// @(#)root/sql:$Id: TSQLClassInfo.cxx 20882 2007-11-19 11:31:26Z rdm $ // Author: Sergey Linev 20/11/2005 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2005, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ //________________________________________________________________________ // // TSQLClassInfo class containes info about tables specific to one class and // version. It provides names of table for that class. For each version of // class not more than two tables can exists. Normal table has typically // name like TH1_ver4 and additional table has name like TH1_raw4 // List of this objects are kept by TSQLFile class // //________________________________________________________________________ #include "TSQLClassInfo.h" #include "TObjArray.h" ClassImp(TSQLClassColumnInfo) //______________________________________________________________________________ TSQLClassColumnInfo::TSQLClassColumnInfo() : TObject(), fName(), fSQLName(), fSQLType() { // default constructor } //______________________________________________________________________________ TSQLClassColumnInfo::TSQLClassColumnInfo(const char* name, const char* sqlname, const char* sqltype) : TObject(), fName(name), fSQLName(sqlname), fSQLType(sqltype) { // normal constructor } //______________________________________________________________________________ TSQLClassColumnInfo::~TSQLClassColumnInfo() { // destructor } ClassImp(TSQLClassInfo) //______________________________________________________________________________ TSQLClassInfo::TSQLClassInfo() : TObject(), fClassName(), fClassVersion(0), fClassId(0), fClassTable(), fRawTable(), fColumns(0), fRawtableExist(kFALSE) { // default constructor } //______________________________________________________________________________ TSQLClassInfo::TSQLClassInfo(Long64_t classid, const char* classname, Int_t version) : TObject(), fClassName(classname), fClassVersion(version), fClassId(classid), fClassTable(), fRawTable(), fColumns(0), fRawtableExist(kFALSE) { // normal constructor of TSQLClassInfo class // Sets names of tables, which are used for that version of class fClassTable.Form("%s_ver%d", classname, version); fRawTable.Form("%s_raw%d", classname, version); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TSQLClassInfo::~TSQLClassInfo() { // destructor if (fColumns!=0) { fColumns->Delete(); delete fColumns; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TSQLClassInfo::SetColumns(TObjArray* columns) { // assigns new list of columns if (fColumns!=0) { fColumns->Delete(); delete fColumns; } fColumns = columns; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TSQLClassInfo::SetTableStatus(TObjArray* columns, Bool_t israwtable) { // set current status of class tables SetColumns(columns); fRawtableExist = israwtable; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TSQLClassInfo::FindColumn(const char* name, Bool_t sqlname) { // Search for column of that name // Can search either for full column name (sqlname = kFALSE, default) // or for name, used as column name (sqlname = kTRUE) // Return index of column in list (-1 if not found) if ((name==0) || (fColumns==0)) return -1; TIter next(fColumns); TSQLClassColumnInfo* col = 0; Int_t indx = 0; while ((col = (TSQLClassColumnInfo*) next()) != 0) { const char* colname = sqlname ? col->GetSQLName() : col->GetName(); if (strcmp(colname, name)==0) return indx; indx++; } return -1; }