4#ifndef ROOT_TBufferSQL2
5#define ROOT_TBufferSQL2
112 template <
typename T>
115 template <
typename T>
118 template <
typename T>
121 template <
typename T>
unsigned long long ULong64_t
#define ClassDefOverride(name, id)
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void value
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char mode
Converts data to SQL statements or read data from SQL tables.
Long64_t fObjIdCounter
! counter of objects id
void SetStreamerElementNumber(TStreamerElement *elem, Int_t comp_type) final
Function is called from TStreamerInfo WriteBuffer and Readbuffer functions and add/verify next elemen...
TSQLStructure * PopStack()
Pop stack.
Bool_t SqlObjectInfo(Long64_t objid, TString &clname, Version_t &version)
Returns object info like classname and version Should be taken from buffer, which is produced in the ...
void ClassBegin(const TClass *, Version_t=-1) final
This method inform buffer data of which class now will be streamed.
void StreamObjectExtra(void *obj, TMemberStreamer *streamer, const TClass *cl, Int_t n=0, const TClass *onFileClass=nullptr)
Stream object to/from buffer.
void ReadUShort(UShort_t &s) final
Reads UShort_t value from buffer.
Long64_t fFirstObjId
! id of first object to be read from the database
Bool_t SqlWriteBasic(Char_t value)
converts Char_t to string and creates correspondent sql structure
void WriteFastArrayString(const Char_t *c, Long64_t n) final
Write array of n characters into the I/O buffer.
TSQLObjectData * fCurrentData
Int_t fErrorFlag
! Error id value
void WriteShort(Short_t s) final
Writes Short_t value to buffer.
void DecrementLevel(TVirtualStreamerInfo *) final
Function is called from TStreamerInfo WriteBuffer and Readbuffer functions and decrease level in sql ...
void WriteULong64(ULong64_t l) final
Writes ULong64_t value to buffer.
void WriteChar(Char_t c) final
Writes Char_t value to buffer.
void WriteCharStar(char *s) final
Write a char* string.
void WriteCharP(const Char_t *c) final
Writes array of characters to buffer.
void WriteFastArray(const Bool_t *b, Long64_t n) final
Write array of Bool_t to buffer.
Long64_t fLastObjId
! id of last object correspond to this key
void WriteInt(Int_t i) final
Writes Int_t value to buffer.
TSQLStructure * PushStack()
Push stack with structural information about streamed object.
void * ReadObjectAny(const TClass *clCast) final
Read object from buffer. Only used from TBuffer.
void ReadLong64(Long64_t &l) final
Reads Long64_t value from buffer.
void WriteULong(ULong_t l) final
Writes ULong_t value to buffer.
void WriteUInt(UInt_t i) final
Writes UInt_t value to buffer.
void ReadLong(Long_t &l) final
Reads Long_t value from buffer.
void WriteLong(Long_t l) final
Writes Long_t value to buffer.
Int_t fIOVersion
! I/O version from TSQLFile
void WriteUShort(UShort_t s) final
Writes UShort_t value to buffer.
! instance of TSQLFile
void SetIgnoreVerification()
Int_t ReadStaticArray(Bool_t *b) final
Read array of Bool_t from buffer.
void WriteStdString(const std::string *s) final
Write a std::string.
Int_t fReadVersionBuffer
! buffer, used to by ReadVersion method
void ClassMember(const char *name, const char *typeName=nullptr, Int_t arrsize1=-1, Int_t arrsize2=-1) final
Method indicates name and typename of class memeber, which should be now streamed in custom streamer ...
void ReadFastArray(Bool_t *b, Int_t n) final
Read array of Bool_t from buffer.
void StreamObject(void *obj, const TClass *cl, const TClass *onFileClass=nullptr) final
Stream object to/from buffer.
Bool_t fIgnoreVerification
! ignore verification of names
void ReadUChar(UChar_t &c) final
Reads UChar_t value from buffer.
void ReadShort(Short_t &s) final
Reads Short_t value from buffer.
void ReadBool(Bool_t &b) final
Reads Bool_t value from buffer.
TSQLStructure * GetStructure() const
void operator=(const TBufferSQL2 &)=delete
R__ALWAYS_INLINE Int_t SqlReadArray(T *&arr, Bool_t is_static=kFALSE)
void ReadTString(TString &s) final
Read a TString.
Default constructor, should not be used.
TBufferSQL2(const TBufferSQL2 &)=delete
R__ALWAYS_INLINE void SqlReadFastArray(T *arr, Int_t arrsize)
Template method to read content of array, which not include size of array.
void ReadFastArrayString(Char_t *c, Int_t n) final
Read array of n characters from the I/O buffer.
TVirtualStreamerInfo * GetInfo() final
Return current streamer info element.
TSQLStructure * fStructure
! structures, created by object storing
void WriteBool(Bool_t b) final
Writes Bool_t value to buffer.
TClass * ReadClass(const TClass *cl=nullptr, UInt_t *objTag=nullptr) final
Suppressed function of TBuffer.
UInt_t WriteVersion(const TClass *cl, Bool_t useBcnt=kFALSE) final
Copies class version to buffer, but not writes it to sql immidiately Version will be used to produce ...
void ReadCharP(Char_t *c) final
Reads array of characters from buffer.
TMap * fPoolsMap
! map of pools with data from different tables
TSQLStructure * Stack(Int_t depth=0)
returns head of stack
void ClassEnd(const TClass *) final
Method indicates end of streaming of classdata in custom streamer.
void ReadFloat(Float_t &f) final
Reads Float_t value from buffer.
void SetCompressionLevel(int level)
const char * SqlReadValue(const char *tname)
Read string value from current stack node.
TString fReadBuffer
! Buffer for read value
TSQLStructure * fStk
! pointer on current active structure (stack head)
void ReadUInt(UInt_t &i) final
Reads UInt_t value from buffer.
const char * SqlReadCharStarValue()
Read CharStar value, if it has special code, request it from large table.
R__ALWAYS_INLINE void SqlWriteArray(T *arr, Long64_t arrsize, Bool_t withsize=kFALSE)
void WriteClass(const TClass *cl) final
Suppressed function of TBuffer.
Int_t GetErrorFlag() const
Int_t SqlReadArraySize()
Reads array size, written in raw data table.
void * SqlReadObject(void *obj, TClass **cl=nullptr, TMemberStreamer *streamer=nullptr, Int_t streamer_index=0, const TClass *onFileClass=nullptr)
Read object from the buffer.
void WorkWithClass(const char *classname, Version_t classversion)
This function is a part of IncrementLevel method.
void IncrementLevel(TVirtualStreamerInfo *) final
Function is called from TStreamerInfo WriteBuffer and Readbuffer functions and indent new level in da...
Int_t ReadArray(Bool_t *&b) final
Read array of Bool_t from buffer.
void ReadChar(Char_t &c) final
Reads Char_t value from buffer.
Int_t SqlWriteObject(const void *obj, const TClass *objClass, Bool_t cacheReuse, TMemberStreamer *streamer=nullptr, Int_t streamer_index=0)
Write object to buffer.
void WriteArray(const Bool_t *b, Int_t n) final
Write array of Bool_t to buffer.
void ReadStdString(std::string *s) final
Read a std::string.
void ReadDouble(Double_t &d) final
Reads Double_t value from buffer.
void ReadCharStar(char *&s) final
Read a char* string.
void ReadInt(Int_t &i) final
Reads Int_t value from buffer.
void SkipObjectAny() final
?????? Skip any kind of object from buffer !!!!!! fix me, not yet implemented Should be just skip of ...
Bool_t SqlWriteValue(const char *value, const char *tname)
void WriteTString(const TString &s) final
Write a TString.
void * SqlReadObjectDirect(void *obj, TClass **cl, Long64_t objid, TMemberStreamer *streamer=nullptr, Int_t streamer_index=0, const TClass *onFileClass=nullptr)
Read object data.
void WriteFloat(Float_t f) final
Writes Float_t value to buffer.
void WorkWithElement(TStreamerElement *elem, Int_t comp_type)
This function is a part of SetStreamerElementNumber method.
void WriteObjectClass(const void *actualObjStart, const TClass *actualClass, Bool_t cacheReuse) final
Write object to buffer. Only used from TBuffer.
TSQLObjectData * SqlObjectData(Long64_t objid, TSQLClassInfo *sqlinfo)
Creates TSQLObjectData for specified object id and specified class.
TSQLStructure * SqlWriteAny(const void *obj, const TClass *cl, Long64_t objid)
Convert object of any class to sql structures Return pointer on created TSQLStructure TSQLStructure o...
void WriteDouble(Double_t d) final
Writes Double_t value to buffer.
void ReadULong64(ULong64_t &l) final
Reads ULong64_t value from buffer.
void WriteUChar(UChar_t c) final
Writes UChar_t value to buffer.
void * SqlReadAny(Long64_t keyid, Long64_t objid, TClass **cl, void *obj=nullptr)
Recreate object from sql structure.
Version_t ReadVersion(UInt_t *start=nullptr, UInt_t *bcnt=nullptr, const TClass *cl=nullptr) final
Read version value from buffer actually version is normally defined by table name and kept in interme...
TObjArray * fObjectsInfos
! array of objects info for selected key
R__ALWAYS_INLINE void SqlReadArrayContent(T *arr, Int_t arrsize, Bool_t withsize)
Template method to read array content.
~TBufferSQL2() override
Destroy sql buffer.
void WriteLong64(Long64_t l) final
Writes Long64_t value to buffer.
void SqlReadBasic(Char_t &value)
Read current value from table and convert it to Char_t value.
Int_t fCompressLevel
! compress level used to minimize size of data in database
void ReadULong(ULong_t &l) final
Reads ULong_t value from buffer.
Base class for text-based streamers like TBufferJSON or TBufferXML Special actions list will use meth...
Buffer base class used for serializing objects.
TClass instances represent classes, structs and namespaces in the ROOT type system.
This class stores a (key,value) pair using an external hash.
TMap implements an associative array of (key,value) pairs using a THashTable for efficient retrieval ...
Contains information about tables specific to one class and version.
Access an SQL db via the TFile interface.
TSQLObjectData is used in TBufferSQL2 class in reading procedure.
This is hierarchical structure, which is created when data is written by TBufferSQL2.
Abstract Interface class describing Streamer information for one class.