27 TTRAP *
trap =
new TTRAP(
28 TPARA *
para =
new TPARA(
29 TGTRA *
gtra =
new TGTRA(
33 TCONS *
cons =
new TCONS(
34 TSPHE *
sphe =
new TSPHE(
"void",25,340, 45,135, 0,270);
39 pcon->DefineSection(0,-200,50,100);
40 pcon->DefineSection(1,-50,50,80);
41 pcon->DefineSection(2,50,50,80);
42 pcon->DefineSection(3,200,50,100);
45 pgon->DefineSection(0,-200,50,100);
46 pgon->DefineSection(1,-50,50,80);
47 pgon->DefineSection(2,50,50,80);
48 pgon->DefineSection(3,200,50,100);
51 brik->SetLineColor(1);
52 trd1->SetLineColor(2);
53 trd2->SetLineColor(3);
54 trap->SetLineColor(4);
55 para->SetLineColor(5);
56 gtra->SetLineColor(7);
57 tube->SetLineColor(6);
58 tubs->SetLineColor(7);
59 cone->SetLineColor(2);
60 cons->SetLineColor(3);
61 pcon->SetLineColor(6);
62 pgon->SetLineColor(2);
R__EXTERN TGeoManager * gGeoManager
R__EXTERN TSystem * gSystem
A box with faces perpendicular to the axes.
A segment of a conical tube.
A general twisted trapezoid.
TObjArray * GetListOfNodes()
TObjArray * GetListOfShapes() const
void Delete(Option_t *option="") override
Remove all objects from the array AND delete all heap based objects.
virtual int Load(const char *module, const char *entry="", Bool_t system=kFALSE)
Load a shared library.
A trapezoid with the x dimension varying along z.
A trapezoid with both x and y dimensions varying along z.