This directory contains the RooFit toolkit classes. For documentation see:
Class Index
- Roo2DKeysPdf Two-dimensional kernel estimation p.d.f.
- RooArgusBG Argus background shape PDF
- RooBCPEffDecay B Mixing decay PDF
- RooBCPGenDecay B decay time distribution with CP violation
- RooBDecay P.d.f of general description of B decay time distribution
- RooBMixDecay B Mixing decay PDF
- RooBernstein Bernstein polynomial PDF
- RooBifurGauss Bifurcated Gaussian PDF
- RooBlindTools Root implementation of BlindTools
- RooBreitWigner Breit Wigner PDF
- RooBukinPdf Variation of Novosibirsk PDF
- RooCBShape Crystal Ball lineshape PDF
- RooCFunction1Binding<double,double> RooAbsReal binding to external C functions
- RooCFunction1Binding<double,int> RooAbsReal binding to external C functions
- RooCFunction1PdfBinding<double,double> RooAbsReal binding to external C functions
- RooCFunction1PdfBinding<double,int> RooAbsReal binding to external C functions
- RooCFunction1Ref<double,double> Persistable reference to C function pointer
- RooCFunction1Ref<double,int> Persistable reference to C function pointer
- RooCFunction2Binding<double,double,double> RooAbsReal binding to external C functions
- RooCFunction2Binding<double,double,int> RooAbsReal binding to external C functions
- RooCFunction2Binding<double,int,double> RooAbsReal binding to external C functions
- RooCFunction2Binding<double,int,int> RooAbsReal binding to external C functions
- RooCFunction2Binding<double,unsigned int,double> RooAbsReal binding to external C functions
- RooCFunction2PdfBinding<double,double,double> RooAbsReal binding to external C functions
- RooCFunction2PdfBinding<double,double,int> RooAbsReal binding to external C functions
- RooCFunction2PdfBinding<double,int,double> RooAbsReal binding to external C functions
- RooCFunction2PdfBinding<double,int,int> RooAbsReal binding to external C functions
- RooCFunction2PdfBinding<double,unsigned int,double> RooAbsReal binding to external C functions
- RooCFunction2Ref<double,double,double> Persistable reference to C function pointer
- RooCFunction2Ref<double,double,int> Persistable reference to C function pointer
- RooCFunction2Ref<double,int,double> Persistable reference to C function pointer
- RooCFunction2Ref<double,int,int> Persistable reference to C function pointer
- RooCFunction2Ref<double,unsigned int,double> Persistable reference to C function pointer
- RooCFunction3Binding<double,double,double,bool> RooAbsReal binding to external C functions
- RooCFunction3Binding<double,double,double,double> RooAbsReal binding to external C functions
- RooCFunction3Binding<double,double,int,int> RooAbsReal binding to external C functions
- RooCFunction3Binding<double,unsigned int,double,double> RooAbsReal binding to external C functions
- RooCFunction3Binding<double,unsigned int,double,unsigned int> RooAbsReal binding to external C functions
- RooCFunction3Binding<double,unsigned int,unsigned int,double> RooAbsReal binding to external C functions
- RooCFunction3PdfBinding<double,double,double,bool> RooAbsReal binding to external C functions
- RooCFunction3PdfBinding<double,double,double,double> RooAbsReal binding to external C functions
- RooCFunction3PdfBinding<double,double,int,int> RooAbsReal binding to external C functions
- RooCFunction3PdfBinding<double,unsigned int,double,double> RooAbsReal binding to external C functions
- RooCFunction3PdfBinding<double,unsigned int,double,unsigned int> RooAbsReal binding to external C functions
- RooCFunction3PdfBinding<double,unsigned int,unsigned int,double> RooAbsReal binding to external C functions
- RooCFunction3Ref<double,double,double,bool> Persistable reference to C function pointer
- RooCFunction3Ref<double,double,double,double> Persistable reference to C function pointer
- RooCFunction3Ref<double,double,int,int> Persistable reference to C function pointer
- RooCFunction3Ref<double,unsigned int,double,double> Persistable reference to C function pointer
- RooCFunction3Ref<double,unsigned int,double,unsigned int> Persistable reference to C function pointer
- RooCFunction3Ref<double,unsigned int,unsigned int,double> Persistable reference to C function pointer
- RooCFunction4Binding<double,double,double,double,bool> RooAbsReal binding to external C functions
- RooCFunction4Binding<double,double,double,double,double> RooAbsReal binding to external C functions
- RooCFunction4Binding<double,double,double,double,int> RooAbsReal binding to external C functions
- RooCFunction4PdfBinding<double,double,double,double,bool> RooAbsReal binding to external C functions
- RooCFunction4PdfBinding<double,double,double,double,double> RooAbsReal binding to external C functions
- RooCFunction4PdfBinding<double,double,double,double,int> RooAbsReal binding to external C functions
- RooCFunction4Ref<double,double,double,double,bool> Persistable reference to C function pointer
- RooCFunction4Ref<double,double,double,double,double> Persistable reference to C function pointer
- RooCFunction4Ref<double,double,double,double,int> Persistable reference to C function pointer
- RooChebychev Chebychev polynomial PDF
- RooChi2MCSModule MCStudy module to calculate chi2 between binned data and fit
- RooChiSquarePdf Chi Square distribution (eg. the PDF )
- RooDecay General decay function p.d.f
- RooDstD0BG D*-D0 mass difference background PDF
- RooExponential Exponential PDF
- RooFunctor1DBinding RooAbsReal binding to a ROOT::Math::IBaseFunctionOneDim
- RooFunctor1DPdfBinding RooAbsPdf binding to a ROOT::Math::IBaseFunctionOneDim
- RooFunctorBinding RooAbsReal binding to a ROOT::Math::IBaseFunctionMultiDim
- RooFunctorPdfBinding RooAbsPdf binding to a ROOT::Math::IBaseFunctionMultiDim
- RooGExpModel Gauss (x) Expontial resolution model
- RooGamma Gaussian PDF
- RooGaussModel Gaussian Resolution Model
- RooGaussian Gaussian PDF
- RooIntegralMorph Linear shape interpolation operator p.d.f
- RooJeffreysPrior Sum of RooAbsReal objects
- RooKeysPdf One-dimensional non-parametric kernel estimation p.d.f.
- RooLandau Landau Distribution PDF
- RooLegendre Legendre polynomial
- RooLognormal log-normal PDF
- RooMomentMorph Your description goes here...
- RooMultiBinomial Simultaneous pdf of N Binomial distributions with associated efficiency functions
- RooNDKeysPdf General N-dimensional non-parametric kernel estimation p.d.f
- RooNonCPEigenDecay PDF to model CP-violating decays to final states which are not CP eigenstates
- RooNonCentralChiSquare non-central chisquare pdf
- RooNovosibirsk Novosibirsk PDF
- RooParametricStepFunction Parametric Step Function Pdf
- RooPoisson A Poisson PDF
- RooPolynomial Polynomial PDF
- RooSpHarmonic SpHarmonic polynomial
- RooStepFunction Step Function
- RooTFnBinding RooAbsReal binding to ROOT TF[123] functions
- RooTFnPdfBinding RooAbsPdf binding to ROOT TF[123] functions
- RooUnblindCPAsymVar CP-Asymmetry unblinding transformation
- RooUnblindOffset Offset unblinding transformation
- RooUnblindPrecision Precision unblinding transformation
- RooUnblindUniform Uniform unblinding transformation
- RooUniform Flat PDF in N dimensions
- RooVoigtian Voigtian PDF (Gauss (x) BreitWigner)