Time slots of 20' or 30' has been reserved for the talks. Presentations should be aimed at generating discussion on ROOT, so they should highlight strong points of the system, but also weak ones and the problems encountered.
The workshop will be held at CERN in and around the council chamber (building 503, 1st floor, i.e. the one above the ground floor).
All presentations should be available, either in PowerPoint (ppt) or pdf formats at least half a day before the presentation. Send your presentation to Rene.Brun@cern.ch as a mail attachement or simply a mail indicating a public area from where we can download it. Please identify your talk clearly (not talk.ppt or root2002.pdf!!).
08h30: Registration; Coffee and Croissants
09h30: Ioana Videau; Welcome
09h40: Rene Brun: Workshop overview: Summary of major developments( ppt, pdf)
10h10: Fons Rademakers: Progress with infrastructure classes( ppt, pdf)
10h40: Masa Goto: Progress with CINT( ppt, pdf)
11h00: Break
11h20: Philippe Canal: Foreign classes( ppt, pdf)
11h50: Victor Perevoztchikov: Automated support for STL containers( ppt, pdf)
12h20: Lunch
Chair: Fons Rademakers
14h00: Bill Tanenbaum: CMS conversion from Objectivity( ppt, pdf)
14h30: David Chamont: Using Trees with CMS ORCA( ppt, pdf)
15h00: Pete Elmer: Babar( pdf)
15h30: Coffee Break
16h00: Federico Carminati: ALICE( ppt, pdf)
16h30: George Irwin: MINOS( ppt, pdf)
17h00: Chris Crawford: BLAST( ppt, pdf)
17h20: Hans Essel: Go4 production version 2( ppt, pdf)
17h50: Yves Shutz: ALICE data organisation, Folders & I/O( ppt, pdf)
18h20: Closing
09h00: Wouter Verkerke: RooFit package( ppt, pdf)
09h30: Sergey Linev: Go4Fit package( ppt, pdf)
10h00: Andrei Gheata: the new Geometry package( ppt, pdf)
10h30: Coffee Break
11h00: Ivana Hrivnacova: Virtual MonteCarlo( ppt, pdf)
11h30: Victor Perevoztchikov: General purpose ROOT utilities( ppt, pdf)
11h50: Philippe Canal: TTree::Draw developments( ppt, pdf)
12h10: Sherry Towers/Philippe Canal: TerraFerma tools( ppt, pdf)
12h20: Eddy Offermann: Development with the Matrix package( ppt, pdf)
12h40: Lunch
Chair: Eddy Offermann
14h00: Reiner Rohlfs; Image Display and AstroRoot( ppt, pdf)
14h30: Valeri Fine: Qt-Based Implementation of Low Level ROOT Graphical Layer( ppt, pdf)
15h00: Bertrand Bellenot ROOT GUI on Windows( ppt, pdf)
15h20: Mohammad Al-Turany: Go4 GUI( ppt, pdf)
15h40: Coffee Break
16h10: Isidro Gonzalez: G4UIRoot( ppt, pdf)
16h30: Joern Adamczewski: Go4 eventloop framework( ppt, pdf)
16h50: O.Kuehlert: RTLinux and ROOT( pdf)
17h10: Denis Bertini: The Go4 composite event( ppt, pdf)
17h30: Mathias Beck: Monitoring the INTEGRAL satellite( ppt, pdf)
17h50: Mathieu De Naurois: Use of ROOT on the HESS DAQ software( ppt, pdf)
18h10: Closing
09h00: Pere Mato: Using ROOT classes in Python( ppt, pdf)
09h20: Subir Sarkar: JavaRoot( ppt, pdf). See also: JavaRoot in details
09h50: Nuno Almeida: Evaluating queries and data storage on a Grid using ROOT( ppt, pdf)
10h10: P.Meulenhoff: Use of ROOT in Telecomunications at KPN.( ppt, pdf)
10h30: Coffee Break
11h00: Fons Rademakers: Status of ROOT in the areas of PROOF and GRID interfacing( ppt, pdf)
11h30: Maarten Ballintijn: PROOF( ppt, pdf)
12h00: Pier G.Cerello: Computer Assisted Diagnosis in Mammography with PROOF( ppt, pdf)
12h20: Lunch
Chair: John Harvey
14h00: John Harvey/T.Wenaus: The LCG project and ROOT relationship( ppt, pdf)
14h20: Dirk Duellmann: POOL and ROOT( ppt, pdf)
14h50: Victor Perevoztchikov: ROOT foreign class I/O in the LCG framework( ppt, pdf)
15h10: Rene Brun: TRef/TLongRef: Status, plans( ppt, pdf)
15h30: Coffee Break
16h00: Valeriy Onuchin: progress with Carrot( ppt, pdf)
16h20: Richard Dubois: GLAST use of Carrot and ROOT( ppt, pdf)
16h40: Rene Brun: Plans for future developments( ppt, pdf)
17h00: ALL: Q&A session( ppt, pdf)
17h50: Summary Session