// @(#)root/gl:$Id: TGLLockable.cxx 32040 2010-01-18 13:56:00Z matevz $ // Author: Matevz Tadel, Feb 2007 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2004, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #include "TGLLockable.h" #include <TError.h> //______________________________________________________________________ // TGLLockable // // Simple locking interface used by viewer and scene. ClassImp(TGLLockable); TGLLockable::TGLLockable() : fLock (kUnlocked) { // Constructor } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TGLLockable::TakeLock(ELock lock) const { // Lock the object in mode 'lock'. Return TRUE if successful, FALSE // if the object is already locked. if (LockValid(lock) && fLock == kUnlocked) { fLock = lock; if (gDebug>3) { Info("TGLLockable::TakeLock", "'%s' took %s", LockIdStr(), LockName(fLock)); } return kTRUE; } Error("TGLLockable::TakeLock", "'%s' unable to take %s, already %s", LockIdStr(), LockName(lock), LockName(fLock)); return kFALSE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TGLLockable::ReleaseLock(ELock lock) const { // Release current lock, make sure it the same as the 'lock' argument. // Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. if (LockValid(lock) && fLock == lock) { fLock = kUnlocked; if (gDebug>3) { Info("TGLLockable::ReleaseLock", "'%s' released %s", LockIdStr(), LockName(lock)); } return kTRUE; } Error("TGLLockable::ReleaseLock", "'%s' unable to release %s, is %s", LockIdStr(), LockName(lock), LockName(fLock)); return kFALSE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ const char* TGLLockable::LockName(ELock lock) { // Return name-string for given lock-type. static const char* names[] = { "Unlocked", "DrawLock", "SelectLock", "ModifyLock" }; if (lock <= kModifyLock) { return names[lock]; } else { return "<unknown-lock>"; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TGLLockable::LockValid(ELock lock) { // Test if lock is a valid type to take/release. // kUnlocked is never valid in these cases. switch(lock) { case kDrawLock: case kSelectLock: case kModifyLock: return kTRUE; default: return kFALSE; } }