// @(#)root/eve:$Id: TEveSelection.cxx 25245 2008-08-25 21:44:09Z matevz $
// Author: Matevz Tadel 2007

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2007, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

#include "TEveSelection.h"
#include "TEveProjectionBases.h"
#include "TEveCompound.h"
#include "TEveManager.h"

#include "TClass.h"

// Make sure there is a SINGLE running TEveSelection for each
// selection type (select/highlight).


TEveSelection::TEveSelection(const Text_t* n, const Text_t* t) :
   TEveElementList(n, t),
   fPickToSelect  (kPS_Projectable),
   fActive        (kTRUE),
   fIsMaster      (kTRUE)
   // Constructor.

   fSelElement       = &TEveElement::SelectElement;
   fIncImpSelElement = &TEveElement::IncImpliedSelected;
   fDecImpSelElement = &TEveElement::DecImpliedSelected;

void TEveSelection::SetHighlightMode()
   // Set to 'highlight' mode.

   // Most importantly, this sets the pointers-to-function-members in
   // TEveElement that are used to mark elements as (un)selected and
   // implied-(un)selected.

   fPickToSelect = kPS_Projectable;
   fIsMaster     = kFALSE;

   fSelElement       = &TEveElement::HighlightElement;
   fIncImpSelElement = &TEveElement::IncImpliedHighlighted;
   fDecImpSelElement = &TEveElement::DecImpliedHighlighted;

// Protected helpers

void TEveSelection::DoElementSelect(TEveSelection::SelMap_i entry)
   // Select element indicated by the entry and fill its
   // implied-selected set.

   TEveElement *el  = entry->first;
   Set_t       &set = entry->second;

   for (Set_i i = set.begin(); i != set.end(); ++i)

void TEveSelection::DoElementUnselect(TEveSelection::SelMap_i entry)
   // Deselect element indicated by the entry and clear its
   // implied-selected set.

   TEveElement *el  = entry->first;
   Set_t       &set = entry->second;

   for (Set_i i = set.begin(); i != set.end(); ++i)

// Overrides of child-element-management virtuals from TEveElement

Bool_t TEveSelection::AcceptElement(TEveElement* el)
   // Pre-addition check. Deny addition if el is already selected.
   // Virtual from TEveElement.

   return el != this && fImpliedSelected.find(el) == fImpliedSelected.end() &&
          el->IsA()->InheritsFrom(TEveSelection::Class()) == kFALSE;

void TEveSelection::AddElement(TEveElement* el)
   // Add an element into selection, virtual from TEveElement.


   SelMap_i i = fImpliedSelected.insert(std::make_pair(el, Set_t())).first;
   if (fActive)

void TEveSelection::RemoveElement(TEveElement* el)
   // Add an element into selection, virtual from TEveElement.
   // Overriden here just so that a signal can be emitted.


void TEveSelection::RemoveElementLocal(TEveElement* el)
   // Virtual from TEveElement.

   SelMap_i i = fImpliedSelected.find(el);

   if (i != fImpliedSelected.end())
      if (fActive)
      Warning("TEveSelection::RemoveElementLocal", "element not found in map.");

void TEveSelection::RemoveElements()
   // Add an element into selection, virtual from TEveElement.
   // Overriden here just so that a signal can be emitted.


void TEveSelection::RemoveElementsLocal()
   // Virtual from TEveElement.

   if (fActive)
      for (SelMap_i i = fImpliedSelected.begin(); i != fImpliedSelected.end(); ++i)

void TEveSelection::RemoveImpliedSelected(TEveElement* el)
   // Remove element from all implied-selected sets.
   // This is called as part of the element destruction from
   // TEveManager::PreDeleteElement() and should not be called
   // directly.

   for (SelMap_i i = fImpliedSelected.begin(); i != fImpliedSelected.end(); ++i)
      Set_i j = i->second.find(el);
      if (j != i->second.end())

// Signals

void TEveSelection::SelectionAdded(TEveElement* el)
   // Emit SelectionAdded signal.

   Emit("SelectionAdded(TEveElement*)", (Long_t)el);

void TEveSelection::SelectionRemoved(TEveElement* el)
   // Emit SelectionRemoved signal.

   Emit("SelectionRemoved(TEveElement*)", (Long_t)el);

void TEveSelection::SelectionCleared()
   // Emit SelectionCleared signal.


// Activation / deactivation of selection

void TEveSelection::ActivateSelection()
   // Activate this selection.

   for (SelMap_i i = fImpliedSelected.begin(); i != fImpliedSelected.end(); ++i)
   fActive = kTRUE;

void TEveSelection::DeactivateSelection()
   // Deactivate this selection.

   fActive = kFALSE;
   for (SelMap_i i = fImpliedSelected.begin(); i != fImpliedSelected.end(); ++i)

// User input processing

TEveElement* TEveSelection::MapPickedToSelected(TEveElement* el)
   // Given element el that was picked or clicked by the user, find
   // the parent/ancestor element that should actually become the main
   // selected element according to current selection mode.

   if (el == 0)
      return 0;

   switch (fPickToSelect)
      case kPS_Ignore:
         return 0;
      case kPS_Element:
         return el;
      case kPS_Projectable:
         TEveProjected* pted = dynamic_cast<TEveProjected*>(el);
         if (pted)
            return dynamic_cast<TEveElement*>(pted->GetProjectable());
         return el;
      case kPS_Compound:
         TEveElement* cmpnd = el->GetCompound();
         if (cmpnd)
            return cmpnd;
         return el;
      case kPS_PableCompound:
         TEveProjected* pted = dynamic_cast<TEveProjected*>(el);
         if (pted)
            el = dynamic_cast<TEveElement*>(pted->GetProjectable());
         TEveElement* cmpnd = el->GetCompound();
         if (cmpnd)
            return cmpnd;
         return el;
      case kPS_Master:
         TEveElement* mstr = el->GetMaster();
         if (mstr)
            return mstr;
         return el;
   return el;

void TEveSelection::UserPickedElement(TEveElement* el, Bool_t multi)
   // Called when user picks/clicks on an element. If multi is true,
   // the user is requiring a multiple selection (usually this is
   // associated with control-key being pressed at the time of pick
   // event).

   el = MapPickedToSelected(el);

   if (el || HasChildren())
      if (!multi)
      if (el)
         if (HasChild(el))
      if (fIsMaster)

Last change: Tue Aug 26 17:15:32 2008
Last generated: 2008-08-26 17:15

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