graphs: TGraph, TGraphErrors, etc
ROOT Tutorials
fit: Fitting tutorials
ROOT Tutorials: Graphics User Interface
1. CPUMeter.C
Simple macro showing capabilities of TGSpeedo widget.
2. QtFileDialog.C
This is a small ROOT macro to use Qt 3.3 class: begin_html
3. QtMultiFileDialog.C
This is a small ROOT macro to use Qt 3.3 class :begin_html
4. QtPrintDialog.C
This is a small ROOT macro to use Qt 3.3 class: begin_html
5. Slider3Demo.C
Simple macro showing capabilities of triple slider
6. WorldMap.C
This macro shows how to use a TGImageMap class.
7. buttonChangelabel.C
This macro gives an example for changing text button labels anytime
8. buttonTest.C
This macro gives an example of how to set/change text button attributes.
9. buttongroupState.C
A simple example that shows the enabled and disabled state
10. buttonsLayout.C
This macro gives an example of different buttons' layout.
11. calendar.C
This macro gives an example of how to use html widget
12. customContextMenu.C
How to add a function to the class context menu
13. customTH1Fmenu.C
How to customize a context menu for a class
14. exec3.C
Example of using signal/slot in TCanvas/TPad to get feedback
15. games.C
This macro runs three "games" that each nicely illustrate the graphics capabilities of ROOT.
16. gtreeTableTest.C
This TableTest class is a simple example of how to use a TGTreeTable.
17. guiWithCINT.C
A simple example of entering CINT commands and having the CINT output in a ROOT GUI application window.
18. guilabels.C
This macro gives an example of how to create different kind of labels
19. guitest.C
Test program for ROOT native GUI classes
20. iconAsXPMData.C
A simple example of creating icon image from XPM data,
21. listBox.C
This macro gives an example of how to create a list box
22. mditest.C
GUI MDI features
23. ntupleTableTest.C
This TableTest class is a simple example of how to use a TGTable
24. numberEntry.C
This macro gives an example of how to create a number entry
25. simpleTableTest.C
This TableTest class is a simple example of how to use a TGSimpleTable
26. splitbuttonTest.C
A simple example that shows the usage of a TGSplitButton.
27. splitterHorizontal.C
This macro gives an example of how to create a horizontal splitter
28. splitterVertical.C
This macro gives an example of how to create a vertical splitter
29. staffTableTest.C
This TableTest class is a simple example of how to use a TGTable
30. statusBar.C
This macro gives an example of how to create a status bar
31. textEntries.C
This macro gives an example of how to set/change text entry attributes.