#ifndef ROOT_TFTP
#define ROOT_TFTP
#ifndef ROOT_TObject
#include "TObject.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TSystem
#include "TSystem.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TString
#include "TString.h"
#ifndef ROOT_MessageTypes
#include "MessageTypes.h"
class TSocket;
class TFTP : public TObject {
TString fHost;
TString fUser;
Int_t fPort;
Int_t fParallel;
Int_t fWindowSize;
Int_t fProtocol;
Int_t fLastBlock;
Int_t fBlockSize;
Int_t fMode;
Long64_t fRestartAt;
TString fCurrentFile;
TSocket *fSocket;
Long64_t fBytesWrite;
Long64_t fBytesRead;
Bool_t fDir;
TFTP(): fHost(), fUser(), fPort(0), fParallel(0), fWindowSize(0),
fProtocol(0), fLastBlock(0), fBlockSize(0), fMode(0),
fRestartAt(0), fCurrentFile(), fSocket(0), fBytesWrite(0),
fBytesRead(0), fDir(kFALSE) { }
TFTP(const TFTP &);
void operator=(const TFTP &);
void Init(const char *url, Int_t parallel, Int_t wsize);
void PrintError(const char *where, Int_t err) const;
Int_t Recv(Int_t &status, EMessageTypes &kind) const;
void SetMode(Int_t mode) { fMode = mode; }
static Long64_t fgBytesWrite;
static Long64_t fgBytesRead;
enum {
kDfltBlockSize = 0x80000,
kDfltWindowSize = 65535,
kBinary = 0,
kAscii = 1
TFTP(const char *url, Int_t parallel = 1, Int_t wsize = kDfltWindowSize,
TSocket *sock = 0);
virtual ~TFTP();
void SetBlockSize(Int_t blockSize);
Int_t GetBlockSize() const { return fBlockSize; }
void SetRestartAt(Long64_t at) { fRestartAt = at; }
Long64_t GetRestartAt() const { return fRestartAt; }
Int_t GetMode() const { return fMode; }
Bool_t IsOpen() const { return fSocket ? kTRUE : kFALSE; }
void Print(Option_t *opt = "") const;
Long64_t PutFile(const char *file, const char *remoteName = 0);
Long64_t GetFile(const char *file, const char *localName = 0);
Bool_t AccessPathName(const char *path, EAccessMode mode = kFileExists,
Bool_t print = kFALSE);
const char *GetDirEntry(Bool_t print = kFALSE);
Int_t GetPathInfo(const char *path, FileStat_t &buf, Bool_t print = kFALSE);
Int_t ChangeDirectory(const char *dir) const;
Int_t MakeDirectory(const char *dir, Bool_t print = kFALSE) const;
Int_t DeleteDirectory(const char *dir) const;
Int_t ListDirectory(Option_t *cmd = "") const;
void FreeDirectory(Bool_t print = kFALSE);
Bool_t OpenDirectory(const char *name, Bool_t print = kFALSE);
Int_t PrintDirectory() const;
Int_t RenameFile(const char *file1, const char *file2) const;
Int_t DeleteFile(const char *file) const;
Int_t ChangePermission(const char *file, Int_t mode) const;
Int_t Close();
void Binary() { SetMode(kBinary); }
void Ascii() { SetMode(kAscii); }
TSocket *GetSocket() const { return fSocket; }
void put(const char *file, const char *remoteName = 0) { PutFile(file, remoteName); }
void get(const char *file, const char *localName = 0) { GetFile(file, localName); }
void cd(const char *dir) const { ChangeDirectory(dir); }
void mkdir(const char *dir) const { MakeDirectory(dir); }
void rmdir(const char *dir) const { DeleteDirectory(dir); }
void ls(Option_t *cmd = "") const { ListDirectory(cmd); }
void pwd() const { PrintDirectory(); }
void mv(const char *file1, const char *file2) const { RenameFile(file1, file2); }
void rm(const char *file) const { DeleteFile(file); }
void chmod(const char *file, Int_t mode) const { ChangePermission(file, mode); }
void bye() { Close(); }
void bin() { Binary(); }
void ascii() { Ascii(); }
ClassDef(TFTP, 1)
Last change: Fri Jun 27 14:17:33 2008
Last generated: 2008-06-27 14:17
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