21 parser.add_argument('--web', help='Use web-based display for graphics, browser, geometry')
22 parser.add_argument('--web=<type>', help='Use the specified web-based display such as chrome, firefox, qt6\nFor more options see the documentation of TROOT::SetWebDisplay()')
23 parser.add_argument('--web=off', help='Disable any kind of web-based display')
24 parser.add_argument('[dir]', help='if dir is a valid directory cd to it before executing')
25 parser.add_argument('[data1.root...dataN.root]', help='Open the given ROOT files; remote protocols (such as http://) are supported')
26 parser.add_argument('[file1.C...fileN.C]', help='Execute the ROOT macro file1.C ... fileN.C\nCompilation flags as well as macro arguments can be passed, see format in https://root.cern/manual/root_macros_and_shared_libraries/')
27 parser.add_argument('[file1_C.so...fileN_C.so]', help='Load and execute file1_C.so ... fileN_C.so (or .dll if on Windows)\nThey should be already-compiled ROOT macros (shared libraries) or:\nregular user shared libraries e.g. userlib.so with a function userlib(args)')