// @(#)root/base:$Id: TString.cxx 24963 2008-07-28 13:49:23Z rdm $
// Author: Fons Rademakers   04/08/95

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

//                                                                      //
// TString                                                              //
//                                                                      //
// Basic string class.                                                  //
//                                                                      //
// Cannot be stored in a TCollection... use TObjString instead.         //
//                                                                      //

// silence warning about gNullRef cast
#if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ == 2 && __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__ >= 1
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wstrict-aliasing"

#include "RConfig.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <list>

#include "snprintf.h"
#include "Varargs.h"
#include "TString.h"
#include "TBuffer.h"
#include "TError.h"
#include "Bytes.h"
#include "TClass.h"
#include "TObjArray.h"
#include "TObjString.h"
#include "TVirtualMutex.h"

namespace std { using ::list; }

// Mutex for string format protection

TVirtualMutex *gStringMutex = 0;

// Amount to shift hash values to avoid clustering

const UInt_t kHashShift = 5;

// This is the global null string representation, shared among all
// empty strings.  The space for it is in "gNullRef" which the
// loader will set to zero

static long gNullRef[(sizeof(TStringRef)+1)/sizeof(long) + 1];

// Use macro in stead of the following to side-step compilers (e.g. DEC)
// that generate pre-main code for the initialization of address constants.
// static TStringRef* const gNullStringRef = (TStringRef*)gNullRef;

#define gNullStringRef ((TStringRef*)gNullRef)

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// In what follows, fCapacity is the length of the underlying representation
// vector. Hence, the capacity for a null terminated string held in this
// vector is fCapacity-1.  The variable fNchars is the length of the held
// string, excluding the terminating null.
// The algorithms make no assumptions about whether internal strings
// hold embedded nulls. However, they do assume that any string
// passed in as an argument that does not have a length count is null
// terminated and therefore has no embedded nulls.
// The internal string is always null terminated.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  This class uses a number of protected and private member functions
//  to do memory management. Here are their semantics:
//  TString::Cow();
//    Insure that self is a distinct copy. Preserve previous contents.
//  TString::Cow(Ssiz_t nc);
//    Insure that self is a distinct copy with capacity of at
//    least nc. Preserve previous contents.
//  TString::Clobber(Ssiz_t nc);
//    Insure that the TStringRef is unshared and has a
//    capacity of at least nc. No need to preserve contents.
//  TString::Clone();
//    Make self a distinct copy. Preserve previous contents.
//  TString::Clone(Ssiz_t);
//    Make self a distinct copy with capacity of at least nc.
//    Preserve previous contents.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

//                                                                      //
//  TStringRef                                                          //
//                                                                      //

TStringRef *TStringRef::GetRep(Ssiz_t capacity, Ssiz_t nchar)
   // Static member function returning an empty string representation of
   // size capacity and containing nchar characters.

   if ((capacity | nchar) == 0) {
      return gNullStringRef;
   TStringRef *ret = (TStringRef*)new char[capacity + sizeof(TStringRef) + 1];
   ret->fCapacity = capacity;
   ret->Data()[ret->fNchars = nchar] = 0; // Terminating null

   return ret;

Ssiz_t TStringRef::First(char c) const
   // Find first occurrence of a character c.

   const char *f = strchr(Data(), c);
   return f ? f - Data() : kNPOS;

Ssiz_t TStringRef::First(const char *cs) const
   // Find first occurrence of a character in cs.

   const char *f = strpbrk(Data(), cs);
   return f ? f - Data() : kNPOS;

inline static void Mash(UInt_t& hash, UInt_t chars)
   // Utility used by Hash().

   hash = (chars ^
         ((hash << kHashShift) |
          (hash >> (kBitsPerByte*sizeof(UInt_t) - kHashShift))));

UInt_t Hash(const char *str)
   // Return a case-sensitive hash value.

   UInt_t len = str ? strlen(str) : 0;
   UInt_t hv  = len; // Mix in the string length.
   UInt_t i   = hv*sizeof(char)/sizeof(UInt_t);

   if (((ULong_t)str)%sizeof(UInt_t) == 0) {
      // str is word aligned
      const UInt_t *p = (const UInt_t*)str;

      while (i--)
         Mash(hv, *p++);                   // XOR in the characters.

      // XOR in any remaining characters:
      if ((i = len*sizeof(char)%sizeof(UInt_t)) != 0) {
         UInt_t h = 0;
         const char* c = (const char*)p;
         while (i--)
            h = ((h << kBitsPerByte*sizeof(char)) | *c++);
         Mash(hv, h);
   } else {
      // str is not word aligned
      UInt_t h;
      const unsigned char *p = (const unsigned char*)str;

      while (i--) {
         memcpy(&h, p, sizeof(UInt_t));
         Mash(hv, h);
         p += sizeof(UInt_t);

      // XOR in any remaining characters:
      if ((i = len*sizeof(char)%sizeof(UInt_t)) != 0) {
         h = 0;
         const char* c = (const char*)p;
         while (i--)
            h = ((h << kBitsPerByte*sizeof(char)) | *c++);
         Mash(hv, h);
   return hv;

UInt_t TStringRef::Hash() const
   // Return a case-sensitive hash value.

   UInt_t hv       = (UInt_t)Length(); // Mix in the string length.
   UInt_t i        = hv*sizeof(char)/sizeof(UInt_t);
   const UInt_t *p = (const UInt_t*)Data();
      while (i--)
         Mash(hv, *p++);                   // XOR in the characters.
   // XOR in any remaining characters:
   if ((i = Length()*sizeof(char)%sizeof(UInt_t)) != 0) {
      UInt_t h = 0;
      const char* c = (const char*)p;
      while (i--)
         h = ((h << kBitsPerByte*sizeof(char)) | *c++);
      Mash(hv, h);
   return hv;

UInt_t TStringRef::HashFoldCase() const
   // Return a case-insensitive hash value.

   UInt_t hv = (UInt_t)Length();    // Mix in the string length.
   UInt_t i  = hv;
   const unsigned char *p = (const unsigned char*)Data();
   while (i--) {
      Mash(hv, toupper(*p));
   return hv;

Ssiz_t TStringRef::Last(char c) const
   // Find last occurrence of a character c.

   const char *f = strrchr(Data(), (unsigned char) c);
   return f ? f - Data() : kNPOS;


//                                                                      //
//  TString                                                             //
//                                                                      //

// ------------------- The static data members access --------------------------
Ssiz_t  TString::GetInitialCapacity()    { return fgInitialCapac; }
Ssiz_t  TString::GetResizeIncrement()    { return fgResizeInc; }
Ssiz_t  TString::GetMaxWaste()           { return fgFreeboard; }

   // TString default ctor.

   fData = gNullStringRef->Data();

TString::TString(Ssiz_t ic)
   // Create TString able to contain ic characters.

   fData = TStringRef::GetRep(ic, 0)->Data();

TString::TString(const char *cs)
   // Create TString and initialize it with string cs.

   if (cs) {
      Ssiz_t n = cs ? strlen(cs) : 0;
      fData = TStringRef::GetRep(n, n)->Data();
      memcpy(fData, cs, n);
   } else
      fData = TStringRef::GetRep(0, 0)->Data();

TString::TString(const std::string &s)
   // Create TString and initialize it with string cs.

   Ssiz_t n = s.length();
   fData = TStringRef::GetRep(n, n)->Data();
   memcpy(fData, s.c_str(), n);

TString::TString(const char *cs, Ssiz_t n)
   // Create TString and initialize it with the first n characters of cs.

   fData = TStringRef::GetRep(n, n)->Data();
   memcpy(fData, cs, n);

void TString::InitChar(char c)
   // Initialize a string with a single character.

   fData = TStringRef::GetRep(GetInitialCapacity(), 1)->Data();
   fData[0] = c;

TString::TString(char c, Ssiz_t n)
   // Initialize the first n locations of a TString with character c.

   fData = TStringRef::GetRep(n, n)->Data();
   while (n--) fData[n] = c;

TString::TString(const TSubString& substr)
   // Copy a TSubString in a TString.

   Ssiz_t len = substr.IsNull() ? 0 : substr.Length();
   fData = TStringRef::GetRep(AdjustCapacity(len), len)->Data();
   memcpy(fData, substr.Data(), len);

   // Delete a TString. I.e. decrease its reference count. When 0 free space.


TString& TString::operator=(char c)
   // Assign character c to TString.

   if (!c) {
      fData = gNullStringRef->Data();
      return *this;
   return Replace(0, Length(), &c, 1);

TString& TString::operator=(const char *cs)
   // Assign string cs to TString.

   if (!cs || !*cs) {
      fData = gNullStringRef->Data();
      return *this;
   return Replace(0, Length(), cs, strlen(cs));

TString& TString::operator=(const std::string &s)
   // Assign std::string s to TString.

   if (s.length()==0) {
      fData = gNullStringRef->Data();
      return *this;
   return Replace(0, Length(), s.c_str(), s.length());

TString& TString::operator=(const TString &str)
   // Assignment operator.

   fData = str.fData;
   return *this;

TString& TString::operator=(const TSubString &substr)
   // Assign a TSubString substr to TString.

   Ssiz_t len = substr.IsNull() ? 0 : substr.Length();
   if (!len) {
      fData = gNullStringRef->Data();
      return *this;
   return Replace(0, Length(), substr.Data(), len);

TString& TString::Append(char c, Ssiz_t rep)
   // Append character c rep times to string.

   Ssiz_t tot;
   Cow(tot = Length() + rep);
   char* p = fData + Length();
   while (rep--)
      *p++ = c;

   fData[Pref()->fNchars = tot] = '\0';

   return *this;

Ssiz_t TString::Capacity(Ssiz_t nc)
   // Return string capacity. If nc != current capacity Clone() the string
   // in a string with the desired capacity.

   if (nc > Length() && nc != Capacity())

   return Capacity();

int TString::CompareTo(const char *cs2, ECaseCompare cmp) const
   // Compare a string to char *cs2.

   const char *cs1 = Data();
   Ssiz_t len = Length();
   Ssiz_t i = 0;
   if (cmp == kExact) {
      for (; cs2[i]; ++i) {
         if (i == len) return -1;
         if (cs1[i] != cs2[i]) return ((cs1[i] > cs2[i]) ? 1 : -1);
   } else {                  // ignore case
      for (; cs2[i]; ++i) {
         if (i == len) return -1;
         char c1 = tolower((unsigned char)cs1[i]);
         char c2 = tolower((unsigned char)cs2[i]);
         if (c1 != c2) return ((c1 > c2) ? 1 : -1);
   return (i < len) ? 1 : 0;

int TString::CompareTo(const TString &str, ECaseCompare cmp) const
   // Compare a string to another string.

   const char *s1 = Data();
   const char *s2 = str.Data();
   Ssiz_t len = str.Length();
   if (Length() < len) len = Length();
   if (cmp == kExact) {
      int result = memcmp(s1, s2, len);
      if (result != 0) return result;
   } else {
      Ssiz_t i = 0;
      for (; i < len; ++i) {
         char c1 = tolower((unsigned char)s1[i]);
         char c2 = tolower((unsigned char)s2[i]);
         if (c1 != c2) return ((c1 > c2) ? 1 : -1);
   // strings are equal up to the length of the shorter one.
   if (Length() == str.Length()) return 0;
   return (Length() > str.Length()) ? 1 : -1;

Int_t TString::CountChar(Int_t c) const
   // Return number of times character c occurs in the string.

   Int_t count = 0;
   Int_t len   = Length();
   for (Int_t n = 0; n < len; n++)
      if (fData[n] == c) count++;

   return count;

TString TString::Copy() const
   // Copy a string.

   TString temp(*this);          // Has increased reference count
   temp.Clone();                 // Distinct copy
   return temp;

UInt_t TString::Hash(ECaseCompare cmp) const
   // Return hash value.

   return (cmp == kExact) ? Pref()->Hash() : Pref()->HashFoldCase();

ULong_t TString::Hash(const void *txt, Int_t ntxt)
   // Calculates hash index from any char string. (static function)
   // Based on precalculated table of 256 specially selected numbers.
   // These numbers are selected in such a way, that for string
   // length == 4 (integer number) the hash is unambigous, i.e.
   // from hash value we can recalculate input (no degeneration).
   // The quality of hash method is good enough, that
   // "random" numbers made as R = Hash(1), Hash(2), ...Hash(N)
   // tested by <R>, <R*R>, <Ri*Ri+1> gives the same result
   // as for libc rand().
   // For string:  i = TString::Hash(string,nstring);
   // For int:     i = TString::Hash(&intword,sizeof(int));
   // For pointer: i = TString::Hash(&pointer,sizeof(void*));
   //              V.Perev

   static const ULong_t utab[] = {

   static const ULong_t msk[] = { 0x11111111, 0x33333333, 0x77777777, 0xffffffff };

   const UChar_t *uc = (const UChar_t *) txt;
   ULong_t uu = 0;
   union {
      ULong_t  u;
      UShort_t s[2];
   } u;
   u.u = 0;
   Int_t i, idx;

   for (i = 0; i < ntxt; i++) {
      idx = (uc[i] ^ i) & 255;
      uu  = (uu << 1) ^ (utab[idx] & msk[i & 3]);
      if ((i & 3) == 3) u.u ^= uu;
   if (i & 3) u.u ^= uu;

   u.u *= 1879048201;      // prime number
   u.s[0] += u.s[1];
   u.u *= 1979048191;      // prime number
   u.s[1] ^= u.s[0];
   u.u *= 2079048197;      // prime number

   return u.u;

static int MemIsEqual(const char *p, const char *q, Ssiz_t n)
   // Returns false if strings are not equal.

   while (n--)
      if (tolower((unsigned char)*p) != tolower((unsigned char)*q))
         return kFALSE;
      p++; q++;
   return kTRUE;

Ssiz_t TString::Index(const char *pattern, Ssiz_t plen, Ssiz_t startIndex,
                      ECaseCompare cmp) const
   // Search for a string in the TString. Plen is the length of pattern,
   // startIndex is the index from which to start and cmp selects the type
   // of case-comparison.

   Ssiz_t slen = Length();
   if (slen < startIndex + plen) return kNPOS;
   if (plen == 0) return startIndex;
   slen -= startIndex + plen;
   const char *sp = Data() + startIndex;
   if (cmp == kExact) {
      char first = *pattern;
      for (Ssiz_t i = 0; i <= slen; ++i)
         if (sp[i] == first && memcmp(sp+i+1, pattern+1, plen-1) == 0)
            return i + startIndex;
   } else {
      int first = tolower((unsigned char) *pattern);
      for (Ssiz_t i = 0; i <= slen; ++i)
         if (tolower((unsigned char) sp[i]) == first &&
             MemIsEqual(sp+i+1, pattern+1, plen-1))
            return i + startIndex;
   return kNPOS;

Bool_t TString::MaybeRegexp() const
   // Returns true if string contains one of the regexp characters "^$.[]*+?".

   const char *specials = "^$.[]*+?";

   if (First(specials) == kNPOS)
      return kFALSE;
   return kTRUE;

Bool_t TString::MaybeWildcard() const
   // Returns true if string contains one of the wildcard characters "[]*?".

   const char *specials = "[]*?";

   if (First(specials) == kNPOS)
      return kFALSE;
   return kTRUE;

TString& TString::Prepend(char c, Ssiz_t rep)
   // Prepend characters to self.

   Ssiz_t tot = Length() + rep;  // Final string length

   // Check for shared representation or insufficient capacity
   if ( Pref()->References() > 1 || Capacity() < tot ) {
      TStringRef *temp = TStringRef::GetRep(AdjustCapacity(tot), tot);
      memcpy(temp->Data()+rep, Data(), Length());
      fData = temp->Data();
   } else {
      memmove(fData + rep, Data(), Length());
      fData[Pref()->fNchars = tot] = '\0';

   char *p = fData;
   while (rep--)
      *p++ = c;

   return *this;

TString &TString::Replace(Ssiz_t pos, Ssiz_t n1, const char *cs, Ssiz_t n2)
   // Remove at most n1 characters from self beginning at pos,
   // and replace them with the first n2 characters of cs.

   if (pos <= kNPOS || pos > Length()) {
            "first argument out of bounds: pos = %d, Length = %d", pos, Length());
      return *this;

   n1 = TMath::Min(n1, Length()-pos);
   if (!cs) n2 = 0;

   Ssiz_t tot = Length()-n1+n2;  // Final string length
   Ssiz_t rem = Length()-n1-pos; // Length of remnant at end of string

   // Check for shared representation, insufficient capacity,
   // excess waste, or overlapping copy
   if (Pref()->References() > 1 ||
       Capacity() < tot ||
       Capacity() - tot > GetMaxWaste() ||
       (cs && (cs >= Data() && cs < Data()+Length())))
      TStringRef *temp = TStringRef::GetRep(AdjustCapacity(tot), tot);
      if (pos) memcpy(temp->Data(), Data(), pos);
      if (n2 ) memcpy(temp->Data()+pos, cs, n2);
      if (rem) memcpy(temp->Data()+pos+n2, Data()+pos+n1, rem);
      fData = temp->Data();
   } else {
      if (rem) memmove(fData+pos+n2, Data()+pos+n1, rem);
      if (n2 ) memmove(fData+pos   , cs, n2);
      fData[Pref()->fNchars = tot] = 0;   // Add terminating null

   return *this;

TString& TString::ReplaceAll(const char *s1, Ssiz_t ls1, const char *s2,
                             Ssiz_t ls2)
   // Find & Replace ls1 symbols of s1 with ls2 symbols of s2 if any.

   if (s1 && ls1 > 0) {
      Ssiz_t index = 0;
      while ((index = Index(s1,ls1,index, kExact)) != kNPOS) {
         index += ls2;
   return *this;

TString &TString::Remove(EStripType st, char c)
   // Remove char c at begin and/or end of string (like Strip() but
   // modifies directly the string.

   Ssiz_t start = 0;             // Index of first character
   Ssiz_t end = Length();        // One beyond last character
   const char *direct = Data();  // Avoid a dereference w dumb compiler
   Ssiz_t send = end;

   if (st & kLeading)
      while (start < end && direct[start] == c)
   if (st & kTrailing)
      while (start < end && direct[end-1] == c)
   if (end == start) {
      fData = gNullStringRef->Data();
      return *this;
   if (start)
      Remove(0, start);
   if (send != end)
      Remove(send - start - (send - end), send - end);
   return *this;

void TString::Resize(Ssiz_t n)
   // Resize the string. Truncate or add blanks as necessary.

   if (n < Length())
      Remove(n);                  // Shrank; truncate the string
      Append(' ', n-Length());    // Grew or staid the same

TSubString TString::Strip(EStripType st, char c)
   // Return a substring of self stripped at beginning and/or end.

   Ssiz_t start = 0;             // Index of first character
   Ssiz_t end = Length();        // One beyond last character
   const char *direct = Data();  // Avoid a dereference w dumb compiler

   if (st & kLeading)
      while (start < end && direct[start] == c)
   if (st & kTrailing)
      while (start < end && direct[end-1] == c)
   if (end == start) start = end = kNPOS;  // make the null substring
   return TSubString(*this, start, end-start);

TSubString TString::Strip(EStripType st, char c) const
   // Just use the "non-const" version, adjusting the return type.

   return ((TString*)this)->Strip(st,c);

void TString::ToLower()
   // Change string to lower-case.

   register Ssiz_t n = Length();
   register char *p = fData;
   while (n--) {
      *p = tolower((unsigned char)*p);

void TString::ToUpper()
   // Change string to upper case.

   register Ssiz_t n = Length();
   register char *p = fData;
   while (n--) {
      *p = toupper((unsigned char)*p);

char& TString::operator[](Ssiz_t i)
   // Return charcater at location i.

   return fData[i];

void TString::AssertElement(Ssiz_t i) const
   // Check to make sure a string index is in range.

   if (i == kNPOS || i > Length())
            "out of bounds: i = %d, Length = %d", i, Length());

TString::TString(const char *a1, Ssiz_t n1, const char *a2, Ssiz_t n2)
   // Special constructor to initialize with the concatenation of a1 and a2.

   if (!a1) n1=0;
   if (!a2) n2=0;
   Ssiz_t tot = n1+n2;
   fData = TStringRef::GetRep(AdjustCapacity(tot), tot)->Data();
   memcpy(fData,    a1, n1);
   memcpy(fData+n1, a2, n2);

Ssiz_t TString::AdjustCapacity(Ssiz_t nc)
   // Calculate a nice capacity greater than or equal to nc.

   Ssiz_t ic = GetInitialCapacity();
   if (nc <= ic) return ic;
   Ssiz_t rs = GetResizeIncrement();
   return (nc - ic + rs - 1) / rs * rs + ic;

void TString::Clobber(Ssiz_t nc)
   // Clear string and make sure it has a capacity of nc.

   if (Pref()->References() > 1 || Capacity() < nc) {
      fData = TStringRef::GetRep(nc, 0)->Data();
   } else
      fData[Pref()->fNchars = 0] = 0;

void TString::Clone()
   // Make string a distinct copy; preserve previous contents.

   TStringRef *temp = TStringRef::GetRep(Length(), Length());
   memcpy(temp->Data(), Data(), Length());
   fData = temp->Data();

void TString::Clone(Ssiz_t nc)
   // Make self a distinct copy with capacity of at least nc.
   // Preserve previous contents.

   Ssiz_t len = Length();
   if (len > nc) len = nc;
   TStringRef *temp = TStringRef::GetRep(nc, len);
   memcpy(temp->Data(), Data(), len);
   fData = temp->Data();

// ------------------- ROOT I/O ------------------------------------

void TString::FillBuffer(char *&buffer)
   // Copy string into I/O buffer.

   UChar_t nwh;
   Int_t   nchars = Length();

   if (nchars > 254) {
      nwh = 255;
      tobuf(buffer, nwh);
      tobuf(buffer, nchars);
   } else {
      nwh = UChar_t(nchars);
      tobuf(buffer, nwh);
   for (int i = 0; i < nchars; i++) buffer[i] = fData[i];
   buffer += nchars;

void TString::ReadBuffer(char *&buffer)
   // Read string from I/O buffer.


   UChar_t nwh;
   Int_t   nchars;

   frombuf(buffer, &nwh);
   if (nwh == 255)
      frombuf(buffer, &nchars);
      nchars = nwh;

   if (nchars < 0) {
      Printf("Error in TString::ReadBuffer, found case with nwh=%d and nchars=%d", nwh, nchars);
   fData = TStringRef::GetRep(nchars, nchars)->Data();

   for (int i = 0; i < nchars; i++) frombuf(buffer, &fData[i]);

TString *TString::ReadString(TBuffer &b, const TClass *clReq)
   // Read TString object from buffer. Simplified version of
   // TBuffer::ReadObject (does not keep track of multiple
   // references to same string).  We need to have it here
   // because TBuffer::ReadObject can only handle descendant
   // of TObject.


   // Make sure ReadArray is initialized

   // Before reading object save start position
   UInt_t startpos = UInt_t(b.Length());

   UInt_t tag;
   TClass *clRef = b.ReadClass(clReq, &tag);

   TString *a;
   if (!clRef) {

      a = 0;

   } else {

      a = (TString *) clRef->New();
      if (!a) {
         ::Error("TString::ReadObject", "could not create object of class %s",
         // Exception


      b.CheckByteCount(startpos, tag, clRef);

   return a;

Int_t TString::Sizeof() const
   // Returns size string will occupy on I/O buffer.

   if (Length() > 254)
      return Length()+sizeof(UChar_t)+sizeof(Int_t);
      return Length()+sizeof(UChar_t);

void TString::Streamer(TBuffer &b)
   // Stream a string object.

   Int_t   nbig;
   UChar_t nwh;
   if (b.IsReading()) {
      b >> nwh;
      if (nwh == 255)
         b >> nbig;
         nbig = nwh;
      fData = TStringRef::GetRep(nbig,nbig)->Data();
      //for (int i = 0; i < nbig; i++) b >> fData[i];
   } else {
      nbig = Length();
      if (nbig > 254) {
         nwh = 255;
         b << nwh;
         b << nbig;
      } else {
         nwh = UChar_t(nbig);
         b << nwh;
      //for (int i = 0; i < nbig; i++) b << fData[i];

void TString::WriteString(TBuffer &b, const TString *a)
   // Write TString object to buffer. Simplified version of
   // TBuffer::WriteObject (does not keep track of multiple
   // references to the same string).  We need to have it here
   // because TBuffer::ReadObject can only handle descendant
   // of TObject


   // Make sure WriteMap is initialized

   if (!a) {

      b << (UInt_t) 0;

   } else {

      // Reserve space for leading byte count
      UInt_t cntpos = UInt_t(b.Length());

      TClass *cl = a->IsA();

      ((TString *)a)->Streamer(b);

      // Write byte count

template <>
TBuffer &operator>>(TBuffer &buf, TString *&s)
   // Read string from TBuffer. Function declared in ClassDef.

   s = (TString *) TString::ReadString(buf, TString::Class());
   return buf;

TBuffer &operator<<(TBuffer &buf, const TString *s)
   // Write TString or derived to TBuffer.

   TString::WriteString(buf, s);
   return buf;

// ------------------- Related global functions --------------------

Bool_t operator==(const TString& s1, const char *s2)
   // Compare TString with a char *.

   const char *data = s1.Data();
   Ssiz_t len = s1.Length();
   Ssiz_t i;
   for (i = 0; s2[i]; ++i)
      if (data[i] != s2[i] || i == len) return kFALSE;
   return (i == len);

#if defined(R__ALPHA)
Bool_t operator==(const TString &s1, const TString &s2)
   // Compare two TStrings.

   return ((s1.Length() == s2.Length()) && !memcmp(s1.Data(), s2.Data(), s1.Length()));

TString ToLower(const TString &str)
   // Return a lower-case version of str.

   register Ssiz_t n = str.Length();
   TString temp((char)0, n);
   register const char *uc = str.Data();
   register       char *lc = (char*)temp.Data();
   // Guard against tolower() being a macro
   while (n--) { *lc++ = tolower((unsigned char)*uc); uc++; }
   return temp;

TString ToUpper(const TString &str)
   // Return an upper-case version of str.

   register Ssiz_t n = str.Length();
   TString temp((char)0, n);
   register const char* uc = str.Data();
   register       char* lc = (char*)temp.Data();
   // Guard against toupper() being a macro
   while (n--) { *lc++ = toupper((unsigned char)*uc); uc++; }
   return temp;

TString operator+(const TString &s, const char *cs)
   // Use the special concatenation constructor.

   return TString(s.Data(), s.Length(), cs, cs ? strlen(cs) : 0);

TString operator+(const char *cs, const TString &s)
   // Use the special concatenation constructor.

   return TString(cs, cs ? strlen(cs) : 0, s.Data(), s.Length());

TString operator+(const TString &s1, const TString &s2)
   // Use the special concatenation constructor.

   return TString(s1.Data(), s1.Length(), s2.Data(), s2.Length());

TString operator+(const TString &s, char c)
   // Add char to string.

   return TString(s.Data(), s.Length(), &c, 1);

TString operator+(const TString &s, Long_t i)
   // Add integer to string.

   char si[32];
   sprintf(si, "%ld", i);
   return TString(s.Data(), s.Length(), si, strlen(si));

TString operator+(const TString &s, ULong_t i)
   // Add integer to string.

   char si[32];
   sprintf(si, "%lu", i);
   return TString(s.Data(), s.Length(), si, strlen(si));

TString operator+(const TString &s, Long64_t i)
   // Add integer to string.

   char si[32];
   sprintf(si, "%lld", i);
   return TString(s.Data(), s.Length(), si, strlen(si));

TString operator+(const TString &s, ULong64_t i)
   // Add integer to string.

   char si[32];
   sprintf(si, "%llu", i);
   return TString(s.Data(), s.Length(), si, strlen(si));

TString operator+(char c, const TString &s)
   // Add string to integer.

   return TString(&c, 1, s.Data(), s.Length());

TString operator+(Long_t i, const TString &s)
   // Add string to integer.

   char si[32];
   sprintf(si, "%ld", i);
   return TString(si, strlen(si), s.Data(), s.Length());

TString operator+(ULong_t i, const TString &s)
   // Add string to integer.

   char si[32];
   sprintf(si, "%lu", i);
   return TString(si, strlen(si), s.Data(), s.Length());

TString operator+(Long64_t i, const TString &s)
   // Add string to integer.

   char si[32];
   sprintf(si, "%lld", i);
   return TString(si, strlen(si), s.Data(), s.Length());

TString operator+(ULong64_t i, const TString &s)
   // Add string to integer.

   char si[32];
   sprintf(si, "%llu", i);
   return TString(si, strlen(si), s.Data(), s.Length());

// -------------------- Static Member Functions ----------------------

// Static member variable initialization:
Ssiz_t TString::fgInitialCapac = 15;
Ssiz_t TString::fgResizeInc    = 16;
Ssiz_t TString::fgFreeboard    = 15;

Ssiz_t TString::InitialCapacity(Ssiz_t ic)
   // Set default initial capacity for all TStrings. Default is 15.

   Ssiz_t ret = fgInitialCapac;
   fgInitialCapac = ic;
   return ret;

Ssiz_t TString::ResizeIncrement(Ssiz_t ri)
   // Set default resize increment for all TStrings. Default is 16.

   Ssiz_t ret = fgResizeInc;
   fgResizeInc = ri;
   return ret;

Ssiz_t TString::MaxWaste(Ssiz_t mw)
   // Set maximum space that may be wasted in a string before doing a resize.
   // Default is 15.

   Ssiz_t ret = fgFreeboard;
   fgFreeboard = mw;
   return ret;

//                                                                      //
//  TSubString                                                          //
//                                                                      //

// A zero lengthed substring is legal. It can start
// at any character. It is considered to be "pointing"
// to just before the character.
// A "null" substring is a zero lengthed substring that
// starts with the nonsense index kNPOS. It can
// be detected with the member function IsNull().

TSubString::TSubString(const TString &str, Ssiz_t start, Ssiz_t nextent)
   : fStr((TString&)str), fBegin(start), fExtent(nextent)
   // Private constructor.

TSubString TString::operator()(Ssiz_t start, Ssiz_t len)
   // Return sub-string of string starting at start with length len.

   if (start < Length() && len > 0) {
      if (start+len > Length())
         len = Length() - start;
   } else {
      start = kNPOS;
      len   = 0;
   return TSubString(*this, start, len);

TSubString TString::SubString(const char *pattern, Ssiz_t startIndex,
                              ECaseCompare cmp)
   // Returns a substring matching "pattern", or the null substring
   // if there is no such match.  It would be nice if this could be yet another
   // overloaded version of operator(), but this would result in a type
   // conversion ambiguity with operator(Ssiz_t, Ssiz_t).

   Ssiz_t len = pattern ? strlen(pattern) : 0;
   Ssiz_t i = Index(pattern, len, startIndex, cmp);
   return TSubString(*this, i, i == kNPOS ? 0 : len);

char& TSubString::operator[](Ssiz_t i)
   // Return character at pos i from sub-string. Check validity of i.

   return fStr.fData[fBegin+i];

char& TSubString::operator()(Ssiz_t i)
   // Return character at pos i from sub-string. No check on i.

   return fStr.fData[fBegin+i];

TSubString TString::operator()(Ssiz_t start, Ssiz_t len) const
   // Return sub-string of string starting at start with length len.

   if (start < Length() && len > 0) {
      if (start+len > Length())
         len = Length() - start;
   } else {
      start = kNPOS;
      len   = 0;
   return TSubString(*this, start, len);

TSubString TString::SubString(const char *pattern, Ssiz_t startIndex,
                              ECaseCompare cmp) const
   // Return sub-string matching pattern, starting at index. Cmp selects
   // the type of case conversion.

   Ssiz_t len = pattern ? strlen(pattern) : 0;
   Ssiz_t i = Index(pattern, len, startIndex, cmp);
   return TSubString(*this, i, i == kNPOS ? 0 : len);

TSubString& TSubString::operator=(const TString &str)
   // Assign string to sub-string.

   if (!IsNull())
      fStr.Replace(fBegin, fExtent, str.Data(), str.Length());

   return *this;

TSubString& TSubString::operator=(const char *cs)
   // Assign char* to sub-string.

   if (!IsNull())
      fStr.Replace(fBegin, fExtent, cs, cs ? strlen(cs) : 0);

   return *this;

Bool_t operator==(const TSubString& ss, const char *cs)
   // Compare sub-string to char *.

   if (ss.IsNull()) return *cs =='\0'; // Two null strings compare equal

   const char* data = ss.fStr.Data() + ss.fBegin;
   Ssiz_t i;
   for (i = 0; cs[i]; ++i)
      if (cs[i] != data[i] || i == ss.fExtent) return kFALSE;
   return (i == ss.fExtent);

Bool_t operator==(const TSubString& ss, const TString &s)
   // Compare sub-string to string.

   if (ss.IsNull()) return s.IsNull(); // Two null strings compare equal.
   if (ss.fExtent != s.Length()) return kFALSE;
   return !memcmp(ss.fStr.Data() + ss.fBegin, s.Data(), ss.fExtent);

Bool_t operator==(const TSubString &s1, const TSubString &s2)
   // Compare two sub-strings.

   if (s1.IsNull()) return s2.IsNull();
   if (s1.fExtent != s2.fExtent) return kFALSE;
   return !memcmp(s1.fStr.Data()+s1.fBegin, s2.fStr.Data()+s2.fBegin,

void TSubString::ToLower()
   // Convert sub-string to lower-case.

   if (!IsNull()) {                             // Ignore null substrings
      register char *p = (char*)(fStr.Data() + fBegin); // Cast away constness
      Ssiz_t n = fExtent;
      while (n--) { *p = tolower((unsigned char)*p); p++;}

void TSubString::ToUpper()
   // Convert sub-string to upper-case.
   if (!IsNull()) {                             // Ignore null substrings
      register char *p = (char*)(fStr.Data() + fBegin); // Cast away constness
      Ssiz_t n = fExtent;
      while (n--) { *p = toupper((unsigned char)*p); p++;}

void TSubString::SubStringError(Ssiz_t sr, Ssiz_t start, Ssiz_t n) const
   // Output error message.

         "out of bounds: start = %d, n = %d, sr = %d", start, n, sr);

void TSubString::AssertElement(Ssiz_t i) const
   // Check to make sure a sub-string index is in range.

   if (i == kNPOS || i >= Length())
            "out of bounds: i = %d, Length = %d", i, Length());

Bool_t TString::IsAscii() const
   // Returns true if all characters in string are ascii.

   const char *cp = Data();
   for (Ssiz_t i = 0; i < Length(); ++i)
      if (cp[i] & ~0x7F)
         return kFALSE;
   return kTRUE;

Bool_t TString::IsAlpha() const
   // Returns true if all characters in string are alphabetic.
   // Returns false in case string length is 0.

   const char *cp = Data();
   Ssiz_t len = Length();
   if (len == 0) return kFALSE;
   for (Ssiz_t i = 0; i < len; ++i)
      if (!isalpha(cp[i]))
         return kFALSE;
   return kTRUE;

Bool_t TString::IsAlnum() const
   // Returns true if all characters in string are alphanumeric.
   // Returns false in case string length is 0.

   const char *cp = Data();
   Ssiz_t len = Length();
   if (len == 0) return kFALSE;
   for (Ssiz_t i = 0; i < len; ++i)
      if (!isalnum(cp[i]))
         return kFALSE;
   return kTRUE;

Bool_t TString::IsDigit() const
   // Returns true if all characters in string are digits (0-9) or whitespaces,
   // i.e. "123456" and "123 456" are both valid integer strings.
   // Returns false in case string length is 0 or string contains other
   // characters or only whitespace.

   const char *cp = Data();
   Ssiz_t len = Length();
   if (len == 0) return kFALSE;
   Int_t b = 0, d = 0;
   for (Ssiz_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
      if (cp[i] != ' ' && !isdigit(cp[i])) return kFALSE;
      if (cp[i] == ' ') b++;
      if (isdigit(cp[i])) d++;
   if (b && !d)
      return kFALSE;
   return kTRUE;

Bool_t TString::IsFloat() const
   // Returns kTRUE if string contains a floating point or integer number.
   // Examples of valid formats are:
   //    64320
   //    64 320
   //    6 4 3 2 0
   //    6.4320     6,4320
   //    6.43e20   6.43E20    6,43e20
   //    6.43e-20  6.43E-20   6,43e-20

   //we first check if we have an integer, in this case, IsDigit() will be true straight away
   if (IsDigit()) return kTRUE;

   TString tmp = *this;
   //now we look for occurrences of '.', ',', e', 'E', '+', '-' and replace each
   //with ' '. if it is a floating point, IsDigit() will then return kTRUE
   Int_t i_dot, i_e, i_plus, i_minus, i_comma;
   i_dot = i_e = i_plus = i_minus = i_comma = -1;

   i_dot = tmp.First('.');
   if (i_dot > -1) tmp.Replace(i_dot, 1, " ", 1);
   i_comma = tmp.First(',');
   if (i_comma > -1) tmp.Replace(i_comma, 1, " ", 1);
   i_e = tmp.First('e');
   if (i_e > -1)
      tmp.Replace(i_e, 1, " ", 1);
   else {
      //try for a capital "E"
      i_e = tmp.First('E');
      if (i_e > -1) tmp.Replace(i_e, 1, " ", 1);
   i_plus = tmp.First('+');
   if (i_plus > -1) tmp.ReplaceAll("+", " ");
   i_minus = tmp.First('-');
   if (i_minus > -1) tmp.ReplaceAll("-", " ");

   //test if it is now uniquely composed of numbers
   return tmp.IsDigit();

Bool_t TString::IsHex() const
   // Returns true if all characters in string are hexidecimal digits
   // (0-9,a-f,A-F). Returns false in case string length is 0.

   const char *cp = Data();
   Ssiz_t len = Length();
   if (len == 0) return kFALSE;
   for (Ssiz_t i = 0; i < len; ++i)
      if (!isxdigit(cp[i]))
         return kFALSE;
   return kTRUE;

Int_t TString::Atoi() const
   // Return integer value of string.
   // Valid strings include only digits and whitespace (see IsDigit()),
   // i.e. "123456", "123 456" and "1 2 3 4        56" are all valid
   // integer strings whose Atoi() value is 123456.

   //any whitespace ?
   Int_t end = Index(" ");
   //if no whitespaces in string, just use atoi()
   if (end == -1) return atoi(Data());
   //make temporary string, removing whitespace
   Int_t start = 0;
   TString tmp;
   //loop over all whitespace
   while (end > -1) {
      tmp += (*this)(start, end-start);
      start = end+1; end = Index(" ", start);
   //finally add part from last whitespace to end of string
   end = Length();
   tmp += (*this)(start, end-start);
   return atoi(tmp.Data());

Long64_t TString::Atoll() const
   // Return long long value of string.
   // Valid strings include only digits and whitespace (see IsDigit()),
   // i.e. "123456", "123 456" and "1 2 3 4        56" are all valid
   // integer strings whose Atoll() value is 123456.

   //any whitespace ?
   Int_t end = Index(" ");
   //if no whitespaces in string, just use atoi()
#ifndef R__WIN32
   if (end == -1) return atoll(Data());
   if (end == -1) return _atoi64(Data());
   //make temporary string, removing whitespace
   Int_t start = 0;
   TString tmp;
   //loop over all whitespace
   while (end > -1) {
      tmp += (*this)(start, end-start);
      start = end+1; end = Index(" ", start);
   //finally add part from last whitespace to end of string
   end = Length();
   tmp += (*this)(start, end-start);
#ifndef R__WIN32
   return atoll(tmp.Data());
   return _atoi64(tmp.Data());

Double_t TString::Atof() const
   // Return floating-point value contained in string.
   // Examples of valid strings are:
   //    64320
   //    64 320
   //    6 4 3 2 0
   //    6.4320     6,4320
   //    6.43e20   6.43E20    6,43e20
   //    6.43e-20  6.43E-20   6,43e-20

   //look for a comma and some whitespace
   Int_t comma = Index(",");
   Int_t end = Index(" ");
   //if no commas & no whitespace in string, just use atof()
   if (comma == -1 && end == -1) return atof(Data());
   TString tmp = *this;
   if (comma > -1) {
      //replace comma with decimal point
      tmp.Replace(comma, 1, ".");
   //no whitespace ?
   if (end == -1) return atof(tmp.Data());
   //remove whitespace
   Int_t start = 0;
   TString tmp2;
   while (end > -1) {
      tmp2 += tmp(start, end-start);
      start = end+1; end = tmp.Index(" ", start);
   end = tmp.Length();
   tmp2 += tmp(start, end-start);
   return atof(tmp2.Data());

Bool_t TString::EndsWith(const char *s, ECaseCompare cmp) const
   // Return true if string ends with the specified string.

   if (!s) return kTRUE;

   Ssiz_t l = strlen(s);
   if (l > Length()) return kFALSE;
   const char *s2 = Data() + Length() - l;

   if (cmp == kExact)
      return strcmp(s, s2) == 0;
   return strcasecmp(s, s2) == 0;

TObjArray *TString::Tokenize(const TString &delim) const
   // This function is used to isolate sequential tokens in a TString.
   // These tokens are separated in the string by at least one of the
   // characters in delim. The returned array contains the tokens
   // as TObjString's. The returned array is the owner of the objects,
   // and must be deleted by the user.

   std::list<Int_t> splitIndex;

   Int_t i, start, nrDiff = 0;
   for (i = 0; i < delim.Length(); i++) {
      start = 0;
      while (start < Length()) {
         Int_t pos = Index(delim(i), start);
         if (pos == kNPOS) break;
         start = pos + 1;
      if (start > 0) nrDiff++;

   if (nrDiff > 1)

   TObjArray *arr = new TObjArray();

   start = -1;
   std::list<Int_t>::const_iterator it;
#ifndef R__HPUX
   for (it = splitIndex.begin(); it != splitIndex.end(); it++) {
   for (it = splitIndex.begin(); it != (std::list<Int_t>::const_iterator) splitIndex.end(); it++) {
      Int_t stop = *it;
      if (stop - 1 >= start + 1) {
         TString tok = (*this)(start+1, stop-start-1);
         TObjString *objstr = new TObjString(tok);
      start = stop;

   return arr;

void TString::FormImp(const char *fmt, va_list ap)
   // Formats a string using a printf style format descriptor.
   // Existing string contents will be overwritten.

   Ssiz_t buflen = 20 * strlen(fmt);    // pick a number, any number

   va_list sap;
   R__VA_COPY(sap, ap);

   int n;
   n = vsnprintf(fData, buflen, fmt, ap);
   // old vsnprintf's return -1 if string is truncated new ones return
   // total number of characters that would have been written
   if (n == -1 || n >= buflen) {
      if (n == -1)
         buflen *= 2;
         buflen = n+1;
      R__VA_COPY(ap, sap);
      goto again;

   Pref()->fNchars = strlen(fData);

void TString::Form(const char *va_(fmt), ...)
   // Formats a string using a printf style format descriptor.
   // Existing string contents will be overwritten.

   va_list ap;
   va_start(ap, va_(fmt));
   FormImp(va_(fmt), ap);

TString TString::Format(const char *va_(fmt), ...)
   // Static method which formats a string using a printf style format
   // descriptor and return a TString. Same as TString::From() but it is
   // not needed to first create a TString.

   va_list ap;
   va_start(ap, va_(fmt));
   TString str;
   str.FormImp(va_(fmt), ap);
   return str;

//---- Global String Handling Functions ----------------------------------------

static const int cb_size  = 4096;
static const int fld_size = 2048;

// a circular formating buffer
static char gFormbuf[cb_size];       // some slob for form overflow
static char *gBfree  = gFormbuf;
static char *gEndbuf = &gFormbuf[cb_size-1];

static char *SlowFormat(const char *format, va_list ap, int hint)
   // Format a string in a formatting buffer (using a printf style
   // format descriptor).

   static char *slowBuffer  = 0;
   static int   slowBufferSize = 0;


   if (hint == -1) hint = fld_size;
   if (hint > slowBufferSize) {
      delete [] slowBuffer;
      slowBufferSize = 2 * hint;
      if (hint < 0 || slowBufferSize < 0) {
         slowBufferSize = 0;
         slowBuffer = 0;
         return 0;
      slowBuffer = new char[slowBufferSize];

   int n = vsnprintf(slowBuffer, slowBufferSize, format, ap);
   // old vsnprintf's return -1 if string is truncated new ones return
   // total number of characters that would have been written
   if (n == -1 || n >= slowBufferSize) {
      if (n == -1) n = 2 * slowBufferSize;
      if (n == slowBufferSize) n++;
      if (n <= 0) return 0; // int overflow!
      return SlowFormat(format, ap, n);

   return slowBuffer;

static char *Format(const char *format, va_list ap)
   // Format a string in a circular formatting buffer (using a printf style
   // format descriptor).


   char *buf = gBfree;

   if (buf+fld_size > gEndbuf)
      buf = gFormbuf;

   int n = vsnprintf(buf, fld_size, format, ap);
   // old vsnprintf's return -1 if string is truncated new ones return
   // total number of characters that would have been written
   if (n == -1 || n >= fld_size) {
      return SlowFormat(format, ap, n);

   gBfree = buf+n+1;
   return buf;

char *Form(const char *va_(fmt), ...)
   // Formats a string in a circular formatting buffer. Removes the need to
   // create and delete short lived strings. Don't pass Form() pointers
   // from user code down to ROOT functions as the circular buffer may
   // be overwritten downstream. Use Form() results immediately or use
   // TString::Format() instead.

   va_list ap;
   char *b = Format(va_(fmt), ap);
   return b;

void Printf(const char *va_(fmt), ...)
   // Formats a string in a circular formatting buffer and prints the string.
   // Appends a newline. If gPrintViaErrorHandler is true it will print via the
   // currently active ROOT error handler.

   va_list ap;
   if (gPrintViaErrorHandler)
      ErrorHandler(kPrint, 0, va_(fmt), ap);
   else {
      char *b = Format(va_(fmt), ap);
      printf("%s\n", b);

char *Strip(const char *s, char c)
   // Strip leading and trailing c (blanks by default) from a string.
   // The returned string has to be deleted by the user.

   if (!s) return 0;

   int l = strlen(s);
   char *buf = new char[l+1];

   if (l == 0) {
      *buf = '\0';
      return buf;

   // get rid of leading c's
   const char *t1 = s;
   while (*t1 == c)

   // get rid of trailing c's
   const char *t2 = s + l - 1;
   while (*t2 == c && t2 > s)

   if (t1 > t2) {
      *buf = '\0';
      return buf;
   strncpy(buf, t1, (Ssiz_t) (t2-t1+1));
   *(buf+(t2-t1+1)) = '\0';

   return buf;

char *StrDup(const char *str)
   // Duplicate the string str. The returned string has to be deleted by
   // the user.

   if (!str) return 0;

   char *s = new char[strlen(str)+1];
   if (s) strcpy(s, str);

   return s;

char *Compress(const char *str)
   // Remove all blanks from the string str. The returned string has to be
   // deleted by the user.

   if (!str) return 0;

   const char *p = str;
   char *s, *s1 = new char[strlen(str)+1];
   s = s1;

   while (*p) {
      if (*p != ' ')
         *s++ = *p;
   *s = '\0';

   return s1;

int EscChar(const char *src, char *dst, int dstlen, char *specchars,
            char escchar)
   // Escape specchars in src with escchar and copy to dst.

   const char *p;
   char *q, *end = dst+dstlen-1;

   for (p = src, q = dst; *p && q < end; ) {
      if (strchr(specchars, *p)) {
         *q++ = escchar;
         if (q < end)
            *q++ = *p++;
      } else
         *q++ = *p++;
   *q = '\0';

   if (*p != 0)
      return -1;
   return q-dst;

int UnEscChar(const char *src, char *dst, int dstlen, char *specchars, char)
   // Un-escape specchars in src from escchar and copy to dst.

   const char *p;
   char *q, *end = dst+dstlen-1;

   for (p = src, q = dst; *p && q < end; ) {
      if (strchr(specchars, *p))
         *q++ = *p++;
   *q = '\0';

   if (*p != 0)
      return -1;
   return q-dst;

int strcasecmp(const char *str1, const char *str2)
   // Case insensitive string compare.

   return strncasecmp(str1, str2, str2 ? strlen(str2)+1 : 0);

int strncasecmp(const char *str1, const char *str2, Ssiz_t n)
   // Case insensitive string compare of n characters.

   while (n > 0) {
      int c1 = *str1;
      int c2 = *str2;

      if (isupper(c1))
         c1 = tolower(c1);

      if (isupper(c2))
         c2 = tolower(c2);

      if (c1 != c2)
         return c1 - c2;

   return 0;

Last change: Wed Aug 6 08:07:09 2008
Last generated: 2008-08-06 08:07

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