This directory contains the event recorder classes.
A document describing the event recorder will be available soon...
Class Index
- TGRecorder GUI class of the event recorder.
- TRecCmdEvent Class stores information about 1 commandline event (= 1 command typed by user in commandline)
- TRecEvent Abstract class. Defines basic interface for storing information about ROOT events
- TRecExtraEvent Class stores information about extra events
- TRecGuiEvent Class stores information about 1 GUI event in ROOT
- TRecWinPair Class used for storing of window IDs mapping. Needed for replaying events.
- TRecorder Class provides direct recorder/replayer interface for a user.
- TRecorderInactive Represents state of TRecorder after its creation
- TRecorderPaused Represents state of TRecorder when paused
- TRecorderRecording Represents state of TRecorder when recording events
- TRecorderReplaying Represents state of TRecorder when replaying
- TRecorderState Abstract class that defines interface for a state of recorder