// @(#)root/unuran:$Id: TUnuranDiscrDist.h 21526 2007-12-20 10:42:41Z moneta $
// Authors: L. Moneta, J. Leydold Wed Feb 28 2007

 *                                                                    *
 * Copyright (c) 2006  LCG ROOT Math Team, CERN/PH-SFT                *
 *                                                                    *
 *                                                                    *

// Header file for class TUnuranDiscrDist

#ifndef ROOT_Math_TUnuranDiscrDist
#define ROOT_Math_TUnuranDiscrDist

#ifndef ROOT_Math_TUnuranBaseDist
#include "TUnuranBaseDist.h"

#include <vector>

class TF1;

   TUnuranDiscrDist class for one dimensional discrete distribution. 
   It is used by TUnuran to generate integer random numbers according to this distribution via 

   The class can be constructed from a one-dimensional function (TF1 pointer) 
   representing the discrete distribution (probability mesh function) 
   (for example a TF1("f","TMath::PoissonI(x,[0])") ) or from a 
   vector of probability, used by passing an iterator specifying the begin and the end of the vector. 
   In the latter case the domain of the distribution will be defined by the vector, while in the first case is by 
   default (0,+inf). 
   a Method to set the domain of the distribution ( SetDomain ) is provided and it defines the range 
   of the generated random numbers. 

   The derivatives of the pdf which are used by some UNURAN methods are estimated numerically in the 
   Derivative() method. 
   Some extra information (like distribution mode, cdf function, probability sum, etc..) 
   can be set as well otherwise will be estimated internally if required. 

class TUnuranDiscrDist : public TUnuranBaseDist {


      Constructor from a TF1 objects specifying the pdf
   TUnuranDiscrDist (TF1 * func = 0);

      Constructor from a vector of probability
   template<class Iterator> 
   TUnuranDiscrDist (Iterator * begin, Iterator * end) : 
      fHasSum(0)   {}

      Destructor (no operations)
   ~TUnuranDiscrDist () {}

      Copy constructor
   TUnuranDiscrDist(const TUnuranDiscrDist &); 

      Assignment operator
   TUnuranDiscrDist & operator = (const TUnuranDiscrDist & rhs); 

      Clone (required by base class)
   TUnuranDiscrDist * Clone() const { return new TUnuranDiscrDist(*this); } 

      set cdf distribution. If a method requires it 
      and is not set it is estimated numerically
   void SetCdf(TF1 *  cdf) { fCdf = cdf; }

      Set the distribution domain, by default the domain is [0,INT_MAX]
      If xmin >= xmax a domain is removed
   void SetDomain(int xmin, int xmax)  { 
      fXmin = xmin; 
      fXmax = xmax; 
      if (fXmin < fXmax) 
         fHasDomain = true;
         fHasDomain = false;

      set the mode of the distribution (location of maximum probability)
   void SetMode(int mode) { fMode = mode; fHasMode=true;}

      set the value of the sum of the probabilities in the given domain
   void SetProbSum(double sum) { fSum = sum; fHasSum=true; }

      check if distribution has domain and return in case its domain
   bool GetDomain(int & xmin, int & xmax) const { 
      xmin = fXmin; 
      xmax = fXmax; 
      return fHasDomain; 
      get the mode   (x location of function maximum)  
   int Mode() const { return fMode; }

      return area of the pdf
   double ProbSum() const { return fSum; }

      flag to control if distribution provides the mode
   bool HasMode() const { return fHasMode; } 

      flag to control if distribution provides the total area of the probability function
   bool HasProbSum() const { return fHasSum; } 

      flag to control if distribution provides also a Cdf
   bool HasCdf() const { return fCdf != 0; } 

      retrieve a reference to the vector of the probabilities : Prob(i)
      If the distribution is defined from a function (i.e. for distribution with undefined domain)
      the vector is empty. 
   const std::vector<double> & ProbVec() const { return fPVec; }

      evaluate the distribution (probability mesh function) at the integer value x. 
      Used internally by UnuRan
      For integer values outside the domain the function must return 0.0
   double Pmf ( int x) const; 

       evaluate the integral (cdf)  on the given domain
   double Cdf(int x) const;   



   std::vector<double> fPVec;    //Vector of the probabilities 
   mutable TF1 * fPmf;             //pointer to a function calculating the probability 
   mutable TF1 * fCdf;             //pointer to the cumulative distribution function
   int   fXmin;                  //lower value of the domain
   int   fXmax;                  //upper value of the domain
   int   fMode;                  //mode of the distribution
   double fSum;                  //total sum of the probabilities in the given domain
   // flags
   bool  fHasDomain;             //flag to control if distribution has a defined domain (otherwise is [0,INT_MAX])
   bool  fHasMode;               //flag to control if distribution has a pre-computed mode
   bool  fHasSum;                //flag to control if distribution has a pre-computed sum of the probabilities
   mutable double fX[1];         //! cached vector for using TF1::EvalPar

   ClassDef(TUnuranDiscrDist,1)  //Wrapper class for one dimensional discrete distribution


#endif /* ROOT_Math_TUnuranDiscrDist */

Last change: Fri Oct 31 16:21:14 2008
Last generated: 2008-10-31 16:21

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