//*CMZ :  2.23/12 26/01/2000  10.02.18  by  Rene Brun
//*CMZ :  1.03/09 11/12/97  09.14.34  by  Rene Brun
//*-- Author :    Piotr Golonka   30/07/97

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

//                                                                      //
// TToggle                                                              //
//                                                                      //
// This class defines toggling facility for both - object's method or   //
// variables.                                                           //
// Assume that user provides an object with a two-state field , and     //
// methods to Get/Set value of this field. This object enables to switch//
// values via this method when the only thing you know about the field  //
// is the name of the method (or method itself) which sets the field.   //
// This facility is required in context Pop-Up menu, when the only      //
// information about how to toggle a field is a name of methhod which   //
// sets it.                                                             //
// This Object may be also used for toggling an integer variable ,      //
// which may be important while building universal objects...           //
// When user provides a "set-method" of name SetXXX this object tries   //
// automaticaly find a matching "get-method" by lookin for a method     //
// with name GetXXX or IsXXXfor given object.                           //
//                                                                      //

#include "TClass.h"
#include "TMethod.h"
#include "TToggle.h"
#include "TDataMember.h"


// TToggle default constructor. You have to initialize it before using
// by making a call to SetToggledVariable() or SetToggledObject()
    fState      =  0;
    fValue      = -1;
    fOnValue    =  1;
    fOffValue   =  0;
    fInitialized=  0;
    fObject     =  0;
    fGetter     =  0;
    fSetter     =  0;
    fTglVariable=  0;

 void TToggle::SetToggledVariable(Int_t &var)
   // Initializes object for use with a variable - you pass it via reference
   // so it will be modified by Toggle.


 Bool_t  TToggle::GetState()
   // Returns the state of Toggle according to its current value and
   // fOnValue ; Returns true if they match.
   if (!fInitialized){
      Error("GetState", "object has not been initialized yet!");
      return 0;
   } else {
      return (fState=(fValue==fOnValue));

 void TToggle::SetState(Bool_t state)
   // Sets the value of toggle to fOnValue or fOffValue according to passed
   // argument.

   if (!fInitialized)
      Error("SetState", "object has not been initialized yet!");
   else {
      char stringon[7];
      char stringoff[7];

      fSetter->Execute(fObject, state ? stringon:stringoff);
      fValue= ( state ? fOnValue : fOffValue);

 void TToggle::SetValue(Long_t val)
   // Sets the value of toggle and modifies its state according to whether
   // the value is equal to fOnValue.

   if (!fInitialized)
      Error("SetValue()", "object has not been initialized yet!");
   else {
      char stringval[7];
      fSetter->Execute(fObject, stringval);
      fValue= val;

 void TToggle::Toggle()
   // Toggles the Values and State of this object and connected data!

   if (fInitialized){
      if (fTglVariable){
         *fTglVariable = !(*fTglVariable);
      if (fGetter && fSetter){
         fValue=( (fValue==fOnValue) ? fOffValue:fOnValue);
         char stringon[7];
         fSetter->Execute(fObject, stringon);

 void TToggle::SetToggledObject(TObject *obj, TMethod *anymethod)
   // Initializes it to toggle an object's datamember using this object's method.

   TDataMember *m=anymethod->FindDataMember();
   if (!m)
      Error("SetToggledObject", "cannot determine TDataMember!");
   else {
      fInitialized = 1;

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