Root Workshop
Summary of requests
- Support for Oracle
- Add array support to TTree::Draw
- Add some support for pointer and dynamic structure in split mode and TClonesArray
- GUI Builder
- Higher level documentation for developer
- Support from very large graph and histogram
- More info about segfault within CINT
- More intuitive way to know which functionality belong to which part of display
- Need better documentation for developer
Need more and better template support
- Need a simple shared memory facility or good thread support
- Has problem with CRTL+C and GUI
- Need better documentation for developer
- High level mouse ‘consequence’ recording (or mouse event)
- Better support for OpenGL
- Improvements in TMapFile
- Better support for schema evolution
- Need ROOT on Lynx-OS
- Need NT GUI
- Need Java Support
- Wish for a more coordinated effort on templates
- Smarter special treatment class that inherit TClonesArray in split mode
- Support for STL besides the container
- More support of C++ standard in CINT
- CLHEP access and persistency
- Numbering scheme for root shared library
- Data management
Linear Collider
- TTree: Add array support for TTree::Draw
- TTree/IO: Add some support for pointer and dynamic structure in split mode and TClonesArray
- IO: Better support for Schema Evolution
- TMapFile and TThread improvements (x3)
- GUI: More intuitive way to know which functionality belong to which part of display
- GUI and I/O: Novice GUI and interfaces
- GUI: Support from very large graph and histogram
- GUI: OpenGL
- GUI: Builder
- Infrastructure: Lynx-OS
- Infrastructure: Java support
- Infrastructure: Number scheme for root shared library
- CINT: More info about segfault.
- CINT: More template support (x3)
- CINT: need it closer to the C++ standard
- New: Data Management (general problem: need glue to other storage systems) - done
- New: Support for Oracle (x2)
- New: Macro recorder