This is the complete list of members for RooMCIntegrator, including all inherited members.
_alpha | RooMCIntegrator | protected |
_calls_per_box | RooMCIntegrator | protected |
_chi_sum | RooMCIntegrator | protected |
_chisq | RooMCIntegrator | protected |
_function | RooAbsIntegrator | protected |
_genType | RooMCIntegrator | protected |
_grid | RooMCIntegrator | mutableprotected |
_it_num | RooMCIntegrator | protected |
_it_start | RooMCIntegrator | protected |
_jac | RooMCIntegrator | protected |
_mode | RooMCIntegrator | protected |
_nIntegratePerDim | RooMCIntegrator | protected |
_nRefineIter | RooMCIntegrator | protected |
_nRefinePerDim | RooMCIntegrator | protected |
_printEvalCounter | RooAbsIntegrator | protected |
_result | RooMCIntegrator | protected |
_samples | RooMCIntegrator | protected |
_sigma | RooMCIntegrator | protected |
_sum_wgts | RooMCIntegrator | protected |
_timer | RooMCIntegrator | protected |
_valid | RooAbsIntegrator | protected |
_verbose | RooMCIntegrator | protected |
_wtd_int_sum | RooMCIntegrator | protected |
AllStages enum value | RooMCIntegrator | |
calculate(const double *yvec=nullptr) | RooAbsIntegrator | |
checkLimits() const override | RooMCIntegrator | virtual |
GeneratorType enum name | RooMCIntegrator | |
getAlpha() const | RooMCIntegrator | inline |
getGenType() const | RooMCIntegrator | inline |
grid() const | RooMCIntegrator | inline |
Importance enum value | RooMCIntegrator | |
ImportanceOnly enum value | RooMCIntegrator | |
integral(const double *yvec=nullptr) override | RooMCIntegrator | virtual |
integrand(const double x[]) const | RooAbsIntegrator | inline |
integrand() const | RooAbsIntegrator | inline |
isValid() const | RooAbsIntegrator | inline |
printEvalCounter() const | RooAbsIntegrator | inline |
PseudoRandom enum value | RooMCIntegrator | |
QuasiRandom enum value | RooMCIntegrator | |
RefineGrid enum value | RooMCIntegrator | |
registerIntegrator(RooNumIntFactory &fact) | RooMCIntegrator | protectedstatic |
ReuseGrid enum value | RooMCIntegrator | |
RooAbsIntegrator() | RooAbsIntegrator | |
RooAbsIntegrator(const RooAbsFunc &function, bool printEvalCounter=false) | RooAbsIntegrator | |
RooMCIntegrator(const RooAbsFunc &function, SamplingMode mode=Importance, GeneratorType genType=QuasiRandom, bool verbose=false) | RooMCIntegrator | |
RooMCIntegrator(const RooAbsFunc &function, const RooNumIntConfig &config) | RooMCIntegrator | |
RooNumIntFactory | RooMCIntegrator | friend |
SamplingMode enum name | RooMCIntegrator | |
setAlpha(double alpha) | RooMCIntegrator | inline |
setGenType(GeneratorType type) | RooMCIntegrator | inline |
setLimits(double *, double *) | RooAbsIntegrator | inlinevirtual |
setLimits(double xmin, double xmax) | RooAbsIntegrator | virtual |
setPrintEvalCounter(bool value) | RooAbsIntegrator | inline |
setUseIntegrandLimits(bool flag) | RooAbsIntegrator | virtual |
Stage enum name | RooMCIntegrator | |
Stratified enum value | RooMCIntegrator | |
vegas(Stage stage, UInt_t calls, UInt_t iterations, double *absError=nullptr) | RooMCIntegrator | |
~RooAbsIntegrator()=default | RooAbsIntegrator | virtual |