#ifndef ROOT_TProofProgressMemoryPlot
#define ROOT_TProofProgressMemoryPlot
#ifndef ROOT_TGFrame
#include "TGFrame.h"
class TGListBox;
class TGTextButton;
class TRootEmbeddedCanvas;
class TProofProgressDialog;
class TGSplitButton;
class TProofLog;
class TMultiGraph;
class TGraph;
class TProofLogElem;
class TProofProgressMemoryPlot : public TGTransientFrame {
TProofProgressDialog *fDialog;
TGListBox *fWorkers;
TGTextButton *fPlot;
TGSplitButton *fAllWorkers;
TRootEmbeddedCanvas *fWorkersPlot;
TRootEmbeddedCanvas *fMasterPlot;
TProofLog *fProofLog;
TMultiGraph *fWPlot;
TMultiGraph *fMPlot;
TMultiGraph *fAPlot;
Bool_t fFullLogs;
TGListBox* BuildLogList(TGFrame *parent);
TGraph* DoWorkerPlot(TProofLogElem *ple);
TGraph* DoMasterPlot(TProofLogElem *ple);
TGraph* DoAveragePlot(Int_t &max_el, Int_t &min_el);
TGraph* DoAveragePlotOld(Int_t &max_el, Int_t &min_el);
TProofProgressMemoryPlot(TProofProgressDialog *d, Int_t w = 700, Int_t h = 300);
virtual ~TProofProgressMemoryPlot();
void Clear(Option_t * = 0);
void DoPlot();
void Select(Int_t id);
Last change: Tue Oct 21 09:17:55 2008
Last generated: 2008-10-21 09:17
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