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// @(#)root/minuit2:$Id: MnUserParameterState.h 39383 2011-05-26 08:35:47Z moneta $
// Authors: M. Winkler, F. James, L. Moneta, A. Zsenei   2003-2005  

 *                                                                    *
 * Copyright (c) 2005 LCG ROOT Math team,  CERN/PH-SFT                *
 *                                                                    *

#ifndef ROOT_Minuit2_MnUserParameterState
#define ROOT_Minuit2_MnUserParameterState

#include "Minuit2/MnUserParameters.h"
#include "Minuit2/MnUserCovariance.h"
#include "Minuit2/MnGlobalCorrelationCoeff.h"

namespace ROOT {

   namespace Minuit2 {

class MinimumState;

    class which holds the external user and/or internal Minuit representation 
    of the parameters and errors; 
    transformation internal <-> external on demand;  

class MnUserParameterState {


   /// default constructor (invalid state)
   MnUserParameterState() : fValid(false), fCovarianceValid(false), fGCCValid(false), fFVal(0), fEDM(0), fNFcn(0), 
                            fParameters(MnUserParameters()), fCovariance(MnUserCovariance()), 
                            fIntParameters(std::vector<double>()), fIntCovariance(MnUserCovariance()) {} 

   /// construct from user parameters (before minimization)
   MnUserParameterState(const std::vector<double>&, const std::vector<double>&);

   MnUserParameterState(const MnUserParameters&);

   /// construct from user parameters + covariance (before minimization)
   MnUserParameterState(const std::vector<double>&, const std::vector<double>&, unsigned int);

   MnUserParameterState(const std::vector<double>&, const MnUserCovariance&);

   MnUserParameterState(const MnUserParameters&, const MnUserCovariance&);

   /// construct from internal parameters (after minimization)
   MnUserParameterState(const MinimumState&, double, const MnUserTransformation&);

   ~MnUserParameterState() {}

   MnUserParameterState(const MnUserParameterState& state) : fValid(state.fValid), fCovarianceValid(state.fCovarianceValid), fGCCValid(state.fGCCValid), fFVal(state.fFVal), fEDM(state.fEDM), fNFcn(state.fNFcn), fParameters(state.fParameters), fCovariance(state.fCovariance), fGlobalCC(state.fGlobalCC), fIntParameters(state.fIntParameters), fIntCovariance(state.fIntCovariance) {}

   MnUserParameterState& operator=(const MnUserParameterState& state) {
      fValid = state.fValid;
      fCovarianceValid = state.fCovarianceValid;
      fGCCValid = state.fGCCValid;
      fFVal = state.fFVal;
      fEDM = state.fEDM;
      fNFcn = state.fNFcn;
      fParameters = state.fParameters;
      fCovariance = state.fCovariance;
      fGlobalCC = state.fGlobalCC;
      fIntParameters = state.fIntParameters;
      fIntCovariance = state.fIntCovariance;
      return *this;

   //user external representation
   const MnUserParameters& Parameters() const {return fParameters;}
   const MnUserCovariance& Covariance() const {return fCovariance;}
   const MnGlobalCorrelationCoeff& GlobalCC() const {return fGlobalCC;}

   // hessian (inverse of covariance matrix)
   MnUserCovariance Hessian() const;

   //Minuit internal representation
   const std::vector<double>& IntParameters() const {return fIntParameters;}
   const MnUserCovariance& IntCovariance() const {return fIntCovariance;}

   //transformation internal <-> external
   const MnUserTransformation& Trafo() const {return fParameters.Trafo();}

   bool IsValid() const {return fValid;}
   bool HasCovariance() const {return fCovarianceValid;}
   bool HasGlobalCC() const {return fGCCValid;}

   double Fval() const {return fFVal;}
   double Edm() const {return fEDM;}
   unsigned int NFcn() const {return fNFcn;}  


   /** facade: forward interface of MnUserParameters and MnUserTransformation */

   //access to parameters (row-wise)
   const std::vector<ROOT::Minuit2::MinuitParameter>& MinuitParameters() const;
   //access to parameters and errors in column-wise representation 
   std::vector<double> Params() const;
   std::vector<double> Errors() const;

   //access to single Parameter
   const MinuitParameter& Parameter(unsigned int i) const;

   //add free Parameter
   void Add(const std::string & name, double val, double err);
   //add limited Parameter
   void Add(const std::string & name, double val, double err, double , double);
   //add const Parameter
   void Add(const std::string &, double);

   //interaction via external number of Parameter
   void Fix(unsigned int);
   void Release(unsigned int);
   void SetValue(unsigned int, double);
   void SetError(unsigned int, double);
   void SetLimits(unsigned int, double, double);
   void SetUpperLimit(unsigned int, double);
   void SetLowerLimit(unsigned int, double);
   void RemoveLimits(unsigned int);

   double Value(unsigned int) const;
   double Error(unsigned int) const;
   //interaction via Name of Parameter
   void Fix(const std::string &);
   void Release(const std::string &);
   void SetValue(const std::string &, double);
   void SetError(const std::string &, double);
   void SetLimits(const std::string &, double, double);
   void SetUpperLimit(const std::string &, double);
   void SetLowerLimit(const std::string &, double);
   void RemoveLimits(const std::string &);

   double Value(const std::string &) const;
   double Error(const std::string &) const;
   //convert Name into external number of Parameter
   unsigned int Index(const std::string &) const;
   //convert external number into Name of Parameter
   const std::string & GetName(unsigned int) const; 
   // mantain interface with const char * for backward compatibility
   const char* Name(unsigned int) const;

   // transformation internal <-> external
   double Int2ext(unsigned int, double) const;
   double Ext2int(unsigned int, double) const;
   unsigned int IntOfExt(unsigned int) const;
   unsigned int ExtOfInt(unsigned int) const;
   unsigned int VariableParameters() const;
   const MnMachinePrecision& Precision() const;
   void SetPrecision(double eps);

   bool fValid;
   bool fCovarianceValid;
   bool fGCCValid;

   double fFVal;
   double fEDM;
   unsigned int fNFcn;

   MnUserParameters fParameters;
   MnUserCovariance fCovariance;
   MnGlobalCorrelationCoeff fGlobalCC;

   std::vector<double> fIntParameters;
   MnUserCovariance fIntCovariance;


  }  // namespace Minuit2

}  // namespace ROOT

#endif  // ROOT_Minuit2_MnUserParameterState