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// @(#)root/roostats:$Id: SimpleLikelihoodRatioTestStat.h 39956 2011-06-24 21:06:20Z wouter $
// Author: Kyle Cranmer and Sven Kreiss    June 2010
 * Copyright (C) 1995-2008, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

#ifndef ROOSTATS_SimpleLikelihoodRatioTestStat
#define ROOSTATS_SimpleLikelihoodRatioTestStat

 SimpleLikelihoodRatioTestStat: TestStatistic that returns -log(L[null] / L[alt]) where
 L is the likelihood.

#ifndef ROOT_Rtypes
#include "Rtypes.h"

#ifndef ROO_NLL_VAR
#include "RooNLLVar.h"

#include "RooStats/TestStatistic.h"
#include "RooWorkspace.h"

namespace RooStats {

class SimpleLikelihoodRatioTestStat : public TestStatistic {


      SimpleLikelihoodRatioTestStat() :
         fNullPdf(NULL), fAltPdf(NULL)
         // Constructor for proof. Do not use.
         fFirstEval = true;
         fNullParameters = NULL;
         fAltParameters = NULL;
	 fReuseNll=kFALSE ;
	 fNllNull=NULL ;
	 fNllAlt=NULL ;

         RooAbsPdf& nullPdf,
         RooAbsPdf& altPdf
      ) :
         // Takes null and alternate parameters from PDF. Can be overridden.

         RooFit::MsgLevel msglevel = RooMsgService::instance().globalKillBelow();
         w.import(nullPdf, RooFit::RecycleConflictNodes());
         w.import(altPdf, RooFit::RecycleConflictNodes());

         fNullPdf = w.pdf(nullPdf.GetName());
         fAltPdf = w.pdf(altPdf.GetName());

         fNullParameters = (RooArgSet*) fNullPdf->getVariables()->snapshot();
         fAltParameters = (RooArgSet*) fAltPdf->getVariables()->snapshot();
	 fReuseNll=kFALSE ;
	 fNllNull=NULL ;
	 fNllAlt=NULL ;
         RooAbsPdf& nullPdf,
         RooAbsPdf& altPdf,
         const RooArgSet& nullParameters,
         const RooArgSet& altParameters
      ) :
         // Takes null and alternate parameters from values in nullParameters
         // and altParameters. Can be overridden.

         RooFit::MsgLevel msglevel = RooMsgService::instance().globalKillBelow();
         w.import(nullPdf, RooFit::RecycleConflictNodes());
         w.import(altPdf, RooFit::RecycleConflictNodes());

         fNullPdf = w.pdf(nullPdf.GetName());
         fAltPdf = w.pdf(altPdf.GetName());

         fNullParameters = (RooArgSet*) nullParameters.snapshot();
         fAltParameters = (RooArgSet*) altParameters.snapshot();
	 fReuseNll=kFALSE ;
	 fNllNull=NULL ;
	 fNllAlt=NULL ;

      virtual ~SimpleLikelihoodRatioTestStat() {
         if (fNullParameters) delete fNullParameters;
         if (fAltParameters) delete fAltParameters;
	 if (fNllNull) delete fNllNull ;
	 if (fNllAlt) delete fNllAlt ;

     static void setAlwaysReuseNLL(Bool_t flag) { fAlwaysReuseNll = flag ; }
     void setReuseNLL(Bool_t flag) { fReuseNll = flag ; }

      void SetNullParameters(const RooArgSet& nullParameters) {
         if (fNullParameters) delete fNullParameters;
         fFirstEval = true;
         //      if(fNullParameters) delete fNullParameters;
         fNullParameters = (RooArgSet*) nullParameters.snapshot();

      void SetAltParameters(const RooArgSet& altParameters) {
         if (fAltParameters) delete fAltParameters;
         fFirstEval = true;
         //      if(fAltParameters) delete fAltParameters;
         fAltParameters = (RooArgSet*) altParameters.snapshot();

      bool ParamsAreEqual() {
         // this should be possible with RooAbsCollection
         if (!fNullParameters->equals(*fAltParameters)) return false;

         RooAbsReal* null;
         RooAbsReal* alt;

         TIterator* nullIt = fNullParameters->createIterator();
         TIterator* altIt = fAltParameters->createIterator();
         bool ret = true;
         while ((null = (RooAbsReal*) nullIt->Next()) && (alt = (RooAbsReal*) altIt->Next())) {
            if (null->getVal() != alt->getVal()) ret = false;
         delete nullIt;
         delete altIt;
         return ret;

      virtual Double_t Evaluate(RooAbsData& data, RooArgSet& nullPOI) {

         if (fFirstEval && ParamsAreEqual()) {
               << "Same RooArgSet used for null and alternate, so you must explicitly SetNullParameters and SetAlternateParameters or the likelihood ratio will always be 1."
               << endl;
         fFirstEval = false;

         RooFit::MsgLevel msglevel = RooMsgService::instance().globalKillBelow();

	 Bool_t reuse = (fReuseNll || fAlwaysReuseNll) ;

	 Bool_t created = kFALSE ;
	 if (!fNllNull) {
	   fNllNull = (RooNLLVar*) fNullPdf->createNLL(data, RooFit::CloneData(kFALSE));
	   created = kTRUE ;
	 if (reuse && !created) {
	   fNllNull->setData(data, kFALSE) ;

         // make sure we set the variables attached to this nll
         RooArgSet* attachedSet = fNllNull->getVariables();
         *attachedSet = *fNullParameters;
         *attachedSet = nullPOI;
         double nullNLL = fNllNull->getVal();

         delete fNllNull ; fNllNull = NULL ;
         delete attachedSet;

	 created = kFALSE ;
	 if (!fNllAlt) {
	   fNllAlt = (RooNLLVar*) fAltPdf->createNLL(data, RooFit::CloneData(kFALSE));
	   created = kTRUE ;
	 if (reuse && !created) {
	   fNllAlt->setData(data, kFALSE) ;
         // make sure we set the variables attached to this nll
         attachedSet = fNllAlt->getVariables();
         *attachedSet = *fAltParameters;
         double altNLL = fNllAlt->getVal();

         delete fNllAlt ; fNllAlt = NULL ;
         delete attachedSet;

         return nullNLL - altNLL;

      virtual const TString GetVarName() const {
         return "log(L(#mu_{1}) / L(#mu_{0}))";


      RooWorkspace w;

      RooAbsPdf* fNullPdf;
      RooAbsPdf* fAltPdf;
      RooArgSet* fNullParameters;
      RooArgSet* fAltParameters;
      bool fFirstEval;

      RooNLLVar* fNllNull ;
      RooNLLVar* fNllAlt ;
      static Bool_t fAlwaysReuseNll ;
      Bool_t fReuseNll ;


