ROOT 2005 Program

Time slots of 20' or 30' has been reserved for the talks. Presentations should be aimed at generating discussion on ROOT, so they should highlight strong points of the system, but also weak ones and the problems encountered.

The workshop will be held at CERN in and around the council chamber (building 503, 1st floor, i.e. the one above the ground floor).

All presentations should be available, either in PowerPoint or PDF formats at least half a day before the presentation. Send your presentation to the organizers as a mail attachement or simply a mail indicating a public area from where we can download it. Please identify your talk clearly (not talk.ppt or root2005.pdf!!).

See also the set of posters displayed in the workshop room

We expect to have all sessions with VRVS in Mars Virtual Room that belongs to Planets/Universe community: Title(ROOT 05 Workshop).

Rene Brun, Fons Rademakers
Last update 28/08/2005 by FR