
fPDFName ( name ),
fMinNsmooth ( minnsmooth ),
fMaxNsmooth ( maxnsmooth ),
fNSmoothHist ( 0 ),
fInterpolMethod( method ),
fSpline ( 0 ),
fPDFHist ( 0 ),
fHist ( 0 ),
fHistOriginal ( 0 ),
fGraph ( 0 ),
fIGetVal ( 0 ),
fHistAvgEvtPerBin ( 0 ),
fHistDefinedNBins ( 0 ),
fKDEtypeString ( 0 ),
fKDEiterString ( 0 ),
fBorderMethodString( 0 ),
fInterpolateString ( 0 ),
fKDEtype ( KDEKernel::kNone ),
fKDEiter ( KDEKernel::kNonadaptiveKDE ),
fKDEborder ( KDEKernel::kNoTreatment ),
fFineFactor ( 0. ),
fReadingVersion( 0 ),
fCheckHist ( checkHist ),
fNormalize ( norm ),
fSuffix ( "" ),
fLogger ( 0 )
fLogger = new MsgLogger(this);
BuildPDF( hist );
TMVA::PDF::PDF( const TString& name,
const TH1* hist,
KDEKernel::EKernelType ktype,
KDEKernel::EKernelIter kiter,
KDEKernel::EKernelBorder kborder,
Float_t FineFactor,
Bool_t norm) :
Configurable (""),
fUseHistogram ( kFALSE ),
fPDFName ( name ),
fNsmooth ( 0 ),
fMinNsmooth (-1 ),
fMaxNsmooth (-1 ),
fNSmoothHist ( 0 ),
fInterpolMethod( PDF::kKDE ),
fSpline ( 0 ),
fPDFHist ( 0 ),
fHist ( 0 ),
fHistOriginal ( 0 ),
fGraph ( 0 ),
fIGetVal ( 0 ),
fHistAvgEvtPerBin ( 0 ),
fHistDefinedNBins ( 0 ),
fKDEtypeString ( 0 ),
fKDEiterString ( 0 ),
fBorderMethodString( 0 ),
fInterpolateString ( 0 ),
fKDEtype ( ktype ),
fKDEiter ( kiter ),
fKDEborder ( kborder ),
fFineFactor ( FineFactor),
fReadingVersion( 0 ),
fCheckHist ( kFALSE ),
fNormalize ( norm ),
fSuffix ( "" ),
fLogger ( 0 )
fLogger = new MsgLogger(this);
BuildPDF( hist );
TMVA::PDF::PDF( const TString& name,
const TString& options,
const TString& suffix,
PDF* defaultPDF,
Bool_t norm) :
Configurable (options),
fUseHistogram ( kFALSE ),
fPDFName ( name ),
fNsmooth ( 0 ),
fMinNsmooth ( -1 ),
fMaxNsmooth ( -1 ),
fNSmoothHist ( 0 ),
fInterpolMethod( PDF::kSpline0 ),
fSpline ( 0 ),
fPDFHist ( 0 ),
fHist ( 0 ),
fHistOriginal ( 0 ),
fGraph ( 0 ),
fIGetVal ( 0 ),
fHistAvgEvtPerBin ( 50 ),
fHistDefinedNBins ( 0 ),
fKDEtypeString ( "Gauss" ),
fKDEiterString ( "Nonadaptive" ),
fBorderMethodString( "None" ),
fInterpolateString ( "Spline2" ),
fKDEtype ( KDEKernel::kNone ),
fKDEiter ( KDEKernel::kNonadaptiveKDE ),
fKDEborder ( KDEKernel::kNoTreatment ),
fFineFactor ( 1. ),
fReadingVersion( 0 ),
fCheckHist ( kFALSE ),
fNormalize ( norm ),
fSuffix ( suffix ),
fLogger ( 0 )
fLogger = new MsgLogger(this);
if (defaultPDF != 0) {
fNsmooth = defaultPDF->fNsmooth;
fMinNsmooth = defaultPDF->fMinNsmooth;
fMaxNsmooth = defaultPDF->fMaxNsmooth;
fHistAvgEvtPerBin = defaultPDF->fHistAvgEvtPerBin;
fHistAvgEvtPerBin = defaultPDF->fHistAvgEvtPerBin;
fInterpolateString = defaultPDF->fInterpolateString;
fKDEtypeString = defaultPDF->fKDEtypeString;
fKDEiterString = defaultPDF->fKDEiterString;
fFineFactor = defaultPDF->fFineFactor;
fBorderMethodString = defaultPDF->fBorderMethodString;
fCheckHist = defaultPDF->fCheckHist;
fHistDefinedNBins = defaultPDF->fHistDefinedNBins;
if (fSpline != NULL) delete fSpline;
if (fHist != NULL) delete fHist;
if (fPDFHist != NULL) delete fPDFHist;
if (fHistOriginal != NULL) delete fHistOriginal;
if (fIGetVal != NULL) delete fIGetVal;
if (fGraph != NULL) delete fGraph;
delete fLogger;
void TMVA::PDF::BuildPDF( const TH1* hist )
fgThisPDF = this;
if (hist == NULL) Log() << kFATAL << "Called without valid histogram pointer!" << Endl;
if (hist->GetEntries() <= 0)
Log() << kFATAL << "Number of entries <= 0 (" << hist->GetEntries() << " in histogram: " << hist->GetTitle() << Endl;
if (fInterpolMethod == PDF::kKDE) {
Log() << "Create "
<< ((fKDEiter == KDEKernel::kNonadaptiveKDE) ? "nonadaptive " :
(fKDEiter == KDEKernel::kAdaptiveKDE) ? "adaptive " : "??? ")
<< ((fKDEtype == KDEKernel::kGauss) ? "Gauss " : "??? ")
<< "type KDE kernel for histogram: \"" << hist->GetName() << "\""
<< Endl;
else {
if (fMinNsmooth<0)
Log() << kFATAL << "PDF construction called with minnsmooth<0" << Endl;
else if (fMaxNsmooth<=0)
fMaxNsmooth = fMinNsmooth;
else if (fMaxNsmooth<fMinNsmooth)
Log() << kFATAL << "PDF construction called with maxnsmooth<minnsmooth" << Endl;
fHistOriginal = (TH1F*)hist->Clone( TString(hist->GetName()) + "_original" );
fHist = (TH1F*)hist->Clone( TString(hist->GetName()) + "_smoothed" );
fHistOriginal->SetTitle( fHistOriginal->GetName() );
fHist ->SetTitle( fHist->GetName() );
fHist ->SetDirectory(0);
fUseHistogram = kFALSE;
if (fInterpolMethod == PDF::kKDE) BuildKDEPDF();
else BuildSplinePDF();
Int_t TMVA::PDF::GetHistNBins ( Int_t evtNum )
Int_t ResolutionFactor = (fInterpolMethod == PDF::kKDE) ? 5 : 1;
if (evtNum == 0 && fHistDefinedNBins == 0)
Log() << kFATAL << "No number of bins set for PDF" << Endl;
else if (fHistDefinedNBins > 0)
return fHistDefinedNBins * ResolutionFactor;
else if ( evtNum > 0 && fHistAvgEvtPerBin > 0 )
return evtNum / fHistAvgEvtPerBin * ResolutionFactor;
Log() << kFATAL << "No number of bins or average event per bin set for PDF" << fHistAvgEvtPerBin << Endl;
return 0;
void TMVA::PDF::BuildSplinePDF()
if (fInterpolMethod != PDF::kSpline0 && fCheckHist) CheckHist();
fNSmoothHist = 0;
if (fMaxNsmooth > 0 && fMinNsmooth >=0 ) SmoothHistogram();
switch (fInterpolMethod) {
case kSpline0:
fUseHistogram = kTRUE;
case kSpline1:
fSpline = new TMVA::TSpline1( "spline1", new TGraph(*fGraph) );
case kSpline2:
fSpline = new TMVA::TSpline2( "spline2", new TGraph(*fGraph) );
case kSpline3:
fSpline = new TSpline3( "spline3", new TGraph(*fGraph) );
case kSpline5:
fSpline = new TSpline5( "spline5", new TGraph(*fGraph) );
Log() << kWARNING << "No valid interpolation method given! Use Spline2" << Endl;
fSpline = new TMVA::TSpline2( "spline2", new TGraph(*fGraph) );
Log() << kFATAL << " Well.. .thinking about it, I better quit so you notice you are forced to fix the mistake " << Endl;
if (!UseHistogram()) {
fSpline->SetTitle( (TString)fHist->GetTitle() + fSpline->GetTitle() );
fSpline->SetName ( (TString)fHist->GetName() + fSpline->GetName() );
Double_t integral = GetIntegral();
if (integral < 0) Log() << kFATAL << "Integral: " << integral << " <= 0" << Endl;
if (fNormalize)
if (integral>0) fPDFHist->Scale( 1.0/integral );
void TMVA::PDF::BuildKDEPDF()
fPDFHist = new TH1F( "", "", fgNbin_PdfHist, GetXmin(), GetXmax() );
fPDFHist->SetTitle( (TString)fHist->GetTitle() + "_hist from_KDE" );
fPDFHist->SetName ( (TString)fHist->GetName() + "_hist_from_KDE" );
Float_t histoLowEdge = fHist->GetBinLowEdge(1);
Float_t histoUpperEdge = fPDFHist->GetBinLowEdge(fPDFHist->GetNbinsX()) + fPDFHist->GetBinWidth(fPDFHist->GetNbinsX());
KDEKernel *kern = new TMVA::KDEKernel( fKDEiter,
fHist, histoLowEdge, histoUpperEdge,
fKDEborder, fFineFactor );
for (Int_t i=1;i<fHist->GetNbinsX();i++) {
for (Int_t j=1;j<fPDFHist->GetNbinsX();j++) {
if (fKDEborder == 3) {
if (i < fHist->GetNbinsX()/5 ) {
for (Int_t j=1;j<fPDFHist->GetNbinsX();j++) {
if (i > 4*fHist->GetNbinsX()/5) {
for (Int_t j=1;j<fPDFHist->GetNbinsX();j++) {
fPDFHist->AddBinContent( j,fHist->GetBinContent(i)*
2*histoUpperEdge-fHist->GetBinCenter(i), i) );
delete kern;
Double_t integral = GetIntegral();
if (integral < 0) Log() << kFATAL << "Integral: " << integral << " <= 0" << Endl;
if (fNormalize)
if (integral>0) fPDFHist->Scale( 1.0/integral );
void TMVA::PDF::SmoothHistogram()
if(fHist->GetNbinsX()==1) return;
if (fMaxNsmooth == fMinNsmooth) {
fHist->Smooth( fMinNsmooth );
Float_t Err=0, ErrAvg=0, ErrRMS=0 ; Int_t num=0, smooth;
for (Int_t bin=0; bin<fHist->GetNbinsX(); bin++) {
if (fHist->GetBinContent(bin+1) <= fHist->GetBinError(bin+1)) continue;
Err = fHist->GetBinError(bin+1) / fHist->GetBinContent(bin+1);
ErrAvg += Err; ErrRMS += Err*Err; num++;
ErrAvg /= num;
ErrRMS = TMath::Sqrt(ErrRMS/num-ErrAvg*ErrAvg) ;
Float_t MaxErr=ErrAvg+ErrRMS, MinErr=ErrAvg-ErrRMS;
fNSmoothHist = new TH1I("","",fHist->GetNbinsX(),0,fHist->GetNbinsX());
fNSmoothHist->SetTitle( (TString)fHist->GetTitle() + "_Nsmooth" );
fNSmoothHist->SetName ( (TString)fHist->GetName() + "_Nsmooth" );
for (Int_t bin=0; bin<fHist->GetNbinsX(); bin++) {
if (fHist->GetBinContent(bin+1) <= fHist->GetBinError(bin+1))
else {
Err = fHist->GetBinError(bin+1) / fHist->GetBinContent(bin+1);
smooth=(Int_t)((Err-MinErr) /(MaxErr-MinErr) * (fMaxNsmooth-fMinNsmooth)) + fMinNsmooth;
smooth = TMath::Max(fMinNsmooth,TMath::Min(fMaxNsmooth,smooth));
for (Int_t n=fMaxNsmooth; n>=0; n--) {
if (n <= fMinNsmooth) { fHist->Smooth(); continue; }
Int_t MinBin=-1,MaxBin =-1;
for (Int_t bin=0; bin < fHist->GetNbinsX(); bin++) {
if (fNSmoothHist->GetBinContent(bin+1) >= n) {
if (MinBin==-1) MinBin = bin;
else MaxBin=bin;
else if (MaxBin >= 0) {
MinBin = -1;
void TMVA::PDF::FillHistToGraph()
fGraph=new TGraph(fHist);
void TMVA::PDF::FillSplineToHist()
if (UseHistogram()) {
fPDFHist = (TH1*)fHist->Clone();
fPDFHist->SetTitle( (TString)fHist->GetTitle() + "_hist from_spline0" );
fPDFHist->SetName ( (TString)fHist->GetName() + "_hist_from_spline0" );
else {
fPDFHist = new TH1F( "", "", fgNbin_PdfHist, GetXmin(), GetXmax() );
fPDFHist->SetTitle( (TString)fHist->GetTitle() + "_hist from_" + fSpline->GetTitle() );
fPDFHist->SetName ( (TString)fHist->GetName() + "_hist_from_" + fSpline->GetTitle() );
for (Int_t bin=1; bin <= fgNbin_PdfHist; bin++) {
Double_t x = fPDFHist->GetBinCenter( bin );
Double_t y = fSpline->Eval( x );
if (y <= fgEpsilon) y = fHist->GetBinContent( fHist->FindBin( x ) );
fPDFHist->SetBinContent( bin, TMath::Max(y, fgEpsilon) );
void TMVA::PDF::CheckHist() const
if (fHist == NULL) {
Log() << kFATAL << "<CheckHist> Called without valid histogram pointer!" << Endl;
Int_t nbins = fHist->GetNbinsX();
Int_t emptyBins=0;
for (Int_t bin=1; bin<=nbins; bin++)
if (fHist->GetBinContent(bin) == 0) emptyBins++;
if (((Float_t)emptyBins/(Float_t)nbins) > 0.5) {
Log() << kWARNING << "More than 50% (" << (((Float_t)emptyBins/(Float_t)nbins)*100)
<<"%) of the bins in hist '"
<< fHist->GetName() << "' are empty!" << Endl;
Log() << kWARNING << "X_min=" << GetXmin()
<< " mean=" << fHist->GetMean() << " X_max= " << GetXmax() << Endl;
void TMVA::PDF::ValidatePDF( TH1* originalHist ) const
if (!originalHist) originalHist = fHistOriginal;
Int_t nbins = originalHist->GetNbinsX();
if (originalHist->GetSumw2()->GetSize() == 0) originalHist->Sumw2();
Double_t chi2 = 0;
Int_t ndof = 0;
Int_t nc1 = 0;
Int_t nc2 = 0;
Int_t nc3 = 0;
Int_t nc6 = 0;
for (Int_t bin=1; bin<=nbins; bin++) {
Double_t x = originalHist->GetBinCenter( bin );
Double_t y = originalHist->GetBinContent( bin );
Double_t ey = originalHist->GetBinError( bin );
Int_t binPdfHist = fPDFHist->FindBin( x );
if (binPdfHist<0) continue;
Double_t yref = GetVal( x );
Double_t rref = ( originalHist->GetSumOfWeights()/fPDFHist->GetSumOfWeights() *
originalHist->GetBinWidth( bin )/fPDFHist->GetBinWidth( binPdfHist ) );
if (y > 0) {
Double_t d = TMath::Abs( (y - yref*rref)/ey );
chi2 += d*d;
if (d > 1) { nc1++; if (d > 2) { nc2++; if (d > 3) { nc3++; if (d > 6) nc6++; } } }
Log() << "Validation result for PDF \"" << originalHist->GetTitle() << "\"" << ": " << Endl;
Log() << Form( " chi2/ndof(!=0) = %.1f/%i = %.2f (Prob = %.2f)",
chi2, ndof, chi2/ndof, TMath::Prob( chi2, ndof ) ) << Endl;
if ((1.0 - TMath::Prob( chi2, ndof )) > 0.9999994) {
Log() << kWARNING << "Comparison of the original histogram \"" << originalHist->GetTitle() << "\"" << Endl;
Log() << kWARNING << "with the corresponding PDF gave a chi2/ndof of " << chi2/ndof << "," << Endl;
Log() << kWARNING << "which corresponds to a deviation of more than 5 sigma! Please check!" << Endl;
Log() << Form( " #bins-found(#expected-bins) deviating > [1,2,3,6] sigmas: " \
nc1, Int_t(TMath::Prob(1.0,1)*ndof), nc2, Int_t(TMath::Prob(4.0,1)*ndof),
nc3, Int_t(TMath::Prob(9.0,1)*ndof), nc6, Int_t(TMath::Prob(36.0,1)*ndof) ) << Endl;
Double_t TMVA::PDF::GetIntegral() const
Double_t integral = fPDFHist->GetSumOfWeights();
integral *= GetPdfHistBinWidth();
return integral;
Double_t TMVA::PDF::IGetVal( Double_t* x, Double_t* )
return ThisPDF()->GetVal( x[0] );
Double_t TMVA::PDF::GetIntegral( Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax )
Double_t integral = 0;
if (fgManualIntegration) {
Int_t imin = fPDFHist->FindBin(xmin);
Int_t imax = fPDFHist->FindBin(xmax);
if (imin < 1) imin = 1;
if (imax > fPDFHist->GetNbinsX()) imax = fPDFHist->GetNbinsX();
for (Int_t bini = imin; bini <= imax; bini++) {
Float_t dx = fPDFHist->GetBinWidth(bini);
if (bini == imin) dx = fPDFHist->GetBinLowEdge(bini+1) - xmin;
else if (bini == imax) dx = xmax - fPDFHist->GetBinLowEdge(bini);
if (dx < 0 && dx > -1.0e-8) dx = 0;
if (dx<0) {
Log() << kWARNING
<< "dx = " << dx << std::endl
<< "bini = " << bini << std::endl
<< "xmin = " << xmin << std::endl
<< "xmax = " << xmax << std::endl
<< "imin = " << imin << std::endl
<< "imax = " << imax << std::endl
<< "low edge of imin" << fPDFHist->GetBinLowEdge(imin) << std::endl
<< "low edge of imin+1" << fPDFHist->GetBinLowEdge(imin+1) << Endl;
Log() << kFATAL << "<GetIntegral> dx = " << dx << " < 0" << Endl;
integral += fPDFHist->GetBinContent(bini)*dx;
else {
if (fIGetVal == 0) fIGetVal = new TF1( "IGetVal", PDF::IGetVal, GetXmin(), GetXmax(), 0 );
integral = fIGetVal->Integral( xmin, xmax );
return integral;
Double_t TMVA::PDF::GetVal( Double_t x ) const
Int_t bin = fPDFHist->FindBin(x);
bin = TMath::Max(bin,1);
bin = TMath::Min(bin,fPDFHist->GetNbinsX());
Double_t retval = 0;
if (UseHistogram()) {
retval = fPDFHist->GetBinContent( bin );
else {
Int_t nextbin = bin;
if ((x > fPDFHist->GetBinCenter(bin) && bin != fPDFHist->GetNbinsX()) || bin == 1)
Double_t dx = fPDFHist->GetBinCenter( bin ) - fPDFHist->GetBinCenter( nextbin );
Double_t dy = fPDFHist->GetBinContent( bin ) - fPDFHist->GetBinContent( nextbin );
retval = fPDFHist->GetBinContent( bin ) + (x - fPDFHist->GetBinCenter( bin ))*dy/dx;
return TMath::Max( retval, fgEpsilon );
Double_t TMVA::PDF::GetValInverse( Double_t y, Bool_t isMonotonouslyIncreasingFunction ) const
Int_t lowerBin=0, higherBin=0;
Double_t lowerBinValue=0, higherBinValue=0;
Double_t xValueLowerBin =fPDFHist->GetBinCenter (lowerBin);
Double_t xValueHigherBin=fPDFHist->GetBinCenter (higherBin);
Double_t length =(higherBinValue-lowerBinValue);
Double_t fraction=lowerBinValue;
if (length>1.0e-10)
Double_t lengthX =xValueHigherBin-xValueLowerBin;
Double_t x =xValueLowerBin+lengthX*fraction;
return x;
void TMVA::PDF::FindBinInverse( const TH1* histogram, Int_t& lowerBin, Int_t& higherBin, Double_t& lowerBinValue, Double_t& higherBinValue,
Double_t y, Bool_t isMonotonouslyIncreasingFunction ) const
if (isMonotonouslyIncreasingFunction) {
lowerBin =0;
Int_t bin=higherBin/2;
while (bin>lowerBin && bin<higherBin) {
Double_t binContent=histogram->GetBinContent(bin);
if (y<binContent) {
higherBin =bin;
else if (y>=binContent){
lowerBin =bin;
lowerBinValue =binContent;
for (Int_t bin=0, binEnd=histogram->GetNbinsX(); bin<binEnd; ++bin) {
Double_t binContent=histogram->GetBinContent(bin);
if (binContent<y) {
lowerBin =bin;
lowerBinValue =binContent;
else {
void TMVA::PDF::DeclareOptions()
DeclareOptionRef( fNsmooth, Form("NSmooth%s",fSuffix.Data()),
"Number of smoothing iterations for the input histograms" );
DeclareOptionRef( fMinNsmooth, Form("MinNSmooth%s",fSuffix.Data()),
"Min number of smoothing iterations, for bins with most data" );
DeclareOptionRef( fMaxNsmooth, Form("MaxNSmooth%s",fSuffix.Data()),
"Max number of smoothing iterations, for bins with least data" );
DeclareOptionRef( fHistAvgEvtPerBin, Form("NAvEvtPerBin%s",fSuffix.Data()),
"Average number of events per PDF bin" );
DeclareOptionRef( fHistDefinedNBins, Form("Nbins%s",fSuffix.Data()),
"Defined number of bins for the histogram from which the PDF is created" );
DeclareOptionRef( fCheckHist, Form("CheckHist%s",fSuffix.Data()),
"Whether or not to check the source histogram of the PDF" );
DeclareOptionRef( fInterpolateString, Form("PDFInterpol%s",fSuffix.Data()),
"Interpolation method for reference histograms (e.g. Spline2 or KDE)" );
DeclareOptionRef( fKDEtypeString, Form("KDEtype%s",fSuffix.Data()), "KDE kernel type (1=Gauss)" );
DeclareOptionRef( fKDEiterString, Form("KDEiter%s",fSuffix.Data()), "Number of iterations (1=non-adaptive, 2=adaptive)" );
DeclareOptionRef( fFineFactor , Form("KDEFineFactor%s",fSuffix.Data()),
"Fine tuning factor for Adaptive KDE: Factor to multyply the width of the kernel");
DeclareOptionRef( fBorderMethodString, Form("KDEborder%s",fSuffix.Data()),
"Border effects treatment (1=no treatment , 2=kernel renormalization, 3=sample mirroring)" );
SetConfigName( GetName() );
SetConfigDescription( "Configuration options for the PDF class" );
void TMVA::PDF::ProcessOptions()
if (fNsmooth < 0) fNsmooth = 0;
if (fMaxNsmooth < 0 || fMinNsmooth < 0) {
fMinNsmooth = fMaxNsmooth = fNsmooth;
if (fMaxNsmooth < fMinNsmooth && fMinNsmooth >= 0) {
Log() << kFATAL << "ERROR: MaxNsmooth = "
<< fMaxNsmooth << " < MinNsmooth = " << fMinNsmooth << Endl;
if (fMaxNsmooth < 0 || fMinNsmooth < 0) {
Log() << kFATAL << "ERROR: MaxNsmooth = "
<< fMaxNsmooth << " or MinNsmooth = " << fMinNsmooth << " smaller than zero" << Endl;
if (fInterpolateString == "Spline0") fInterpolMethod = TMVA::PDF::kSpline0;
else if (fInterpolateString == "Spline1") fInterpolMethod = TMVA::PDF::kSpline1;
else if (fInterpolateString == "Spline2") fInterpolMethod = TMVA::PDF::kSpline2;
else if (fInterpolateString == "Spline3") fInterpolMethod = TMVA::PDF::kSpline3;
else if (fInterpolateString == "Spline5") fInterpolMethod = TMVA::PDF::kSpline5;
else if (fInterpolateString == "KDE" ) fInterpolMethod = TMVA::PDF::kKDE;
else if (fInterpolateString != "" ) {
Log() << kFATAL << "unknown setting for option 'InterpolateMethod': " << fKDEtypeString << ((fSuffix=="")?"":Form(" for pdf with suffix %s",fSuffix.Data())) << Endl;
if (fKDEtypeString == "Gauss" ) fKDEtype = KDEKernel::kGauss;
else if (fKDEtypeString != "" )
Log() << kFATAL << "unknown setting for option 'KDEtype': " << fKDEtypeString << ((fSuffix=="")?"":Form(" for pdf with suffix %s",fSuffix.Data())) << Endl;
if (fKDEiterString == "Nonadaptive") fKDEiter = KDEKernel::kNonadaptiveKDE;
else if (fKDEiterString == "Adaptive" ) fKDEiter = KDEKernel::kAdaptiveKDE;
else if (fKDEiterString != "" )
Log() << kFATAL << "unknown setting for option 'KDEiter': " << fKDEtypeString << ((fSuffix=="")?"":Form(" for pdf with suffix %s",fSuffix.Data())) << Endl;
if ( fBorderMethodString == "None" ) fKDEborder= KDEKernel::kNoTreatment;
else if ( fBorderMethodString == "Renorm" ) fKDEborder= KDEKernel::kKernelRenorm;
else if ( fBorderMethodString == "Mirror" ) fKDEborder= KDEKernel::kSampleMirror;
else if ( fKDEiterString != "" ) {
Log() << kFATAL << "unknown setting for option 'KDEBorder': " << fKDEtypeString << ((fSuffix=="")?"":Form(" for pdf with suffix %s",fSuffix.Data())) << Endl;
void TMVA::PDF::AddXMLTo( void* parent )
void* pdfxml = gTools().AddChild(parent, "PDF");
gTools().AddAttr(pdfxml, "Name", fPDFName );
gTools().AddAttr(pdfxml, "MinNSmooth", fMinNsmooth );
gTools().AddAttr(pdfxml, "MaxNSmooth", fMaxNsmooth );
gTools().AddAttr(pdfxml, "InterpolMethod", fInterpolMethod );
gTools().AddAttr(pdfxml, "KDE_type", fKDEtype );
gTools().AddAttr(pdfxml, "KDE_iter", fKDEiter );
gTools().AddAttr(pdfxml, "KDE_border", fKDEborder );
gTools().AddAttr(pdfxml, "KDE_finefactor", fFineFactor );
void* pdfhist = gTools().AddChild(pdfxml,"Histogram" );
TH1* histToWrite = GetOriginalHist();
Bool_t hasEquidistantBinning = gTools().HistoHasEquidistantBins(*histToWrite);
gTools().AddAttr(pdfhist, "Name", histToWrite->GetName() );
gTools().AddAttr(pdfhist, "NBins", histToWrite->GetNbinsX() );
gTools().AddAttr(pdfhist, "XMin", histToWrite->GetXaxis()->GetXmin() );
gTools().AddAttr(pdfhist, "XMax", histToWrite->GetXaxis()->GetXmax() );
gTools().AddAttr(pdfhist, "HasEquidistantBins", hasEquidistantBinning );
TString bincontent("");
for (Int_t i=0; i<histToWrite->GetNbinsX(); i++) {
bincontent += gTools().StringFromDouble(histToWrite->GetBinContent(i+1));
bincontent += " ";
gTools().AddRawLine(pdfhist, bincontent );
if (!hasEquidistantBinning) {
void* pdfhistbins = gTools().AddChild(pdfxml,"HistogramBinning" );
gTools().AddAttr(pdfhistbins, "NBins", histToWrite->GetNbinsX() );
TString binns("");
for (Int_t i=1; i<=histToWrite->GetNbinsX()+1; i++) {
binns += gTools().StringFromDouble(histToWrite->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(i));
binns += " ";
gTools().AddRawLine(pdfhistbins, binns );
void TMVA::PDF::ReadXML( void* pdfnode )
UInt_t enumint;
gTools().ReadAttr(pdfnode, "MinNSmooth", fMinNsmooth );
gTools().ReadAttr(pdfnode, "MaxNSmooth", fMaxNsmooth );
gTools().ReadAttr(pdfnode, "InterpolMethod", enumint ); fInterpolMethod = EInterpolateMethod(enumint);
gTools().ReadAttr(pdfnode, "KDE_type", enumint ); fKDEtype = KDEKernel::EKernelType(enumint);
gTools().ReadAttr(pdfnode, "KDE_iter", enumint ); fKDEiter = KDEKernel::EKernelIter(enumint);
gTools().ReadAttr(pdfnode, "KDE_border", enumint ); fKDEborder = KDEKernel::EKernelBorder(enumint);
gTools().ReadAttr(pdfnode, "KDE_finefactor", fFineFactor );
TString hname;
UInt_t nbins;
Double_t xmin, xmax;
Bool_t hasEquidistantBinning;
void* histch = gTools().GetChild(pdfnode);
gTools().ReadAttr( histch, "Name", hname );
gTools().ReadAttr( histch, "NBins", nbins );
gTools().ReadAttr( histch, "XMin", xmin );
gTools().ReadAttr( histch, "XMax", xmax );
gTools().ReadAttr( histch, "HasEquidistantBins", hasEquidistantBinning );
TH1* newhist = 0;
if (hasEquidistantBinning) {
newhist = new TH1F( hname, hname, nbins, xmin, xmax );
const char* content = gTools().GetContent(histch);
std::stringstream s(content);
Double_t val;
for (UInt_t i=0; i<nbins; i++) {
s >> val;
else {
const char* content = gTools().GetContent(histch);
std::stringstream s(content);
Double_t val;
void* binch = gTools().GetNextChild(histch);
UInt_t nbinning;
gTools().ReadAttr( binch, "NBins", nbinning );
TVectorD binns(nbinning+1);
if (nbinning != nbins) {
Log() << kFATAL << "Number of bins in content and binning array differs"<<Endl;
const char* binString = gTools().GetContent(binch);
std::stringstream sb(binString);
for (UInt_t i=0; i<=nbins; i++) sb >> binns[i];
newhist = new TH1F( hname, hname, nbins, binns.GetMatrixArray() );
for (UInt_t i=0; i<nbins; i++) {
s >> val;
TString hnameSmooth = hname;
hnameSmooth.ReplaceAll( "_original", "_smoothed" );
if (fHistOriginal != 0) delete fHistOriginal;
fHistOriginal = newhist;
fHist = (TH1F*)fHistOriginal->Clone( hnameSmooth );
fHist->SetTitle( hnameSmooth );
if (fInterpolMethod == PDF::kKDE) BuildKDEPDF();
else BuildSplinePDF();
ostream& TMVA::operator<< ( ostream& os, const PDF& pdf )
Int_t dp = os.precision();
os << "MinNSmooth " << pdf.fMinNsmooth << std::endl;
os << "MaxNSmooth " << pdf.fMaxNsmooth << std::endl;
os << "InterpolMethod " << pdf.fInterpolMethod << std::endl;
os << "KDE_type " << pdf.fKDEtype << std::endl;
os << "KDE_iter " << pdf.fKDEiter << std::endl;
os << "KDE_border " << pdf.fKDEborder << std::endl;
os << "KDE_finefactor " << pdf.fFineFactor << std::endl;
TH1* histToWrite = pdf.GetOriginalHist();
const Int_t nBins = histToWrite->GetNbinsX();
os << "Histogram "
<< histToWrite->GetName()
<< " " << nBins
<< " " << std::setprecision(12) << histToWrite->GetXaxis()->GetXmin()
<< " " << std::setprecision(12) << histToWrite->GetXaxis()->GetXmax()
<< std::endl;
os << "Weights " << std::endl;
os << std::setprecision(8);
for (Int_t i=0; i<nBins; i++) {
os << std::setw(15) << std::left << histToWrite->GetBinContent(i+1) << std::right << " ";
if ((i+1)%5==0) os << std::endl;
os << std::setprecision(dp);
return os;
istream& TMVA::operator>> ( istream& istr, PDF& pdf )
TString devnullS;
Int_t valI;
Int_t nbins=-1;
Float_t xmin=-1., xmax=-1.;
TString hname="_original";
Bool_t doneReading = kFALSE;
while (!doneReading) {
istr >> devnullS;
if (devnullS=="NSmooth")
{istr >> pdf.fMinNsmooth; pdf.fMaxNsmooth=pdf.fMinNsmooth;}
else if (devnullS=="MinNSmooth") istr >> pdf.fMinNsmooth;
else if (devnullS=="MaxNSmooth") istr >> pdf.fMaxNsmooth;
else if (devnullS == "InterpolMethod") { istr >> valI; pdf.fInterpolMethod = PDF::EInterpolateMethod(valI);}
else if (devnullS == "KDE_type") { istr >> valI; pdf.fKDEtype = KDEKernel::EKernelType(valI); }
else if (devnullS == "KDE_iter") { istr >> valI; pdf.fKDEiter = KDEKernel::EKernelIter(valI);}
else if (devnullS == "KDE_border") { istr >> valI; pdf.fKDEborder = KDEKernel::EKernelBorder(valI);}
else if (devnullS == "KDE_finefactor") {
istr >> pdf.fFineFactor;
if (pdf.GetReadingVersion() != 0 && pdf.GetReadingVersion() < TMVA_VERSION(3,7,3)) {
istr >> nbins >> xmin >> xmax;
doneReading = kTRUE;
else if (devnullS == "Histogram") { istr >> hname >> nbins >> xmin >> xmax; }
else if (devnullS == "Weights") { doneReading = kTRUE; }
TString hnameSmooth = hname;
hnameSmooth.ReplaceAll( "_original", "_smoothed" );
if (nbins==-1) {
std::cout << "PDF, trying to create a histogram without defined binning"<< std::endl;
TH1* newhist = new TH1F( hname,hname, nbins, xmin, xmax );
Float_t val;
for (Int_t i=0; i<nbins; i++) {
istr >> val;
if (pdf.fHistOriginal != 0) delete pdf.fHistOriginal;
pdf.fHistOriginal = newhist;
pdf.fHist = (TH1F*)pdf.fHistOriginal->Clone( hnameSmooth );
pdf.fHist->SetTitle( hnameSmooth );
if (pdf.fMinNsmooth>=0) pdf.BuildSplinePDF();
else {
pdf.fInterpolMethod = PDF::kKDE;
return istr;
TMVA::PDF* TMVA::PDF::ThisPDF( void )
return fgThisPDF;