#include "TEveTriangleSetEditor.h"
#include "TEveTriangleSet.h"
#include "TGWidget.h"
#include "TGLabel.h"
TEveTriangleSetEditor::TEveTriangleSetEditor(const TGWindow *p, Int_t width, Int_t height,
UInt_t options, Pixel_t back) :
TGedFrame(p, width, height, options | kVerticalFrame, back),
fM (0),
fInfo (0)
fInfo = new TGLabel(this);
AddFrame(fInfo, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsNormal|kLHintsExpandX, 8, 0, 2, 0));
void TEveTriangleSetEditor::SetModel(TObject* obj)
fM = dynamic_cast<TEveTriangleSet*>(obj);
fInfo->SetText(Form("Vertices: %d, Triangles: %d", fM->GetNVerts(), fM->GetNTrings()));
Last change: Fri Oct 31 16:21:08 2008
Last generated: 2008-10-31 16:21
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