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// $Id: NewDelFunctions.h 2134 2007-11-30 18:07:51Z pcanal $

#ifndef Reflex_NewDelFunctions
#define Reflex_NewDelFunctions

 * @file  NewDelFunctions.h

namespace Reflex {

   typedef void* (*NewFunc_t)( void* );
   typedef void* (*NewArrFunc_t)( long size, void *arena );
   typedef void  (*DelFunc_t)( void* );
   typedef void  (*DelArrFunc_t)( void* );
   typedef void  (*DesFunc_t)( void* ); 

   struct RFLX_API NewDelFunctions {
      NewFunc_t    fNew;             //pointer to a function newing one object.
      NewArrFunc_t fNewArray;        //pointer to a function newing an array of objects.
      DelFunc_t    fDelete;          //pointer to a function deleting one object.
      DelArrFunc_t fDeleteArray;     //pointer to a function deleting an array of objects.
      DesFunc_t    fDestructor;      //pointer to a function call an object's destructor.

   template <class T>  struct NewDelFunctionsT : public NewDelFunctions {
      static void* new_T(void* p) { return p ? new(p) T : new T; }
      static void* new_p_T(void* p) { return p ? new(p) T : ::new T; }
      static void* new_np_T(void* p) { return p ? ::new(p) T : new T; }
      static void* newArray_T(long size, void* p) { return p ? new (p) T[size] : new T[size]; }
      static void* newArray_p_T(long size, void* p) { return p ? new (p) T[size] : ::new T[size]; }
      static void* newArray_np_T(long size, void* p) { return p ? ::new (p) T[size] : new T[size]; }
      static void  delete_T(void *p) { delete (T*)p; }
      static void  deleteArray_T(void* p) { delete [] (T*)p; }
      static void  destruct_T(void* p) { ((T*)p)->~T(); }
      NewDelFunctionsT() {
         fNew         = new_T;
         fNewArray    = newArray_T;
         fDelete      = delete_T;
         fDeleteArray = deleteArray_T;
         fDestructor  = destruct_T;

} // namespace reflex
